What to do if I learned about the wrongful husband


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Having learned about the infidelity of your beloved, women behave differently. Some unlikely roll the hysteries, others seek to hardly figure out the rival, the third and prefer to silence the problem at all, fearful to stay alone. In short, many ladies in the enormity of emotions choose the wrong line of behavior. In this article, we will tell you how it is impossible to lead ourselves, finding that love has a love on the side.

Great martyr

A fairly common variant of behavior. A woman knows that the husband changes, moreover, all the details of what is happening - who is a mistress, where meetings occur and since when it lasts it lasts, but at the same time it continues to be silent and pretend that nothing happens

Shipping it, the woman thus humiliates himself in the eyes of a man, and in his own too. Even if after the wrongness of her husband, the marriage will still be able to save, it will cost tremendous moral efforts and losses from a woman. It is impossible to silence in any way!

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Often women are scary that when disassembly and an ultimatum "Or I, or she", "a man will leave. However, according to statistics, if a man does not leave the family within 6 months after the start of sexual relations on the side, then the second option is chosen only 8 modes out of 100.

The strong floor fears the cardinal change, namely, this implies a departure from the family, where everything was built and got stuck. Confirmation will be all the same statistics - from those 8 of the left, 4 in the near future are returned back. Therefore, you should not be afraid of this.

Undoubtedly, if, suspecting the infidelity of the spouse, a woman begins to put pressure on him, arrange scandals and hysterics, then the man wants to escape, but not from a woman, but from eternal well.


Quite often, the information about the treason of her beloved from "goodwires" comes to women. And if this happened, you should not start immediately - think about how you do if the information is reliable? Build a few event scenarios in your head - try not to connect emotions. Are you ready to understand your man and forgive him? If the answer is positive, then the reaction to the denunciations and the gossip of gossip must be appropriate. In this case, you do not need to talk to a man about your fears, because the decision is made and what's the difference now, whether he had something with another woman or not. It is much easier to live with the idea that all these "well-wishers" are no more than envious, but there were no betrayals at all. Time heals - and it will be forgotten.

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If you forgive betrayal above your forces and save the family after betrayal, you do not intend to clarify the situation. No need to believe someone for the word, especially about such serious things - reliable information is needed here. It is likely that the colleague of your beloved was counted for his mistress, and maybe he just smelled with someone. No one is sinless, and women are also sometimes useful, but this is not a reason to tear a relationship. Do not cheat yourself - talk to your loved ones and continue to act on a thoughtful scenario.

Meeting with a third party

To overcome the desire to meet with a deliberate and make it difficult for the hair, but it is necessary to do it. There is absolutely no point in that. In addition, after that, with a high probability, it can be assumed that a man will go to another, because He will have a feeling of guilt in front of it. In this way, a strong floor is arranged - this feeling even gives them a cheerfulness.

If a loving wife lives at home, who every morning hesitates a husband to work with kisses, gentle words and hugs, then such a man will go to his mistress with a sense of guilt in front of his wife and family. Even an intimate life on the side will suffer because of this. And over time, such adventures will come to no.

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If a formidable woman is sitting at home, which is talking in an ordinary tone and says how much to be at home, and somewhere a gentle and affectionate woman, who will always understand, then his feeling of guilt will appear before his mistress. After all, she loves him so much and takes care of him. The generated feeling of guilt before the mistress always means the collapse of marriage.

Having stood his face with his mistress and scratching her face, thus in his eyes you will put it with a hero and a defenseless victim, and yourself with an abnormal hysterical. And what do you think who in this case will choose your favorite?

An eye for an eye

Such behavior resembles the expression: his ears on evil grandmother's eyes. In the overwhelming weight of cases, in attempts to take revenge on someone, people just do worse. The infidelity of your beloved person is always a tragedy, but in a female desire to go into all the grave and instruct the return horns, the talent is not thirst for sex, and the desire to prove to himself that she can still be loved that she is sexy and welcome. A short intrigue not only does not solve this problem, but may also aggravate her. As soon as the retribution was accomplished, the feeling of devastation will arise - the awareness will come that the husband does not love, and the lover just used. Female psychology is arranged in such a way that after fleeting intrigues rarely arises the idea that she used a man, much more often the opposite. Therefore, it is not an option to answer treason on treason.

Forgiveness should be deserved

Even if you initially decided to forgive the classist, you should not do it immediately. If you forgive him quickly - he will understand what is very important for you, that you value them, which means he can go dry, and you will also forgive. No, it is necessary to generate a sense of guilt in it, and for this you should play a small performance, only without hysterics and scandals.

You can smear in a vest to my mother, sister or girlfriend, and then with a sense of self-esteem, to offer him yourself to come up with something that he can do for your relationship. Whatever you say, the main thing is that he again began to seek you. To start all over again, you will agree and invite him to take care of you - led into restaurants, make gifts, sing serenades under the window, etc. If it is decided to start everything first, then everything really should start first - from the candidate and bought period. But it is important to understand all the responsibility of such a decision. If you forgave your favorite treason, never, in no way and under any circumstances do not remember his provinity, even under the guise of a joke. The decision is made - there is no return, forget the past, live in this and future.

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