15 very, very harsh truths about marriage



Did you think you are waiting for an endless honeymoon, sleep on a snack of pink petals and eternal counting of money from wedding converters? Haha, no matter how! Marriage is severe and brutally.

  • Somewhere between the posting of the ring and the design of the mortgage loan you will start writing with an open door. Do not stop conversations with Mil.
  • What should you be shy? You have already squeezed each other pimples on your back.
  • After the appearance of children, sleep becomes a convertible currency. It can be exchanged for physical labor and even sex.


  • At about the same time a family diary is formed, in which rides on fishing, monthly and sex are painted. Sex is "Jaga-Jag". Monthly - this "Aunt Rose comes." Fishing - Well, this is "fishing".
  • A good husband in the phone is always kept photo of the pads of pads, which the wife uses. He is never mistaken in choosing, if aunt Rose suddenly arrived before the outlined.
  • Married people can easily argue about whether they go to the right direction, at a speed of 150 km / h on the motorway. In general, it is not clear why the law allows it.


  • 90% of all family conflicts - quarrels about washing, money and discrepancies on the "Whose queue to drag the toilet".
  • Do you know what partnership is? This is when you pass to him through the toilet door with a roll of toilet paper.
  • Who do you love more - mom or dad? This question becomes the cause of eternal, though silent, competition.
  • You will not post his photo in Facebook, if it seems to you that he is somehow firing at this picture. This is true love.


  • If someone from you eat pizza means, the second sits on a strict celery diet.
  • The cause of 90% of divorces is too narrow blankets. Moreover, the narrow is considered even a blanket with a football stadium.
  • Married people understand why all the instructions for assembling cabinets from IKEA should also include consultations on family and marriage.
  • SMS sex is the last century. Now you are in the same way (and with a greater passion) discuss the dinner menu.
  • A lonely piece of cake in the refrigerator is not just a drying biscuit with cream. This is a trust test.

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