15 best things you can do for your son


Rise a boy - it's fascinating and extremely, fun and dangerous, scary and funny. In general, this process is always creative and definitely mischievous. And keep well in the head "note about our boy", which will awaken some trails on this steep route!

To be friends with him

Yes, the sidiacs have their own comrades - and there will be a bunch of: from the faithful Rex and Dimka from the second entrance - to a silver conductor and a palych from the IT-Division. But a parent, with whom you can discuss the problem in humans, having fun over joke and to build Vigvam is the most useful friend in the world.

Be available but at some distance

There is a thin face and a fragile balance. On the one hand, for the boy painfully the feeling that he is all over the drum, and adults do not always know how to dispel it. On the other hand, we risks to join the area of ​​the famous joke about "Misha, home!" - "I'm frozen, mom?" - "No, you want to eat!"


Well, it will not be silent to meditate in the corner, not silent. And if it is, it is rather reason to strain on the subject, whether everything with the child is in order. The peaceful direction is our all in the children's and energy issue. Game in Robin Hood, Football, Aikido. It makes no sense to drive into certain sections: let him try and finds the one where it will be rushed.

Give food imagination and will be wrapped by handles

What kind of children of child injuries brought a indestructible desire to disassemble, board, bubble, to lie down, move ... But how many affordable and safe experiments can be held with a young chemist-inventor-in-cosmos-lapse!

Do not drive it in yourself

"The boys do not cry", "You are a man", "as a future defender." And then: ah, ah, men live less women. Well, yes, because "True Macho" stress only to smoke and drink. Neither the words in humans should be praying, nor tears to give out - for the taboo driven down from the diaper ... It's more honest then to immediately say: "True men's business is a heart attack, son."

Give him the opportunity to fill his bumps

"Ay-Yai, Wawa will be" - it is impaired translated bean cultures. In the sense, peas on the wall. Something has to go on your experience, in your skin - only then driving. There will be broken knees. There will be a bruise for calling. It will be a briefcase for the painter for unsuccessful courtship. On all life paths, straws will not free.

Explain the rules

Male logic is the most logic logic in the world, no? So the meaning then to bombard the peasant spells "so necessary", "you will not understand", "it was possible yesterday, but now - no"? They, of course, and the virgin brain can break - incomprehensible and inconsistent bans. But the brain holder of male logic suffers stronger.

Do not cut down

Show or tell the guy that for this he is too small and stupid and nothing will happen to him - this is such a blow below the belt, the consequences of which will have to be treated for a very long time. And self-esteem Who will put a person on a normal place above sea level? Psychoanalyst for money car?


No murderous formula than "not your business." No one talks about fulfilling all the desires: we are not gold fish, and he is not an old man. But in a situation where there is an opportunity not to put before the fact, but to give some choice - the choice should be. Yes, and in the "adult" affairs useful collegial solutions and the question: "And what do you think, how is it better to do it?"

To praise

According to statistics, boys get two times less approving comments of adults and four times more punishments. Such is a gender inequality.

Give enough space

Purely in the physical sense, the boys requires a slightly more space than the girl of the same weight category. Laying it is stood like a young horse in a closest stall. Even if slowly begins to transfer all his impulses into gadgets. Hey, everything in the garden! In the sense, at the weekend - in the forest.

Give a male example

It is possible to clarify that it is bad to deceive, or smoke, or swear. But from observations of practitioners, all this adults the effectiveness of beliefs somehow comes off. And "My dad can so!" - The best motivator. If the son brings up mom, nothing terrible - the boy probably has elder comrades in the face of her friend, or uncle, or grandfather, or teachers, or coach. Comrades who want to imitate in something a little bit.

Do not embarrass

Yes, the boy also needs caress, hugs and any tenderness of calf. But when at some point he wants to reduce the dose of Mimi and does not want to demonstrate them in public - it is not necessary to rape a person. He is his own boy, too, and not take this fact dangerous for health. Soulful. Both of you.

Understand his world

You may not be at all interesting to you, how to demolish the gun with four rockets, why did the Sword of the omen, and at what place the fashionable video unit managed to shove himself the canister with paint. Yes, you and if you wish, you will not learn to freely navigate where it feels like a fish in the water. But showing interest and remembering at least key moments, you can easily visit if not a personal planet of the child, then at least in the next. And not to remain in the most distant galaxy.

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