25 Travel Lifts that you still do not know



We have already anticipated the winter holidays with all the editors. We argue, you also put cross in the calendar. To make your journey as pleasant as pleasant as possible, we collected 25 Diamond Lifehakov from the famous travelers.


It doesn't matter which castle hangs on your suitcase - any lightning opens in 10 seconds with the help of a ballpoint handle (the rod is fastened between the zip-rods and spend it along the fasteners, and then zipper is fastened back in the usual way). One and a half meters of Scotch, wound on a suitcase, more reliably the most durable castle. And if the scotch is bright, then you will also notice your luggage on the ribbon from afar. Yes, and on the winding film at the airport will save.

Ask for registration to shake on your baggage sticker "Handle Care". It doesn't matter, you are carrying in it Prabababook a statewood service or not - no one will check. But there is a chance that the movers will become more likely to play your companion to football. In addition, it will be loaded in the last place - that is, they will unload one of the first.

Wash into manual sting set for survival - cosmetic bag, clean T-shirt and a pair of cowards. Luggage can lose. After a couple of days, your suitcase is, of course, but while it is looking for dogs with dogs, you will not be especially suffering without clean linen and your favorite cream.


The most visor way to put clothes in the suitcase - turn each T-shirt and blouse into the roll. So they take less space and do not imagine.

There are all your 134 wires in the glasses case. There they definitely do not confuse and do not turn into a lace napkin.

If the trip is scheduled for quite a short, only 2-3 days, pour a tonalnik, moisturizing cream and other necessary to survive pieces in old containers from contact lenses. Such packaging almost does not occupy space.

A box-table is also a very comfortable case for all jewelry smooth.

So that the chains in the bag are not confused, shove them into the tube for juice and a button.

Take a picture of your suitcase before registration - if he will fly away by chance instead of Berlin in Belgrade, it will be easier to find it.

At the same time, take a picture and all important documents, especially the main pages of passports. It is useful for filling out all sorts of border pieces - well, in general, it is not possible.


Capture with a plane thermos with dry welding (or beloved herbal tea). Before the takeoff, I ask the stewardess to fill it - and you can enjoy the personal heating drink, and not this rubbish in bags.

Puts on the flight pants with bottomless pockets and put everything in them in them, which will be required in flight - cream for hands, telephone, mask for sleep, passport. Yes, you will be similar to the navigated donkey, but you do not have to climb behind each bunch on the shelf for hand-made bag.


If you intend to reiterate during the flight, weaving under the eyes of moisturizing gel patches and a mask. And sleep, and post-migratory wrinkles around the eyes will not be.

Beruly intergalactic motorway even more more than a towel. A pair of grips from foamed rubber - and even if all babies vote in the board, your sleep will not break anything.

In addition to the standard food in airplanes, kosher and charms are offered. Here is her and take, it is usually much more tastier, and the portions are more. Select the type of power you can during online registration. Sholom and Salam!

Airport and transplant

The inflatable horseshoe pillow for the neck will save you life and posture everywhere, where the chairs designed guys from Spanish Inquisition.

If you are waiting for a long transplant, grab the extension with a bunch of sockets. At any airport is a rosette for gold weight. Loolegi, who also turn the clock waiting for the flight, will applaud you and wear in your arms.


A wide long scarf is, firstly, clearly, and secondly, it can easily be transformed into a pillow, blanket, sling, litter under the ass, a hood from the rain, a tablecloth for a picnic and a beach towel.

You need to catch a taxi to the city not in the zone of arrival, where the package of gyps with checkers is already waiting for you, and in the departure zone. There is a taxi driver who brought the flying away, there is only a few minutes, because staying at the airport is worth money. Either he is lucky on your conditions, either rides back empty.


If the thirst for adventure threw you into the wild debris, where there is no laundry room, nor washing machine, put a one-time soap with dirty clothes in a package with dirty clothes - his smell will overcome Ambre.


Free Wi-Fi in hotels is a convenient thing, but risky, since the data is transmitted without encryption - to put it easier, all the information is easily intercepted. That's the joy of fraudsters of all the masters. To protect yourself and your device, use VPN applications that will hide your IP address and protect the data.

In order not to leave the maid passport on the memory, the cash ink or something else is important, in the evening the day before the departure of the hotel there is all good in shoes. And you want - you will not forget.

In the town


In many major cities, food prices, to put it mildly, are amazing. Think like locals: Go looking for lunch to areas of office buildings, and even better to universities. Clerks and students around the world prefer not to spend money on food, and around such places are full of cheap and tasty cafes.

For souvenirs from Europe, it is not necessary to go to tourist stores, where they sell Chinese production magnets, but in the bench of the oldevists. Antique shops with a variety of picturesque attic rhylards in Italy, France, Belgium, Germany and England are amazingly cheap.

Download an application converter application to your smartphone. Very help with the recalculation of rupees and tugres in rubles, just do not forget to update the course. Tugric now unstable.

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