10 of his ugly friends who you have to endure


Tell me who your friend is, - and I will tell you who you are; a friend in trouble will not quit, no longer asks; We do not have a hundred rubles, and I have a hundred friends and blah blah - about the importance and necessity of friendship tell us from early childhood all who are not too lazy.

We do not mind, but your boyfriend's friends will not necessarily become your friends. And there are ten ugly types, collected below, and it remains at all just tolerate, but what you will not do for love!

    Carlson who lives on the roof

A man in the heal of forces, which is able to bring chaos around himself on any single territory, including in your apartment. It is inadvertently to arrange a flood, split the table, knock on a couple of flower pots, accidentally hurt your favorite statuette of Ming dynasty - this is he knows how best. The list can be continued endlessly.

And he is constantly hungry! Did you hurt for three hours with the hectic hot from the Moroccan goose on the recipe of a rosulus grandmother? Forget, will be burned in two bills. Festive cake? Potatoes with mushrooms? Borers with pampushki? Everything will rapidly disappear in its voracious mouth - you do not have time to blink, as you can find your empty refrigerator.

    Eternal student

The type in the glood, which is 30 years old from its 30, is only interested in science, exclusively by science and nothing else, except for science. Baba, cars, sex, drugs and rock and rolls went around him such a distant side, which did not even appear on the horizon. Very loves about and without inserting their valuable scientific comments and entertaining observations to any conversation.

You just talked about how to better use a toothbrush in sex, and it's here as here, damn a sofa theoretics, with this "with the touch of the conjugation of Banaaali Erradia ...". Shave!



The young man is pale with the gaze burning. Constantly in the process of organizing a new business on the delivery of bathing caps not so distant, develops a mobile application for the search for honor and conscience in the morning after drunken or comes up with how to fly to Jupiter with the help of a lip harmonic and a pair of women's shoes.

It is noteworthy that all this madness does not bring him a penny, so he still lives with her mother, walks in a superman's T-shirt, which remained since the times of Fizroys in school and shoots money on beer from your family budget.


When communicating with him, he does not leave the feeling that he was a little late with birth - and it appears to be a couple of centuries ago, when the malicious patriarchy bloomed with a buoy. Pleeplet with frozen phrase sorts like "These women completely beat off", "silence, a woman, your day is March 8" and "I'm right, because I am a man!", And seriously considers the presence between the feet of the penis the highest achievement of evolution, which automatically allows He is negligious to treat all women from the position of the Lord of the world. But we know that he is just a loser.



He always has everything pathologically bad. EVERYTHING. The party was squeezed, in our government, some idiots, the girl was gone, the computer broke, the phone crashed, the chef zadolbal, we all miserable sandbanks in the millstones, a glass half is empty and in general urine.

To convince him that there is a good thing in the world too, - the task is impossible: the anecdote about "one ball broke, and the second lost" exactly about him. He revels his own unsuccessfulness, and he needs his friends to complain to life once again and renew.

    Rubaha guy

The very person, when communicating with which your faithful, sharply refuse the brain, the sense of humor and are reset any age-related changes, turning it into a giggling puberty teenager with a defocused look and a bottle of pivasa, a vindication leaving rigorous jokes.

For a couple, they secretly conquer the porn attacks, in turn measuring a member of the lineup, comparing the results, without tired of the online toys, and go in touch because of the imperfection of the world. Happiness that such flashbacks occur not so often.


He constantly compares you with a former girl of your boyfriend, with the one that was before you. He tells how cool she prepared, cleverly opened her beer with her eye or drove them to green devils. Or, on the contrary, it was an unearthly fairy with a dinds, which never sawed and was absolutely not against their joint campaign to the bath on December 31. Or disassembled in nuclear physics, jumped with a parachute and despised stupid maidens. In a word, it was better than you in every sense. You still tolerate him? And how - does Nimb rubs?



He doesn't like you and he does not even try to hide it: it's constantly unpleasantly joking, evil pours and tries to vulnery. If you answer him the same - it is terribly offended, protruding the lower lip and is proudly removed, offended in the best feelings, murming something like something "Crack, bitch, to the hands of Kiryukh, and which guy was what kind of guy!". After that, as a RECAPER-STAGE Discovery, she discusses you with everyone and composes such non-residents that any of them will be asleep from envy and makes him his checkered bag on the wheels.


At all parties, appears with different girls whose names you are not even trying to remember - they still do not delay longer than a month. Everything goes well smoothly until he decides to draw his bright look at you. Its nothing can confuse, whether you with his friend at least four times married to eight children, dog, fish and mortgage. His interest in you is similar to the Northern Lights and happens with a periodicity that does not give in any logic, although sometimes an excessive bottle of red or eighteenth Shots explain everything.


If you tolerate it, and Nimb still does not hurt, check if the wings also cut down. Seriously. Muddy people should not tolerate in any area of ​​their lives, and this is no exception. Until now, it is unknown, whether communication with the asshole is contagressable, but it is better not to risk. We all said.

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