"Woman, it's not water!" Nasty with whom we collided in the hospital



February 16 in Orthodoxy - Anna Day Growing, an elderly woman who met Maria with a newborn Jesus and who said a lot of good things about her and a child.

Unfortunately, in our hospitals often around the words "a lot of good" it is necessary to put quotes. To seem to feel irony. A woman who gives birth or only gave birth to a child is usually very vulnerable and feels helpless in front of the system for which she does not do everything. At this point, many words that she have to hear about themselves, and the appeal with which she faces is.

We have collected real stories about what is very insulting to remember mothers.

Yourself somehow

We were wildly lucky that we had a giving birth girl in the ward. If it were not for her, we would not know what to do with the children ... On all the questions, a duty nurse answered: "Right now I will tell each! You are forty, and I'm alone. Will you go! "


Me from behind the cough put in the department of pathology of pregnant women, in the ward, where three women were already lying ... Each of which lost the child. Live babe was only with me! When it was brought to feed, three pairs of eyes burning, hated me from the grief mothers watched us, and it was just a nightmare. They had full breasts of milk and there were no children ... I have no words to describe the stress in the ward. It was hell and for them, and for me.

Some medical physical education


Bore through a cesarean section. Before discharge, the flourographer of the husband, which I provided even upon admission. We drove the postoperative on the third floor without elevator. It turned out that I needed this piece of paper in the room next to them and bring them personally.

Delivery to Troykova

At the discharge of children, nurses dress up, and my child was taken out, holding under the arm. The head was dull on weight. I ran with a scream to take away.

Woman, and we have a technique!

I was forcibly planted, despite the fact that I was generally breastfeeding, it was impossible to feed because of a multitude of breast operations. After Cesarean, immediately as translated from resuscitation, the pilgrimage of everyone began, from doctors to the senitor to remember my chest. I first resisted, and then just forces ended. As a result, I barely got up to the house, I got a blue chest, the pain, from which I did not want to live and terrible lactostasis. In the tablet from lactation in the maternity hospital, they refused: "do not invent", although five scars on the chest were visible to the naked eye. Then a few mammologists confirmed that it was impossible to feed me.

Why do you need to know something?

When I gave birth to a child, I was told that due to the departing of the water in a child, the infection and that it is transferred to neoatology in another part of the city. They planned the translation to the next day, because they were taken in the unheated vans such as Gazelles, and on that day there were no places - I gave birth in the evening. "Take you tomorrow. At night in a separate ving will be cold. " The next morning to show me a child, they answered that he was not ... what happened to me, it is difficult to describe. I decided that he died overnight from that infection. And it turned out that the child was taken away yesterday and just did not like me ...

The seam

In the chamber we are six, one is waiting for the second. Scary seam from the first cesarean. Talks: Caesarili on November 7, a few years ago, the doctor was drunk. She kept crookedly, was the fistin then. And when he did, he was on duty and looked at her. Asks her: "And who did you do so creepy seam?" Silent.

Fifty fifty


I was not very lucky with anesthesiologist. Birth began in the evening, the pressure was strongly jumped from pain. They offered epidural anesthesia, they said that the pressure would return to the norm, and I agreed. Sleepy anesthesiologist came, quickly stuck needle in his back and left. I don't know how he did it, but exactly half of the body was acknowledged. Left. On the right, it is up with painful convulsion. Then he was called again, and he again acknowledged only the left half of the body. And then ... I forgot to pull the needle out of me, it was already found when I was on a cattle in the corridor after giving birth. And when I asked myself when the needle is removed.

And I was made episiotomy and decided not to annexed, stitching the cut. They put a newborn son on the chest and said, they say, you will not yell in your ear. 30 minutes were stitched so, I didn't even disperse, so as not to scare the child.


I was brought with waters deposited at 33. In a reception, I was met by a nurse with the words: "What? Did not bother? "

And after giving births were to be called for the treatment of seam after episiotomy, but forgotten. At some point, I myself came up for processing and instructions, because I had to care for the seam of the house itself. "And where is I exactly seam?" I asked. The nurse replied: "And where do I know?" Well, that I did not answer in rhyme, I had such information and without it.

Woman what you understand

There was a threat of miscarriage, premature birth. Sooh was put on the cervix. I was lying on the preservation. At 32 weeks I have moved the water. I said and heard: "Woman, it's not water. This is thrush! " As if it is difficult to distinguish water and thrush! "Take the smear, on Monday there will be a result." Meanwhile, Saturday, on the neck of the seam, I myself do not face. I was put under the dropper - not easy to disclose, but to take a fight so that I would not give birth at this shift. The next for his head grabbed, urgently seam began to shoot. They put in a prenatal, and I specifically give birth to so much ... and I can't call anyone. Finally, asked that I was so and why my hair was not removed. They said that I was long before childbirth, but one midwife looked and saw that there was already the head of the child climbs. "Running on the table!" So, with a born head, I went on foot on the table. Then there were ten days on Ivl and a lot of things. Now at the daughter of cerebral palsy.



When I gave birth for the first time, in 2002, I was made with the fights from the thirteenth floor on foot to Rodzal descend. It was very scary.

Right enough here

Lying in pathology with the first child. The problem was - late gestosis of pregnant women. Pressure, protein in the urine, swelling. The head of the department (and at the same time the surgeon), the lady is a rather big set, every time, going to the ward, told me that with my thickness you can not eat anything (quotation), because my fats is a child and so for the eyes. This is despite the fact that for the whole pregnancy that the first thing that the second, I was gaining in the region of 7-8 kg.

And you ruled

When I gave birth in my son in 2008, everything went pretty well until I was lucky on the bed in the ward. The wheelchair turned out to be above the bed, I could not get to climb, and the Sudishka suddenly became loud, aggressively and fear me. Like, I am a clumsy and any such, mostly mat. I am heard. But so tired after childbirth, that when, finally, I coped with my own body crossing, just fell asleep.

Well, a girl!

Sorry for delicate details, we all have given a laxative after giving birth. At the same time. With one, sorry, toilet to the ward and the impossibility of landing somewhere else. To endure after childbirth, too, somehow not very.


Someone will say to these stories: And that, everyone gives birth. But when we prepared this article, for each of the shocking stories (and there were more of them, before you - only part) came ten enthusiastic stories or answers: "Sorry, but I can't help anything, doctors and staff were absolutely correct with me ".

So if something like the stories happened to you, it's not "everything is fine" and not "everything is so giving birth." It was bad, incorrect, evil and you have the right to resent, jerk, remember with the offense. Rudeness is not normal.

The article prepared Lilith Mazikina

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