Couples that drink together, stronger. Here he is the secret of family happiness!


If you are going to cush the bottle of wine tonight, then here is your excellent argument "for". As it turned out during a single study, couples whose alcohol habits coincide, happier than those partner drinks more. As researchers explain, especially women feel tension, if they drink, and there is no husband at this time.

[ editions are very interesting, whether researchers took into account the fact that the woman just can start drinking from the fact that her husband strains her, and he doesn't drink, because he is all the rules.]


The amount of alcohol does not matter, the scientists add. It is important that both partners drank or did not drink approximately the same. "We are not sure why it happens exactly, but the reason may be the fact that the quality of marriage increases the joint pastime." In other words, the reason for the fact that the couples remain along the longer, may not be drinking as such, the doctor Birditt explains.

To conclude about joint drinking alcohol, the researchers team analyzed the surveys of 2,767 married couples, followed by observation over the course of several years, from 2006 to 2016. During these years, research participants passed personal interviews with scientists and answered questionnaires about their usual With regard to alcohol.


The questionnaires included questions in the spirit "Do you use alcoholic beverages", "how many times in a week you use them", "What is the volume of alcohol you use at a time". It was also suggested to assess the satisfaction with his family life, including such an aspect, how is the spouse picky and criticizing whether it is possible to rely on it when they need help, and whether he annoys something.

Couples were married on average for 33 years and for most of them marriage was first.

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