10 cakes and pastries that do not require oven

Youth unearthly - and do not need to bake! In the summer, when the word "oven" approaches the concept of "Inquisition", this is especially important.

Strawberry cake

Ingredients: A small bundle of chocolate cookies, 300 g of strawberry, cream oil, 300 g of strawberry yogurt, 250-gram cottage cheese, 100 g of sugar, 300 ml of cream, pair of gelatin spoons, half a cup of milk. The process itself. In the form lay out the parchment and crumbled cookies there, we pour into it melted oil, mix well and stirred in the refrigerator. Milk heats slightly less than boiling, gelatin and it should be mixed before dissolving. Cottage cheese, yogurt and sugar are also brought to homogeneity - that is, we beat. Pour into milk and half an hour in the refrigerator. Cream whipping too, pour them into the cooled milk mixture, we throw a cut strawberry there - and all this is on the cookie. By morning, we get out of the refrigerator our masterpiece, decorate it with the halves of the tuber - and there is no customer rejoice in life.

Cheese cake

Ingredients: Biscuit cookie bundle, slightly larger cream oil, kilo cottage cheese, 200 g sugar, 300 ml cream, thickener bag, 3 tablespoons of lemon juice, crimson jam. The process itself. Cookies crumbling, pour into it melted oil, mix and lay out in the form - and in the refrigerator. As long as cottage cheese is rubbing with sugar and lemon juice. Cream whipped with thickener - and there. We post this tasty (trying not to eat on the way) on the cooled korzh - and quickly return to the refrigerator still on the watch. Then we water the jam - and we kill until 12 guests sank! In good, of course, the sense.

Lazy "Napoleon"

Ingredients: A pack of waffle cakes, sheltered sweet crackers, a bank of condensed milk, sheltered sour cream, a glass of sugar, a bag of vanilla sugar, half a cup of walnuts. Plus three tablespoons of cocoa powder, as much sugar and a piece of butter - for glaze. The process itself. Sour cream whipped with sugar, nuts are crushed into the crumb. Now we build a house: Korzh - condensed milk - cookies - sour cream cream - nuts - and then by the same scheme. Cocoa with sugar weaving with water, bring to a boil, then add butter - and we water this icing of the upper korgin. Now in the refrigerator for the night - and let everyone dream of tomorrow's unearthly pleasure!

Lazy "anthill"

Ingredients: Creamy oil polls, coated condensed milk, 200-gram pack of sand cookies, a few large monoslivine, a slice of dark chocolate. The process itself. Lacking oil mix with condensed milk and reunite in a blender. Blind cookies and sliced ​​prunes also attach to the union. Prettyly all mix and sculpt the anthill. We send for the night to the refrigerator, and in the morning we sprinkle with grated chocolate and arrange the most crazy (in the sense of insane joy!) Tea party.

Lazy sour cream

Ingredients: 700 g of sour cream, 300 g of crackers, a cup of any fruits (can be made of jam or from canning cans), chocolate, 200 g of sugar, 100 g of raisin, bag of dry jelly, 25 g gelatin, vanilla sugar sachet. The process itself. Jelly cook as written on the packaging. In the gelatin, we pour half a cup of cold water and leave for 15 minutes. Raisins pour hot water and also let it stand. Now the jelly dissolve in boiling water and stir well, and the gelatin, stirring, heating on the water bath until it is dissolving - and let both cool. In sour cream we throw both sugar and beat - after which, we pour warm gelatin and mix well. In it - broken cookies, grated chocolate (third) and raisins. And now in shape: a third of the mass - a layer of grated chocolate is another third of the mass - another layer of chocolate - the residue of the mass. While the fruit wash and cut into pieces, let it stand in the refrigerator. And how to cover the fruit and boil the cooled jelly - so there for the night. Bliss guaranteed!

Bananano nut cake

Ingredients: Package of gingerbread, 2 packages sour cream, a pair of bananas, a glass of walnuts, 100 g of powdered sugar, a little vanillina, jam. The process itself. Gingerbread cuts for 2-3 "washers", bananas cut the "pucks" of the fond. The nuts are frying the droplet and grind to the stage of small pieces. And lay out in the right form of layers: a layer of "bathe" in the sour cream of gingerbread - layer of bananas - layer of nuts. Slightly trambam and put on the fridge night. In the morning I wake up early in anticipation of a miracle ...

Marshmallow cake

Ingredients: Kilo Marshmallow, a pack of butter, a boiled condensed milk, a pair of cocoa spoons, a glass of brandy, a little nuts. The process itself. Lowned oil whipped with condensed milk. We divide in half and add cocoa and cognac in one half. Now, on a dish, a slightly lubricated with light cream, laying up a layer of marshmallows, alternating with creams of each color. We decorate nuts, cool in the refrigerator - and crumb-lick!

Cornfield cake

Ingredients: Putting the corn sticks, 200 g of Irisok, a pack of butter, hackoline, some coconut chips. The process itself. Butter with iristers melt, stirring - until uniformity. Most of the sticks lay out in a bowl and pour a hot mixture, while stirring and adding the remaining sticks. Now the wet hand is a slightly trambam, laid in the form, laid out by parchment - and in the refrigerator. When it freezes, we water melted chocolate, sprinkle and use it as intended. That is for pleasure!

Strawberry pie

Ingredients: 300 g of strawberries, 30 g gelatin, 150 g of sugar, 300 ml cream. The process itself. Gelatin is divorced in water, press and exterminate in a water bath. Several clubs are postponing, the rest are in a blender, half of the sugar to them and turn into a puree. The remaining sugar is whipped with cream. And half mix with a pink strip, and we leave half so. Now in every half boham at half gelatin. Two masses of different colors are obtained. In the molds of them two layers - and in the cold for the watch!

Chocolate cakes

Ingredients: Tile of dark chocolate, 2 yolks, 70 g of sugar, 200 ml of cream, straws of butter, 150 g of strawberry jam, a little mint. The process itself. The cutting board is covered with a film, gently pour the melted chocolate and cool for about 20 minutes. Then we cut the glass with a glass and put in the refrigerator even about the same. In the meantime, we prepare the cream: yolks are whipped with sugar, we pour cream, heated in a water bath. Then we cool up, add softened oil and beat it quite well. Now I plucked on every chocolate circle to the Jem, and around - squeeze the cream sausages. Top one more circle, then another cream with a jam, a twig of mint - and keep in the refrigerator until it is taken to the abortion of sweet tooth.

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