10 facts about the life of our ancestors, which today seem strange


10 facts about the life of our ancestors, which today seem strange 36282_1
Today, when you read this text on a computer screen or a mobile device, it is difficult to even imagine how people have lived in 100 - 200 years ago. Today, it is unlikely that someone could sleep on straw, wash clothes once a week and treated in a person without medical education. It is difficult to submit, then our world is very different from the one in which our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers lived. So, what was familiar to our ancestors, and it seems very unacceptable for us.

1. washing clothes manually

Anyone who has or was a family will say one thing about washing: it never ends. If everything is so bad in 2018, it is worth only to imagine what was washing at the beginning of the 20th century. Then people heated large pans with water over fire, and then wash all the clothes manually with the help of a washing board (this is at best) or they knocked her stone.

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Basically, most families arranged washed once a week, and only you can imagine how the "fragrant" people at the time, given that most people were engaged in physical work. The first electric washing machine, named Thor, was sold by Hurley Machine Company in Chicago in 1908. And since then, the era of washing clothes manually began to tear down to sunset.

2. Sleep at the straw mattress

Before the appearance of modern soft beds, people slept mainly on mattresses stuffed with straw. In former times, ordinary people stuck with a straw mattress, since the feathers were either hard to reach, or it was necessary to dial the right number of feathers.

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At the same time, the straw and grass were literally everywhere, and they could afford anyone. In addition to the fact that straw is broken, another problem has been discovered with it: bugs. These little malicious insects crawled out of straw beds at night and busted people who were so tired for the day that they did not even feel it.

3. adopted children without documents

During our great-grandmothers, adoption was not regulated by any laws. It was, rather, family or public, but no legal problem. Many young women were still digging in secret and gave children to relatives, family friends or children's homes, without filling any papers.

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Interestingly, in the US, this practice remained rather common in the communities of indigenous Americans and in the 1960s. Eighty-five percent of the children of indigenous Americans who were taken from their families from 1941 to 1967, grew up in families that are not related to indigenous peoples. To this day, some of them are not sure who their parents were.

4. became doctors without visiting school

In the XVIII century there were not so many options for obtaining an actual medical degree. In the West, it was possible to choose studies in Edinburgh, Leiden or London, but it could afford not everyone. As a result, most people became doctors using the apprenticeship system.

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The student spent two or three years with a practitioner in exchange for a fee and what he did all dirty work for his teacher. After that, he was allowed to do medicine independently. This, to put it mildly, does not quite resemble modern medical education.

5. Send children not to school, but to work

In 1900, 18 percent of all workers in the world were under the age of 16, and this number was increased in subsequent years.

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Usually parents refused to send their children to school (because it meant expenses), and instead sent them to work. The children were ideal workers in places such as mines or factory, where they were small enough to maneuver between the machines or in small rooms under the ground. Children did a lot of dangerous work, which often led to diseases or even death.

6. We drove on the road without speed limit

Although in 1901 in Connecticut adopted a law limiting the speed of motorized vehicles 19 kilometers per hour (12 mph) in the city and 24 kilometers per hour (15 mph) in rural areas, in the rest of the United States, drivers were still permitted Ride at any speed.

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The first universal rules of the road appeared in New York in 1903, but the speed restrictions did not affect everywhere (for example, until the end of the 1990s in Montana there was no limitation of speed during the daytime).

7. The teacher means lonely

At the turn of the XX century, married women were not allowed to be teachers at all, as well as women with children. Even if the woman became widow, she was not allowed to be a teacher to earn a living for himself and children. The profession of the teacher was discovered only for single women without children and taking into account the fact that most women married until 19 or 20 years old, most teachers were very young. In 1900, almost 75 percent of the teachers were women, and their only formation was what they themselves learned in school.

3 did not have concepts about teenagers

Today it may seem strange, but in the XIX century the words "Teen" did not exist. There were children, and were adults, and a person was considered either the other. Only after the invention of the car and the discovery of universities of people with age from 13 to 19 years old recognized as a separate group. Instead of marrying them aged 15-16, parents began to allow their children to "grow up" more and even care for each other. Nevertheless, courtship in the past happened only in the house with the obligatory presence of parents. Later, when cars appeared, adolescents became even more provided by themselves, and the courtroom turned into the fact that today is known as a date.

11. Alcohol under the ban

From 1919 to 1933 in the United States, if someone wanted to enjoy a favorite drink after a long and difficult day, he could not buy a bottle of wine in the store or go to the bar. In the States at this time was the so-called dry law. Alcohol was declared the government outside the law so that they are "not abused."

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However, in fact, such a prohibition has turned normal people in criminals, and criminals are in celebrities. The production and distribution of illegal alcohol has become a very profitable business for organized gangs, which led to their growth. The illegal use of alcohol was considered as something "funny and glamorous." It is not surprising that the dry law completely discredited himself and was finally canceled on December 5, 1933.

10. Swimmed by the whole family in one bath

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If someone is not lucky to live near the river, most likely, he had no water, and for all people in the family it was quite in order of things to wash in one bath, gaining water once. The handling procedure was in a certain order: usually the first head of the family washed, and after him, in turn, all the rest. Yes, everything is true, the youngest child washed in water, in which there were several people before him.

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