When the tummy does not go away after childbirth: they save from diastasis in 15 minutes a day


Diastasis is not a terrible diagnosis, but temporary inconvenience. The postpartum discrepancy of the abdominal muscles is frightened by new mammies hardly more than extra weight or hair loss. We collected all the information about what diastasis is and how to get rid of it.

A bit of theory

Diastolds are the discrepancy between muscle fibers. Most often about him speak in the context of the restoration of the body after delivery. The diastasis of the live abdominal muscles occurs from a part of women whose child was too large during pregnancy, pressed on the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, thereby "dischairing" her.


In most cases, this is only aesthetic problem: stomach in two or three weeks after childbirth remains great, and no diet and exercises help. True, some problems with the intestinal peristaltics are possible, as with all the problems with the muscles of the abdomen. With a stronger discrepancy (more than 10 cm), doctors are diagnosed with diastasses of 3 degrees, then the hazard of the formation of hernia and the omission of internal organs appears.

Test on diastasses

Lagged on the back and a bit of knee benches put hands on the stomach so that the fingertips are connected in the middle of 3-5 centimeters above the navel. Keeping the stomach relaxed, raising heads from the floor. If you feel that your fingers literally fall into the stomach, it is diastasis.

Feel like fragile

Now you are fragile. Firstly, the body has spent a lot of effort on pregnancy and childbirth, secondly diastasis sent your muscles on vacation. Try not to lift gravity weighing more than 5-6 kilograms (baby does not count!).

» The fact that is easier, be sure to raise the bent elbows, without straightening your hands.

» If you constantly live with the baby on your arms, then use the sling, and tighten the stomach into the bandage.

» Try to follow the posture and not sludge: the abdominal muscles should participate in maintaining the case.

» Sleep only on the side or back. If you lie on the stomach, intraperous pressure and tendons will increase again stretch



Sport is your chief assistant for the next month. Traditional twisting, push-ups and machines are categorically contraindicated here, so we have new exercises.


Stand on all fours, back straight, hands at the level of shoulders. In exhale, draw the belly and wagging back. In the breath - in its original position. Repeat 10-15 times.

Bridge on the shoulders


Lagged on the back, hands along the body, palm down. Feet bends in the knees, stop a little wider thighs. On the exhalation, raise the pelvis up, omit on the breath. Repeat 10-15 times.

Flexion of legs lying

Stay in the same position, legs extend. Alternately Sgbay and straighten the legs so that the stops slide on the floor. Repeat 10-15 times for each leg.

Twisting "Light"


Stay lying on the floor, the legs are bent in the knees, palm down, the loin is pressed to the floor. On the exhale raising head, shoulders and hands. Ladies in this position for 5 seconds, in the breath come back to the original. Repeat 10-15 times.



Take a towel and blind with him to the floor. Feet bent in her knees, Towel to stretch under the waist. Take it in the ends and scrape your hands in front of you, slightly bent in the elbows. On the exhalation, raise your head and shoulders, at the same time heavily squeezing the waist towel. In the breath go down. Repeat 10-15 times.

Try to do this 15-minute complex three or four times a week, do not lift gravity and after two or three months the abdominal muscles will fall into place.

Cook Press: Daria Ionina

Illustrations: shutterstock

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