Harmful fairy tales for boys


What is a harmful fairy tale? This is a story in which the hero receives not the result that he would achieve the same actions in life. A simple example of a harmful fairy tale "pour your mother's bow for nails into the saucepan, you put on the stove, turn on and sniff. It will be fun".

Most harmful fairy tales are needed so that the listeners will voluntarily give money, labor or health. Or all, and more. We have already talked about harmful fairy tales for girls, and here, at the request of readers, we continue about the boys fairy tales.

Fairy tale first, harmful conditional: cat in boots

Harmful fairy tales for boys 36273_1

There was a very poor boyfriend. And then he says one acquaintance - I give me boots. No, you know, undressing devils in general and climb into the river. Clear, climb. The guy climbs and what? He is given a new suit, meadow, fields and pastures, as well as a castle and princess.

Why the harm is small: after all, the Marquis Karabas is not the main character of the story, and the main hero is not due to the main character in this story.

Fairy tale Two, little worse: Snow White and seven Dwarfs, Cinderella, etc.

Guy, you are a prince. Hold your head smoothly, so that the crown fell, and choose, they all just crave your attention. And if you meet the maiden who for some reason does not react to you (and in general, she has seven men's men), Keeje. The result is amazes!

Why not everything is so bad: the boys older than 5 years rarely pay a lot of attention to this type of fairy tales, and with an average five-year period, everything is true.

Fairy Tale Third, even more harmful: Jack and bean stem


Suddenly, directly from your house has access to a very rich place where boys eat. Not so much suddenly - you for this access, actually gave the cow. It is necessary to get there and tick everything that lies badly. Return again and again, while there is something to tap. To spoil the line of access only when there are already big units for you and for a habar. No need to worry - you have time!

Why a fairy tale is still not the most harmful: honestly warns that in fact the boys eat there.

Fairy Tale Four, really harmful: Star Wars


If you do not have micirdihyloanov, sit and silence. Is that the princess marries you. For this, the princess must be troll. Or look for where to injected myidihylorans. Here one green around the corner sells sometimes.

Terribly important problems of those who are not as everyone - in principle, from 13 to 15 years old and nothing. There is also an eternally covering evil dad, and all that. But at any other age, it is a very sad model of behavior.

Fairy Tale Fifth, very bad: Just duckling


Look, the guy, if something is wrong with you and all these vague geuses and turkeys do not understand you, it is necessary 1. to fall in the bushes and 2. To be hidden. You will find you yourself. Acne and stuff will also come to themselves. Sydi, sit quietly. Do not learn anything. As a last resort, rush to some beautiful strangers with a cry "Kill me!" And there will be happiness.

You are ridiculous, and you really rush. I can stay with the drill.

Fairy tale Six, it is not more harmful: fantasy about falls


No, of course, not fiction. And even, in the proppation understanding, not a fairy tale. And so, hot dreams. "I'm getting into the past, and I know everything there and I know everything, oh, heal!" A strongly simplified version of the "Shchuye Treatment" or "Aladdin" - in real fairy tales, the guys have enough sensitivity to stop miracles after some point. Not that some Konyushevsky, the hero of which, through the Poltom, already Stalin the advice gives, and the preoccupus only nods and manage to write.

In the middle consumer of this genre, there is not enough fantasy to feed itself to the air locks (as it, for example, Mr. Manilov was successful). And if it were not for the abundance of fairy tales about lucky fallower, these boys would have a chance to do something themselves.

Tale Seventh, Champion: Sacred Books


"Lies are permissible only in three cases: between husband and wife, to achieve each other's satisfaction; during the war; And false with the aim of reconcile people. "

"And (also) you are forbidden to married out of women, unless they selected your Dands [if only they did not become your slave]."

Or here is still a nice place:

"twenty. And they betrayed the spell all that in the city, and husbands and wives, and young and old, and ox, and sheep, and donkeys, all destroyed the sword. 21. And the two young men who visited the land, Joshin said: go to the house of Oyoy Bludnitsa and output her and all that she has, since you swore to her. 22. And the young men who visited the city, in the house of the woman and brought Rahav and her father and her mother, and her brothers, and all that she had, and all their relatives brought it out, and put them out of Israel's mill. 23. And the city and everything that in it burned fire. "

No comments, as they say.

On the announcement: Frame from the Disney cartoon "Ugly Duckling"

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