20 lifhacks about beauty or do not throw old lipstick


That's what we really have enough - so it's journal councils. Simple such, life tips. Not about how to identify your colorboard or create a wardrobe capsule. And about how to make lines for lips from Vaseline, and pencil for eyebrows - from Gutalina. Our mothers truth did it. And we - union read all these horrors, finding the "female workers" in 85 in the mezzide.

Fortunately, the modern woman also has some lifehaki. Not so radical, of course, as in 85, but, nevertheless, very useful. You can safely keep them on a page - for subsequent generations.

We reanimate the dried mascara

If the mascara has become too thick, you can reanimate it with several drops of saline or "vision". Although a little sorry, of course, that in some "Dior" cannot spit as efficiently as in Leningrad. Missing - and it will not, not at all.

We restore the scattered powder

If the powder, shadow or blush crashed and crumbled, they can be restored. It is necessary to collect residues, chop them into powder, pour it back to the jar, add a few drops of alcohol, mix, wait two minutes and suggest the coin the resulting cleaner. Alcohol can be replaced with vodka, but in no case without cognac: and the result is unpredictable, and in general - blasphemy is, brandy to translate it!

I am clearly broken lipstick

The broken lipstick rod can be heated with a hairdryer and accurately attach back. Alarm! The heated lipstick has a consistency of the freshest snot, so it is not only sticky, but also slippery. Therefore, carefully!

Dissolve thickened varnish

If the varnish does not open, you can hold the bubble in hot water. And if he thicked up, do not spoil his acetone. From acetone varnish, of course, it will be more likely, but on the nails will look so so. The optimal option is to heat the bubble with a hairdryer and dyeing until the lacquer cooled. An even more optimal option is to buy a new varnish.

So as not to break the eye pencil

If the eye pencil breaks all the time, put it in the freezer. And if this advice has already been known for you, then take all those pencils from there, which somewhere inexplicably disappeared. They are exactly there.

Hold the smell of perfumes on longer

If you splash the perfume on wet hair, then the smell will stay longer. And if the hair then dry the hairdryer, then this smell you will wave for ever and ever. So first dried, and then, on the almost degraded splashes. But not the opposite!

Shake legs

Instead of gel or shaving foam, you can use hair balm. With him a razor even better slides. At the same time, you can make sure that balsams promising enhanced hair growth - Fuffer and the deception of the consumer.

Sweet nail polish faster

To lacquer on the nails dry faster, you can lower your fingers into the cold water. Or climb the nails with a hairdryer, but only a cold jet. The main thing is to manage to do it all without having a fresh lacquer about the crane or wire. That's how lucky.

The second life of the unclear shampoo

Shampoo that you did not fit, you can wash your brushes and sponge. As well as toilet enshik, garbage bucket and dog paws. Because, honestly, you never spend the whole battery of "unlikely bottles" on some tassels there.

Wavy hair quickly

The most unfortunate way to get wavy hair is to braid three pigtails overnight, and tips to fill under gum. This is if you have to visit the party "Back to the nineties." Then all flashed with a teaching "corrugation" with wounded tips. And if you want soft curls - take a bunch on the top of the top. On the top of the top, and not on the back of the head, otherwise you have to sleep, just as Geisha slept - putting a special floor from expensive wood under the neck. You probably, and there is no birch.

We wash nail polish ... nail polish

If there is nothing to erase the nail polish, it can be wiped with a lacquer. Considerate from above and immediately wash everything together. Attention! The method requires a solid hand growing from the shoulder.

Brushes for eyebrows do it yourself

From the old tassel from the carca you can make an excellent brush to give shaped with eyebrows. And the eyebrow pencil can be replaced by brown shadows of a suitable shade. Beautiful thing - eyebrows. All squeeze.

Hair eyebrows eyebrow gel

By the way, hair lacquer can be used instead of an eyebrow gel. We ask for forgiveness, but we still write something else (well, after all, McDonalds writes on the patties "Caution, hot!"). So here. Do not splash your eyes! Splashes on the old brush from the carcass from the previous point.

If the varnish does not picker

If the hair lacquer does not swipe, although there is clearly something else in the bottle, hold the atomizer under the jet of water, and then clean the hole with the tongue with the tongue. Atomizer, Lord, come up with the same. In short, the progress of the pipple, from which sprinkles.

How To Wear Shoes on Bosu Foot

Shoes are still fashionable to wear on bare feet. But perfect shoes, as you know, are rare. And in non-ideal rubbing corns, because the leg is buried there and here. To avoid this, lining the foot deodorant. And if you are at the cottage and slide inside the collapsed galosh - dig potatoes, cut and liquefy my legs. You can do this and do this, of course. But somehow economically unprofitable. Where to give it then, that potatoes? Cat does not eat, no.

How to open the bank without damaging the manicure

To open a can of beer and damage the manicure, use the plastic card. In addition, it is possible that Edak is not enough to climb the perfoch. If the beer is "Crushovice", and the card is a discount of a perfume store, then this is postmodernism. And if the beer is "Zhigulevskoe", and the card is a platinum banknote, then it's straight decades.

How to dilute a tonal cream

If the texture of the tone cream is too dense and heavy, wipe it with any moisturizing cream. And if the color of the tonalnik is too pale, you can add bronzant into it. But only liquid. Sukhoi is too cunning - then the cream will definitely fall a lump, which will turn you into Chingachguk on the path of war.

Cleat silver Coca-Cola

The darkened silver ring can be cleaned by Coca-Cola. Cola is generally an indispensable product, it must be in the house necessarily. In case the kettle was covered with a scale or toilet - a raid. Or if you have a wine after 23:00 after 23:00. Because who drinks Viskar chi-chi-wines after wine?

Quickly wearing a mirror in the bathroom

The mirror in the soul fishes exactly when it urgently needs to look at it and give up. Because all those who walked to work are splashing under boiling water. Whether it is flawed with the lack of sleep, whether it is an act of self-catering. Do not pour, but just dry the mirror with a hairdryer and look at him on health. The most important lifehak If you brought the beauty to drink culturally with girlfriends, and then I discovered yourself in your own bed, in tears, with a bottle of wine in one hand and with the phone to another - do not despair. Urgently transfer your phone to the airrest. SMS message cannot leave during your flight. And your ex not read it.

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