9 types of female tears. And answer what to do with them - in gifs


What do we know about women's tears? All and at the same time nothing. More ancient tried to figure it out, but then invented the wheel and somehow distracted. And between those thousand men, seeing another tears, flowing down the cheek, wondered - "And what to do now?"

Therefore, here is the typology of female tears, and at the same way and ways of dealing with them.

"Film and Miminohnyh", they are "pity".

9 types of female tears. And answer what to do with them - in gifs 36298_1
The most innocuous, arise when watching meloders, films about animals, children, yes that it is broken there - even when watching sunset, dawn, reflection the sun in a puddle and then in the same way. Everything that needs to be done in this case is stupidly smile (not to be confused with indulgence) and sentenced - "Well, what are you." Repeat several times, and to speed up the object output process from the state of tearlessness to switch attention to something rigid - for example, at home2!

"My life is a tin, oh, it's a swamp"

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It arises when comparing with its "worthless" life with the surrounding - the highest risk of this type of type, if a friend / neighbor / colleagues appear something new - fur coat, for example. It begins with light melancholy and silent look in the distance, the catalyst of tears is the question "What are you so sad?". If you think that without asking such a question, you change the situation - do not share it! Any sound on your part will be a catalyst, so write down the neutralization methods. The easiest thing is to buy the same thing, but it is only if you are oligarch. There is a way cheaper - called "effect but". For example, "but her legs are fat." Ideally, the object through sobbing should answer you - "You also noticed?". This means you are on the right track! The most correct now is to open wine and listen to the continuation of the story, periodically crying "how okay?".

"Oh, everything!"

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It occurs once and is an instrument of dispute against the opponent. As a rule, the events are developing so - you are about something about something and now you are close to victory, because your iron arguments are true on your side and you have a happy day in the horoscope. But here Bach are tears, and not hysterical, but such quiet, with eyes like a cat from Shrek (so that you know exactly what a heartless and cruel person you are). There are few options - either recognize your right thing wrong, or to do as an honest person - to propose to continue the discussion in Paris or the sea. In general, it is possible to get rid of a light fright, restaurant and flowers, although "oh, all" are different!

"No one loves me."

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It can be mistaken to assume that such tears arise when no one loves a person, but quite the opposite! The goal is to remind others "Who is the most favorite girl here?" This type goes from childhood and neutralizes the same - "I love you to the sky, no further."

"Birch tears"

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It is usually found aged 3 to 5 years, but it happens as much later. Remember how children happens - he has already accepted a suffer position, he squeezed his first tear, opened his mouth sewing, so that it was too audible, as he suffers, but seeing your decisive and uncompromising look, assessed his chances and risks to stay without sweet, I thought "well and figs with him" and how unprecedented did not beat to check whether the dogs eating chupa-chups eat! Here the same thing is if you caught theatrical preparations at the very beginning, you can buy a look and a question - "That is, you don't want to go to the restaurant?"

Tears "Nothing"

9 types of female tears. And answer what to do with them - in gifs 36298_6
Determine this type is very simple. To the question "What are you?" You get a concise and uncompromising answer - "Nothing!". Well, now let's remember that you have done. As psychologists say, the cause of neurosis should be sought in the unconscious! And in your! Maybe you unconsciously forgot some important date, for example, when your views first met, or they mentioned in a conversation that Monica Bellucci was very different. To learn exactly, you can ask the leading questions - for example, "honey, and where is sugar?". If the answer is "I do not remember" - it means that the first option, if "the Monica white ask" is the second. See how simple! Further act as for tears №4, while demonstrating sincere repentance.

"Tea Sab-Ziro"

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The most terrible type. Did anyone see how sab-ziro crying? That's right - no, because you will not want to see such and the enemy. There are women who, as a rule, do not cry and bring them to the tears of the task not from the lungs! But you coped! Congratulations, and now run! Record - "How Can I Get To Favela?" It is necessary to ask a person with a cigar on the border between Colombia and Brazil. It is said that in Brazilian Faverch, many criminals are hidden from punishment, which means you there! It is not possible to sit down like dissidents, in Paris will not work - still suddenly cross on the Elyseys, do you need it?


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Just never include this movie to her, and if they were silent - switch the channels with all my might (we do not teach you). Well, if you did not please - everything, just tolerate! Before tears "Hachiko" Science is powerless!


9 types of female tears. And answer what to do with them - in gifs 36298_9
And it happens that I just want to cry. Well just because! And you don't need to ask anything, you just need to hug a silently, pour tea (or what to stronger) and look at the same point, after an hour it will pass.

Text author: Julia Udovenko

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