How zodiac signs are married


Our editorial magic ball is a patriarchal essence. He sincerely believes that love in the spring is, of course, good, but it is better to first in the registry office. And even made a manual for girls - what to wait. Naive, naive you are our esoteric sprat.



Capricorn women are reluctant. Rather, they marry willingly, but only if the future spouse has two mutually exclusive qualities, namely: 1) once every five minutes clarifies whether the chosen one is hungry and he put on a hat; 2) does not ask extra questions, for the head of the family knows himself when the cap is worn. Since such girls live almost left, Capricorns can live for years, Morochem has their own civilian wife, that socks need to be folded so that the heel looks on the left side of the lingerie.



Drive to the registry office of Aquarius may exclusively, even more crazy than Aquarius himself. And to be an even more rolled the creature than the Aquarius, the task is nontrivial. Accordingly, the only chance for mentally balanced women is to pump acting to the level of "God" and feed all his life with loved by cute surprises, like "I sit on the roof, the night suffocates, and I help her breathe." Any other caused a psychiatric "ambulance", but Aquarius flows into awe and buys a ring.



Men fish in the registry office live. They love to marry, especially since sure - this time is exactly for life. Four ex-wives at the same time say "Bugaga" synchronously. In general, the fish should not be dragged into the registry office - they are able to make a proposal in the first week of dating. It is much more difficult to calculate the coefficient of naphgsiness of this molding. It can be zero, but the male fish can persuade. And when you first get acquainted greatly look at the most prince. But if this particular fish was married less than two times, then you can risk. Suddenly the prince is right.



To marry the Aries is quite simple. If you know the magic spell: "Cute, I won't change you, and you change me how much you want, they don't soar these little things." And Aries immediately understands that he met his ideal. In principle, many other signs would not have abandoned this generous proposal, but they initially shy and say: "No, no, love, you cho". And Aries will not be shy. He is not like that.



You're a virgin? Not? Well, you, lady, so infratsenko, now I have a taxi call you ... well, okay, not quite so. But, ideally, a virgin. And the pies are able to. And sing songs when the dishes washes. In general, at first glance, the Taurus is not worth marrying for him. But practice shows that, marrying, the carts buy dishwashers, and there it is already not difficult, damn with him.



Gemini most of all in the world do not bring boredom. Accordingly, you need to dance from it. To begin with, throwing the position of boring secured by the Phonde and we go to skaydayving and beading courses. As soon as learn to weave the bacon during the flight - the twin is yours. But it is only worth divering it for some existential stamp, like scattered socks, the twin is not yours again. So the only way to the register is not looking for a balance between parachute and socks, and the vector shift away from socks.



The best way to drag into the Cancer registry office is to kidnap all his family and send the tiny bloody phalanges of their fingers once a week, until the desperate cancer does not understand that there is simply no other way out. Another way is to wait twenty-thirty years until it constitutes and, again, will come to the conclusion that he does not have another way out. But the phalanxies are definitely more fun.



To marry a lion at the same time and very simple, and absolutely impossible. In order to marry a lion need to shut up. A simple, kind of action, but you are a girl, you can. And the lion must be sitting quietly and flew exclusively by the team. And to be beautiful. This is a prerequisite. Sit so beautiful in the corner is smart and admired. Who coped - he received Jack Pope. And complex of inferiority.



Music-Virgin is considered top husbands from twelve possible options. But, God, how will he get to you on the way ... The boreshit - it really is useful for a family focus, without a bore with the device, you will not disperse, I'm already silent about changing the drivers. But even with the same overall, he may test for years - you deserve it or seemed? Years and daily. So you have to smile, and do not scandal, and the vacuum cleaner, and even the legs shave. Everyday.



But scales bunny. With the weights simply - if you come to him, he will not be tormented. Scales are generally quite bold creatures and some regiprants are not afraid at all. No, definitely, scales - Sibarites and Gourmets and the requirements for the future wife are exhibiting a little higher than Burj Khalifa, but if he does not ask you to go to the other side of the street, when he accidentally meets acquaintances, then you are already quenching.



With scorpion, you will have to go through the standard marriage ritual "and I don't want to marry." Scorpio, at the same time, will be suspiciously peeled into your face - is it enough indifferent? Reasonably suspecting that it is Western. Scorpions love to live on a complete coil, and married people the coil slightly slightly. Therefore, scorpion marries only if one hundred percent is sure that this is his own decision.

Of course, yours, baby, and I do not want to marry.



Sagittarius believe that the body is the temple of the soul, so the discharge body must be in order. What kind of order prefers the Sagittarius, usually drawn in glossy magazines. Started fashion on full? So you can not lose weight. However, the appearance is ... Well, not the tenth. But the second. Hit sales "Drong for Sagittarius" - it's never calling him with the text: "Why didn't you call back?". If the Sagittarius feels free, he is happy and ready for matriconal feats. And the fact that this is a matrix, but in fact it lies, clogged with tubes, in a capsule with a pink phosphorescent liquid - so we will not say anyone.

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