10 rules for male procrastination: how to make a look and do nothing


The favorite spouse, of course, does what they ask for, but ... there is one big "but". And not even one.

There are purely men's classes in the world. For example, forging, welding, contemplation of the World Cup and Art Flawing under the hood. But best of all the uncle mastered the art of delaying any business. This skill will be honored with men so well that it is time to arrange international competitions. Women all over the world bearing beer and nuts and will hurt loudly. Moreover, we have already prepared the rules - you can even include tomorrow in the official program of the Olympic Games!

Rule 1. Agree!

If the wife asks to nourish the shelf, never refuse. Why look lazy and offender, if you can guarantee a bunny and a cat? Just answer all the requests of the magnifier nod and concisely significant: "I will do." In order to immediately soften the heart: the man said - a man probably someday! And the sponges immediately stretched to the courageous bristle, and the handles to the pan. Nice, damn it! And absolutely does not require effort. Let her love you with ears all stronger and stronger.

Rule 2. Do not go to the deadlines!

Remember the multiplication table: as soon as it is splitting you on any voicing of the deadlines, you got. The worst word is "tomorrow." Because "tomorrow" is such a bastard that comes too quickly (almost today) and too specifically. And more vague "after a couple of weeks" will not help either. Even a graduate of Fizmat is not easy to explain to a primitive woman that everything in the world relative to, and "couple of weeks" the concept of tensile to such an extent that half a year may well come under this definition. "Soon" is already better: this phenomenon can last for years. But even better to clarify "when?" Silent and ukrusive look into the eyes depicting a mixture of philosophic and suffering. Let it be ashamed and has nothing to complain about.

Rule 3. Translate Arrow

Who did not call, I did not call? And yesterday a cup crashed yesterday! And how is the person who is able to paint alternate twenty minutes, can remind her neighbor that the Christmas tree was rooted? !! A man makes 50% of what promised. Woman makes 99% of what promised not to do!

Rule 4. Quality sincerely insult

Very important moment: any reminder about the promised unequivocally is the hit. If nervous notes are felt in the voice of his wife, it is best: you, the most polished person in the world, deal with an expanded scandalist. If reminders are calm, also do not give up so simple: this means that you are "saw". And if they are ambush! - Even rare, just wait - and thereby make them more frequent. Sooner or later sweet - voila! - turns into an aggressor and a bore, with which there is nothing to talk about, except to listen to her requirements and hysteries!

Rule 5. Together with all my might

Well, I could not today, I could not. After all that he made you the head of the department, generally I need to say thank you that you still remember what your name is. Yesterday? For the same reason. And he twice the day before yesterday, yes. And since then, all the forces of the fooling organism are thrown to maintain a respiratory function. Keep the shelf? Yes, God forbid!

Rule 6. Still

By the way, a good formula instead of "I will do": "I will try." Even if the horse in the planned places did not roll in any hoof, let the first one who says you did not try to go to you! Nobody notices internal efforts, of course. Around you an icy desert indifference.

Rule 7. Touch the logic

Non-affected always have a thousand and one reason. First, it was impossible to make the boxes from the balcony, because it was too cold. And then suddenly Batz - and became too hot. Oh, cunning weather! We'll have to wait. Already on the fifth minute of detailed and highly intelligent explanations, a weak woman gets tired and surrendered. With a strong woman will have to be removed. But this is still burtrite much more than stupidly render and disassemble these damn boxes.

Rule 8. Osill the art of replacement

Two months promised to buy children in the water park? But after all: "Today I went to the store." Well, yes, really busy was, there is nothing to fly. Did not carry garbage? So after all, you hang the need to travel to the water park! You think about it, yes. In the sweat of the face.

Rule 9. Be Mile and Cheerful

The perfect answer to any question is a charming smile. Advanced procrastinator skillfully complement it with a joke, affectionately, gentle putty for the ass. To continue to desire a strange (shelf, crane, employment ...), it is necessary to truly have granite pebbles in the chest.

Rule 10. Do, but with big "but"

Ancient folk male wisdom reads: "When you are asked to do something, do not refuse. But do it so that you are no longer asked! " The room in which, after a long and long-term procrastination, a light bulb was finally screwed, should resemble the last day of Pompei as much as possible. Want? Get! Something else? Asked and crap! But how do you eat - do not complain ...

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