7 explicit signs that the man changes you


7 explicit signs that the man changes you 36280_1

About the polygamy of men and that they cannot store loyalty to one woman say many. A common myth, and maybe not a myth at all, makes women around the world carefully look at her man, in order to recognize treason on time and do not live in deception.

It is not so difficult to identify male infidelity, you need to show only some observation. It is more difficult to calculate a one-time trick "left", for example, treason on a business trip, and a permanent novel on the side is detected quickly. So, bright signs that your man changes

1. Mobile

It is simply unrealistic to stay in touch without a smartphone now, and this gadget helps to very quickly recognize the dishonesty of the partner. If for some time the man often began to come SMS with the "balance" at night, and in the evenings they regularly call "for work" and "urgent affairs", then it is necessary to look at the lover attentively.

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The classist begins to constantly hold the phone with him so that he even accidentally fell into the hands of a woman. During the conversation on the phone, he begins to leave away, to another room, in the bath, etc. But you should not immediately think about the bad and arrange disassembly - who knows, maybe a favorite wants to arrange you a pleasant surprise and leads a secret training ...

2. Appearance and behavior

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Many ladies paid attention to explicit changes in the behavior and appearance of their men, when they had another on the side or were only going to make infidelity. The new novel pushes a strong floor to care - they begin to shave more often, abundantly use perfume and look at the needle. In a word, they again turn into romeo lovers, hiking in the clouds - not to notice it is simply impossible.

And if all these orders are not about your honor, then it is worthwhile - who he wants to like it so much? Love gives him strength, and now he is no longer tired at work, calls no longer calling and in general, the world plays the colors of the rainbow.

3. It begins to spend less time at home

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New relationships imply joint campaigns on different institutions and other joint pastime - and these are considerable time. Suddenly, men will appear "business trips", "Meetings", "Meetings with friends", etc.

4. Numerous lies and different excuses

In each woman there is a kind of sensor, which quickly recognizes the men's lies only by one speech. Suspending something wrong, you can simply take some questions by taking readings and compare everything he said. If, during a relaxed conversation, a man will begin to stutter and be confused in the events, justify, and there is also nervous in some places - it means that he hides something.

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And here the main thing is to keep calm, showing him where there is discrepancies in words. At this stage, or he admits himself, or everything will become so obvious that it is possible to do without it. During the conversation, it will be useful to follow the language of his gestures and facial expressions - it can also become a prompt.

5. Change attitude to you

If there are no special reasons, then any changes in the relationship should alert. The classist begins to feel the feeling of guilt, which then he will try to rod. If suddenly he became unexpectedly gentle, super careful, began to give the gifts that did not do before, filled with compliments - it means that he tries to correct his provinity. As a rule, changes occur in intimate life, sex becomes more often and enchanting.

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But it only happens in cases if the betrayal was a single, and the man does not plan to make relationships on the side. If a full-fledged novel is spinning with far-reaching plans, the effect will most likely be reverse.

He will begin to reproach you, criticize, do different comments. Thus, he compares you on the subconscious level on the other and any inconsistencies criticizes.

6. Change of tastes

Men are more fixed in their nature in everything, including in their preferences. Therefore, if he suddenly began to do something differently, or his food addictions unexpectedly began to change, perhaps he began to get used to it somewhere.

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Similar changes may be observed in all spheres of life. For example, earlier in sex loved dominated, he preferred some poses, and now suddenly wanted to dominate and want to experiment with other poses. Previously, he constantly cut potatoes by cubes, and here it is not clear why straw.

If there are suspicions after such changes, it is better to ask about where he learned about everything. If he has something to hide, then this question will definitely put him in a dead end and further will be incoherent.

7. Not requiring confirmation

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If the signs listed above are only beacons that can really be a logical and innocent explanation, then there are a number of signs that explicitly indicate infidelity. They know everything and not to notice them is simply impossible - traces of lipstick on the shirt, the female fragrance of spirits, which comes from his beloved, long hair on his jacket, scratches on his back, etc. After such broadcasts, no explanation is required.

Finally, let's say - do not wind yourself and do not try in every act of your man to seek catch and infidelity.

Remember who is looking for, he will always find, and women are also inclined to exaggerate facts and events. Therefore, continue to love and be beloved, listen and listen to your intuition - she will tell everything.

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