The most important people when divorced - about 10 pieces



When the divorce, everything is bad and I-no-no-I can-be-skill, balancing on the edge of the abyss and do not fall down the special useful people help us. Take yourself in advance, and then you never know what.


In such a situation, any mom is useful. A good mom will take on the handles and strokes. And it will become lighter. The bad mother will be tagged: "I said," and it will be possible to throw off the accumulated irritation (which it became difficult to throw off her husband, because he moved). And it will also be easier. Moms are important, take care of moms.

Good friend

A good girlfriend is such a nasty creation that will drag you shopping, writes in fitness and, most importantly, will follow you to go there. Its activity is wildly annoying, but somehow it turns out that you drop twenty kilos, you paint your hair in a beautiful, and life, it turns out, is full of interesting events.

Bad girlfriend


A bad girlfriend is a milestone creature that will bring you a brandy, paying off you all night and will lead you a stupid questionnaire on a dating site. And - yes - will follow you to go there. There is little constructive in this, but the tactical goal "let me go for half of two hours" will be achieved successfully.


A specially trained person who will help you very much. Spend one hundred dollars per hour. As a result, you will be terribly angry, you will decide that they will perfectly handle without financial investments in Psychososhennikov, and it will work. You will handle perfectly. For no green longing will be in mortal battle with brown toas.

Taxi driver

This is an unfortunate person forced to carry you from point A to point B. and, if suddenly traffic jams, you greatly save on psycho-centions. Because with the same success of his unenviable fate, you can tell this cute uncle, which for some reason unlikely creaks his teeth. But we will be generous and forgive him this tiny flaw, because he listens so carefully!



Colleagues are even cooler than a taxi driver. Because they, unlike a taxi driver, cannot land you on the wasteland and give on gases. Colleagues are forced to sit out full-time and learn about your marriage every five hundred more than they wanted, from Monday to Friday. In addition, among the colleagues, the rugged sales manager may be, which will be uncertainly touched: "Well, I want him to the face of Naewo," visibly raising you self-esteem.


Children are absolutely useless if you are a good mother, and absolutely indispensable if you are a bad mother. In the latter case, children can be angry with children, it is possible to appeal to them, and they can be challenged. For the sake of such an action, definitely, it was worth to suffer in childbirth.



The lawyer in our northern Palestops is not a particularly useful creature, but simmally emphasizes the status. In disputes with an almost ex-husband, an argument, starting with the words: "My lawyer believes that ...", weighs, approximately a ton.

Best friend

The best friend is beautiful, but the main thing is the man. So, you can consult a topic for hours with hours: "And what will happen if I ..." and "and you would do it, if suddenly ...". In addition, with a better friend, it is easy to conclude a contract: "And come on, if we do not meet anyone before fifty, they get married." It will be such an insurance from lonely old age, it has become necessary to jump from the bridge right today.

Some man

Some man is a great man. With him you can sleep and feel like a woman. You can walk with him until the morning, glorify the work and feel like a woman. He can fit the whole brain nafig and feel like a woman. Sorry, some man, but without you it would be very difficult for us to divorce.

The tenth item, in theory, had to go former husband. But it is not included in the category of people necessary when divorced. Because he is no man, but, it is clear, the goat.

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