How to go to the store with a little baby


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The overwhelming number of adults going shopping prefers to leave their chad at home so that they do not interfere with and not bought half-money. And this is one of the errors of upbringing, because kids from an early age need to teach how to properly compile a list of purchases and shopping.

From what age are joint campaigns

As for the age of children, the earlier the baby is learned to go shopping, the faster it will understand what kind of place it is and how it is right in it. Psychologists recommend organizing joint campaigns with kids already to age, when those begin to sit on their own, i.e. By 6-8 months.

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For shopping it is worth picking up the time when in the institution a little buyers so that there is no pussy, so it is better to go shopping with the baby better during the daytime. In such an atmosphere, the child will behave calmly, and the risks to picked up the infection in the crowd will be minimal.

Cheerful and entertaining purchases

Do not fold shopping in a basket Silently - talk with the baby, especially in the department of vegetables and fruits, where so much bright and colorful - you can combine a pleasant with useful - to learn the colors and product names. It is also fun you can walk on other rows. Passing by the products, you can show their child and speak their names.

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If the baby begins to reach everything bright and colorful - tell him the solid and decisive "no!". Because The child has no idea that it is under an attractive packaging, often simple mother's prohibition is enough.

Modern children get used to the abundance of a variety of products from an early age, so now in rare cases you can see the hysteria of small buyers who are asked to buy everything with a contract. Therefore, if your crocha is still small and a couple of years you want to walk with a child in stores, then teach it to go from the very first months.

Gradual maturation of the future buyer

As soon as the child starts to walk - it can already be gradually trusted to put the products in the basket, after pre-drawing a list. Discuss that you will cook, and then list what you need to buy.

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The older the child becomes, the more informative you need to make a campaign. Do not just put the products in the basket, but explain why you take them. It is also in parallel to say that, for example, butter can not cost 40 rubles, etc. Regular informative trips for 10 years will bring up a competent consumer from the baby - it will know which products in the family are bought and why.

Even when the child has already learned about all things and rose before that age when he can leave one at home, it is still better to take with me for purchases. Boys will accustom to help her mother with packages, and girls to know the fate of a loving hostess - it's better than sitting for hours. Nutright in front of the computer monitor.

But this is not necessary

It is worth refusing the habit of buying ready-made food in supermarkets - this is not the best example for the child. Such foods are often "rich" to preservatives and other chemicals that negatively affect health.

It is not necessary to teach a child to dine in Fudcorts. If a long-term shopping trip is planned - you should think over a snack in advance and take it with you. Let it be mashed potatoes in soft packs, chocolate bars, etc., most importantly, not to buy them spontaneously, but take in advance. This will avoid rapid purchases. But even if there was no privacy with them, it is better to prefer harmful hamburgers and fries, but at the same time harmless ice cream or fruit.

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