Olga Gromyko: I dreamed of becoming a veterinarian, but I had to the writer



The beginning of 2016 was marked by many events, and among them - the release of the new book of the popular writer Olga Gromyko "Kosmuthekhnolukhi". The book continues the adventure cycle of the team of cosmic adventure, each of which is a walking fanviss for readers. Except, except that, polyna zoologist, in which many are suspected of the author alter-ego.

We asked Olga to tell about life, creativity and their pets.


Olga Gromyko - Belarusian writer, science fiction published in Russia, Poland and the Czech Republic. The author of 17 books, of which four refer to the cycle about "Cosmo-Fools". Before the cycle wrote in fantasy genre. The winner of the "Sword Unnamed" and the medal named Gogol.

PICS.RU: Olya, tell me, please, and you yourself can you portray something from the arsenal of your fantasy heroine?

I have some fantasy skills. I know how to ride a horse and shoot from the crossbow, weave the belt to authentic embroidery. Previously, I could fencing a little, now I have already learned. But in general, I moved away from Fantasy.

PICS.RU: In the "cosmols", Polina clearly represents the type of a mad scientist who acquired new paints due to the fact that she is a girl with quite usual, apparently, for the post-Soviet space by the Socialization. Is it possible to say that she is in some way your alter-ego? Maybe you have a topic, seeing in real life, are you able to forget everything in the world?

Well, any hero is in something reflected by the author. Whoever he wanted to be either, on the contrary, the halkom whom he does not want to be released. With Polyna, I don't have such a big affinity, my alter-ego in the "cosmols" - Stanislav Fedotovich, who fell all this gang. And so yes, some moments of her biography are taken from my life, some - from my friends and colleagues in biology.

All in real life I forget for the sake of creativity, no matter what it is - books, laying out of plasticine, weaving the belts, the design of the aquarium ... I do not chase on the forests with wild screams.


PICS.RU: February 11 was the day of women in science. By education you are a microbiologist. How did you come to science and why did you leave?

When I was a teenager, I dreamed of being a veterinarian. But for it it was necessary to go to another city, I was not released. They persuaded to go on a biologist, literally mom for the handle was taken to act as Polina. I thought in this case choose the profession of zoologists, but I convinced me that microbiology in terms of prospects and salary is much advantageous. I was naive, believed.

Maybe everything is so abroad, but we have been very sad with the prospects and salaries, so I worked as a microbiologist for six years, finally disappointed and left with the decret and did not return. In general, that is not done, then for the better. Although, maybe if I were less than a conspiracy, now I would write something in the spirit of Harryot or Darrel.

PICS.RU: You have a lot of animals at home. Rabbits. Rats. Catics. Many quotes. Are you sure that it is not at all like Polina?!

Rabbits are nostalgia on the village childhood, I respect them in a saucepan, rats were started for the book, and the cats - well, who does not love the cats? But such exotic animals, like Polyna, I would not start. Especially poisonous.

PICS.RU: On the conmen, you often differed from many other participants with some intricate costume. Do you still like to appear in this form? What suits can you remember with a special feeling?

I have not been on converents for a very long time and in a suit. And so, I had an elven dress, which is called, "from the curtains", I have cosplayed a vampire with a vampire from my fantasy cycle, appeared in the shirt of the Werewolf Alka's rat, in the direction of the traveler. Well, I love to come to thematic shirts on the presentation. For example, with the emblem of the Dex company. In general, with age, it is cosplay that wants less and less, rather set the mood to the event. Yes, and before I never played the heroes whose clothes were wore. I and in my own image of the Great Belarusian writer comfortable.

PICS.RU: What do you miss in modern Russian fiction? What is excessive there?

Immersion. With age, everything is more difficult to find a convincingly written book, so that not only drive and cute heroes, but also believed in the world created by the author, I wanted to return to it again and again. Most often, such books are, alas, not in fiction, but in mainstream. The modern fiction is somehow too clearly divided into men's (kill all zombies), female (fall in love with all the princes) and highly intelligent (run all brains), and just about people and for people - sad little ... besides, fiction as a whole "grumbled "And simplified, but I're interested in reading people with great life experiences than mine.


PICS.RU: On March 6, the presentation of "Kosmuthekhnolukhov" will take place in Minsk. What are your meetings with readers look like? How do you get ready for them?

All organized meeting book stores are absolutely the same: the table, a chair and a crowd of people who are barely manage to dig a typical autograph. At best, half an hour of answers to readers' questions. And in Minsk, presentations are organized by me personally and a group of enthusiasts. These are made additional materials (art notes, dust packs, postcards), the thematic prizes are purchased and auctions are being held, we try to come up with something new every time. This time, for example, there will be superstar and badges with the faces of the characters of the book. Come!

The article prepared Lilith Mazikina

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