Test: What is the modern Russian revolutionary?


Looking around, everything suits you? Not? Then you are ready to revolution. As far as which will tell our test. We described ten Russian revolutionaries, which may be changed our future. Or not. Find out what you look like!

And yes, this test can be passed and just like a game, trying to catch as much as possible ending options. Try.

Question 1 of 11. Lenin is alive?

And also lived and live!

This Stalin is alive, and it must be stopped!

In general, too much old, oblique, limited to us vividly.

And Che Guevara is even more alive!

Sometimes it seems to me that Putin is alive. Then I understand that he is a typical science.

Alas, but it is Yeltsin alive.

If I am removed from under the pillow, no one will remain alive.

All types of depression alive. But no one wants to notice this!

It would be better for alive our liberal opposition.

You will learn exactly when my new film will be released.

Question 2 of 11. Do you like to cook?

Kitchen, first of all - the place of party meetings.

If bold artistic promotions, then very.

I love, especially budget Soviet cuisine! And even lead the culinary column. Have you seen the recipe for the seafood pilaf?

Just do not start again about the chicken, please.

We are here and so everything is ready to serve on a schedule.

Yes, good chop. From the rival in the ring.

I hate. It is worth entering some site with recipes, and there is meat everywhere. I'll think about the oppression of animals, I already do not want!

It is worth expressing his opinion openly, and you immediately accuse, they say, preparing a coup. How tired of it!

I am rawiestka. If meat, then the carpaccio. If fish, then sashimi! So all cookies - just cut.

Let's just say I have no time, so it's hard to know.

Question 3 of 11. The best friends of the girl, it is ...

Those who protect it from the influx of migrants.

Her girlfriend.


Those who came to the rally.

Money. Diamonds she then buys herself.

Comrades in combating.


Economic and beloved.

Creativity and freedom.

Dryness and frankness.

Question 4 of 11. Who is now to blame?

Pensioners. Disabled. Mother in maternity leave. In general, social holsters.

Every power, because she is from the devil.

I am looking for an answer to this question for several years. Here, for example, parents.

Allegian government of Moscow. No, I also love money, but so much!

Look at this in our clips. Art exists to talk!

Capitalists and revisionists.

Capitalists and chauvinists.

The Russian nation is surrounded by enemies, but even more she suffers from traitors. We will shoot them mercilessly.

The government did not return the USSR! Disabled disabled and demand ramps! Vodyanova Prostitute!

I wanted to say that men, because they oppress ... But every time it comes out that some woman.

Question 5 of 11. Do you like any animals?

Yes, you will leave this chicken

Have you ever seen sex by snails? I can watch the clock

All. Besides yourself. Because I am a vegetarian, but engaged in self-interest.

First of all, I love people and against their operation.

I once wrote a post on this topic, but I had to close it - too much a person wrote that I scum.

The main thing is that they are not contained.

Even animals are better than those who are ... Inoverts, let's say.

I love all animals, especially since they never argue with me.

And trees are considered?

I'm more concerned that they don't like them at the film festivals. Will you won't pass anywhere!

Question 6 of 11. Your personal kind of little black dress.

Red banner hidden on the body.

Red bow. And to see.

I give me a state.

The main thing is that he was not asked for a state!

To melo land. To be seen - Baba!


Sneakers. It is convenient to run away if that.

Dress is just a cultural construct.

Hoody sweatshirt, uniforms of protesters in the world.

Piercing and red lipstick.

Question 7 of 11. In your hand - an apple with the inscription

To the one who refused to oppress women.

No one, they all oppress women.

It is very difficult for me to choose between Lenin and Stalin ...

Husband. No husband in the village is bad. And I will buy a sweater yet.

Osam Salvador Dali.

Anders Breivika.

El Comandante.

At first I will rent a film about this difficult choice.

Looks like a provocation.

And why should I give something to some kind of a man?

Question 8 of 11. For what drink do you like, what do you think?

Kvass! Fun, cheap, patriotic!

Well, obviously alcoholic something.

Ordinary black coffee. You can have tea.

Cocktail. Molotova.

I am clean and strong like vodka. Only non-alcoholic.

Something very sobering.

Tomato juice. He is red and healthy.

On the dismissed and smoothie at the same time.

Bloody Mary. It is like tomato juice. But bloody.


Question 9 of 11. How about the pictures? What is your game style?

Only for money. Distribute.


I only play red!

Chur Kozyr - Lady Buby.

Maps are great! Black and red - Anarchy colors!

Peys do not give out, tired, and so everywhere.

Board games are too dependent on the rules.

Better in chess. And for whites.

The main thing is not to play giveaway with liberals, as the power does!

If there is a joker, let's play.

Question 10 of 11. If the journey, then ...

Okay. Freedom of movement is generally good.

In dark shorts of consciousness, which we were taught to be afraid.

Somewhere on Biennale. For example, in Locarno.

In the village, because the Turkish shore does not need us, he does not respect us!

On Cuba! Where in the air is a revolution!

Better immediately to emigration.

At your own expense. I am sure someone does it on other people's taxes. For example, pensioners.

Only not in Mordovia.

This is a classism, the poor cannot afford to travel.

... with a report on instagram.

Question 11 of 11. The best way to convey your thought to people?

Explain your position with words.

Interviews and pickets are equally.

The symbolic action is shocking with physiological.

Come on a rally with a big poster!

Only the left press says the whole truth.

Only the right press speaks the whole truth.

Herustful Viral Clip on YouTube

Our generation will twitch, knock and stink!


Lead column. Price

The next question is complete to start re-

The test was Yana StovetPhoto on announcement: proxypaco.com

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