Strange people: 11 species of couples that are among your friends


As Rotterdam's Erasmus wrote, people are initially stupid and everyone will fond on their own way. Some still find themselves the same strange and close to the spirit, after which they begin to smallest together with the tripled force. We collected 11 species of strange couples that are exactly in your environment, check, maybe, and you belong to some?


People who are constantly constantly being together. Sit next to, stand next to, together go with someone to meet or by vodka coffee. The feeling that these guys even go to the toilet and go to the shower together: while one of them washes, another will fit under the door so that nothing happens. In fact, it is suddenly a meteoric rain or a nuclear war, and they apologize? This unity scares somewhat, and sometimes an irrational desire arises at all: maybe they have grown something? Fins there or some more important parts of the body.


If these guys do not kiss, do not hug, do not fall down each other and do not express their love and pleasant, it is completely obvious, these meaningless thirty seconds of life will live in vain! Usually they can be found either in a secluded place like a chair, a wardrobe or under the table, but there are obvious exhibitionists among them, preferring to love each other anywhere anywhere, perhaps even in bright light of the kitchen chandelier. Someone they annoy, and we don't care - the main thing is that they do not occupy the only toilet at a party of 50 people.


Being next to them is sometimes dangerous for health: you can not get under the hot hand and get injured varying severity. The reason for the fight of a quarrel can be anything that pleases: I didn't look like that, I didn't say that, where I went / went, and what is this busty blonde in mini, you don't love me why you behave like indifferent Cattle, you specifically put these ugly pants, etc. Sometimes it is completely incomprehensible as people who hate each other so much can have some romantic relationships (and, most importantly, why?!), But, apparently, our grandmothers were right in the fact that it is for cute.



It is not so important exactly which sacral meaning opened by them, for example, in a special numerological principle of calculating the most favorable day to occupy ballet on skates, but now everything should be known! And even better - be sure to do the same! I don't care that anyone besides them with skates, to put it mildly, not too interesting, it is important to prove to all and everyone with it that it will bring happiness to people on earth and peace world! And so it can be with anything: from a new way to get a job with the help of a shaman tambourine and a gas burner before the exercise of a particularly sophisticated type of intellectual fun like the solidification of crosswords under water.


Three topics are subject to these people: parents, repair and children. Everything. Any attempt to translate the conversation to the lute music of the XVI century, the principle of flight to the moon on a broomstick or the last film of Quentin Tarantino rushes on the deaf wall of misunderstanding and surprised: how can you be interested in such garbage? Only hardcore! Repairs! New Wallpaper Collection! SALE IN IKEA! Where did you buy this carpet? Mom says that it is necessary to give birth to the second, and the mother-in-law thoroughly! Vasoy to give to school soon, but quite recently there was a tackling crumb! And so in a circle twenty eight times in a row. If you make it possible, then a very limited amount of time, minutes, say, five. Or two.

Newly minted

With all the wishes, they cannot cope with them and remove a meaningless smile, a puppy wet look, directed exclusively on each other, and stop saying "we" for any reason. In addition, constantly touching the handle, they do not part more than a minute and show endless calf tenderness. What is especially fine, so this is the fact that the male half of this couple emphasizes his choices, and the rest of the girls in the company does not pay attention at all, even if some of them gracefully flies at this moment from the bar rack.



They consider each penny and really think that it is not necessary to earn more, but spending less, and indeed the crisis in the country! If you managed to be with them in the restaurant, then be prepared for the fact that there are no "well, maybe at the expense of the account?" Do not hide: brain crushed, calculating who how much tea drank from a common teapot or pieces of pizza burned treacherously. Always no longer that there is no money, but at the same time they do not be resting to relax four times a year, buying fur with diamonds and at all in anything beloved not to refuse.


They usually say "Well, what is he / she found in her / it?" Science is absolutely unknown the reasons for which people believe that they need to be together. Someone is confident that the opposites converge, but somebody that this is attracted by such. But to understand why your beautiful friend Vitalik is clever, handsome and part-time physicist theoretics for the second month crazy comes from the ole - a tattooed britched punch with a jar of a beer, which will not distinguish a synchrophaasantron from a lifting harmonica, is absolutely impossible.


Their photos can be published in the family-run royal family album, and no one will notice the difference. They are all perfect: lunches from the mother-in-law on Saturdays, Sunday dinners with friends, campaigns in the cinema with the whole family. They are so sweetly white and completely cinema smiles at each other, which is involuntarily starting to look around in search of cameras and director. The feeling that their clothing does not mind, she always knows when you need to carefully put your hand on the elbow, and their children (if they are) right from the diapers begin to quote Shakespeare in the original and eat a knife and fork, carefully wet her lips with a napkin. Annoyed by their unattainable ideality, but sometimes next to them becomes really terribly: what if we really all in the Truman show?

On her wave


It is not clear why they generally come out of the house, because the surrounding people understand them if not with difficulty, then through the word. They may be hippies, geeks, connoisseurs of rare music or amateurs of Irish dance - nothing (except for each other) they are not interested in this world. At parties frankly bored or, on the contrary, they attract attention to their density from the world. If suddenly it turns out that tomorrow we all move to another planet, the only thing that will interest them is - is there Irish dancing, rare music or hemp.


Constantly are in the work on creating a brand name named. They tell everyone how met, fell in love, began to live together, decided to get married and so on with the perseverance of the circular saw and details worthy of at home-2. If you are invited to visit, then begin with a demonstration of photos from the wedding / vacation / first day of dating. Invented hellish ideas for the first anniversary of the third day of dating, including a living horse, crown and Aluu Mantali. And I would not really enjoy all this - but the main thing is to count likes in Instagram and leave a million stupid suggestive comments to each other's photos. Well, as they say, whatever child either.

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