Horoscope cats from pics.ru


After the hard holidays, our editorial magic ball said that people hesitately worse than bitter magical radish. And demanded procrastinations and cats. To pronunct, we, I understand it, did not give, but the cats are pleased.

Do you love quotes? Do you have a cat? Read him out loud.



This is a very smart and very cunning cat. To poke his nose in the suggestion with the chair completely pointlessly - he will look at you offended eyes, and you sincerely believe that the husband swallowed the upholstery. Or child. Or a man who came to shoot the meter readings. Maybe even I scratched myself and forgot. But not a cat, one hundred percent.

Capricorn catcher hates changes, therefore, before moving the wardrobe, it is necessary to depend on this solution at the cat. Cheaper will cost. But the cat-Capricorn rarely yells in the spring - he belongs to love extremely wary, because love, no matter how cool, it is also a change. It is better to eat, so familiar.



Cat-Aquarius is still an animal. He needs a master with a very, very stable psyche, otherwise the cat will easily capture power, your pillow and your money. This animal may require food, and then half an hour stand in thought, looking at a bowl. The mistress begins to twitch, trying to understand - he got sick? Canned is spoiled? Husband, go here, he does not eat, something happened! And the cat, meanwhile, quietly rzhet, watching you are moving. The cat-aquarus has a very high intelligence coefficient and there is no conscience at all. And, yes, if you, in his opinion, deserve a bony paw on my leg, you will certainly get on the leg of a clawed paw. Because slaves should know their place.



Fish-cats are practically not leaving for training. Not because they are reduced by intelligence, on the contrary. Just fish-cats themselves establish the rules of both their own life and the lives of others. If the cat wants to be over the rotten fish from the trash can, you must come to terms and, desirable, help. But do not try to stand on the way, if you, of course, are the roads of these tights. Since the cat's fish establishes the rules on its own, it is difficult to say exactly how it will behave. He can decide that the neighboring chickens will steal. Or will be all his life in the fireplace. The task of a person is to appreciate and not interfere. Praise for a dead chicken in home slippers or more actively stirring coals in the fireplace - optional.



Cat-Aries - a small torpedo and a certified fighter of the family porcelain. From other cats, it is distinguished by the fact that, by breaking the era of Mil, will not be horrified to score on the closet and pretend that it is not there. Kitty-Aries will sit in the epicenter of the explosion and, moving the pawrs of a fragment of fifty thousand dollars, staring at the hostess with delight - they say, how cool?

Cathers-Aries are completely fearless and reckless, so they are dangerous to release to the street. Dangerous for neighboring Dobermans. Because the Cat-Aries will drive the head of a neighbor's dog to the legs and, habitually, staring at the hostess - well, what is the trough?



Absolutely calm and downtown cat, most of all appreciate his own peace and comfort. If you do not interfere with him - ok, live. Usually this cat has no problems with either children or guests or other pets. The main thing is that no one claims to his bowl and his pillow. Another thing is that it is worth someone (including the hostess) to apply for the fact that the cat-Taurist considers his own, it includes the "Apocalypse" mode, hits: "There IS My Spot!", And calms only when a dumbfounded traumatologist clarifies: "You What is the tiger? "



This is the same cat who eats the "rain" from the Christmas tree. No, he is not a moron at all, he is just very inquisitive. Whatever you do (especially - sex), the twin cat will certainly come to see. Adult cat can even start giving advice - as well as all twins, the cat is very difficult to be silent.

This cat is simply created to raise your self-esteem - it will approach, rub on his feet, purr and allow to stroke until you turn your guests to the amorphous mimmicing mass. But if suddenly, the twin cat is not suitable for some kind of man - be sure this man, at best, shit. Twin cats are never mistaken.



This is the perfect companion with the grace of Panthers and the sensitivity of the teenage girl. Cattle-cancer is unable to break anything and tries not to lift out of principle - so as not to naturally. This cat shares our opinion about the ideal relationship between man and cat: he strokes me - I Murlych. The sensitivity of this cat is sinking by urban legends on the topic: "The cathouse lay there, where I hurts, and it stopped to hurt" and "the cat felt the approaching earthquake and saved the whole village." Wonderful, in general, cat. If, of course, you do not decide to start some kind of pet. In this case, you are threatened to find out on your own human skin, which felt Carmen, when José, who had a knife, pulled the knife.



Born under the royal sign of the cat-lion, of course, a real monarch. Moreover, not a modern vegetarian king with nominal power and crown, but a real one, from medieval Europe, when the sophisticated balls alternated weekly hunting in dirt and swamps. That is, today the cat-lion can be disgusted with meat and demand the liver, and the next week will seek without movement at the plinth, waiting for the mouse.

This cat, in principle, is pretty generous, the family appreciates, with guests diplomatic and special problems with it does not happen. Well, unless he feels dissemination and the fact that they do not communicate with him on equal. In this case, their majesty will be ashamed to be in anger, which is rather dangerous, for for medieval kings it is quite familiar to conduct executions on their own.



Catual need, usually genius. What, of course, leads to the early town of the hostess. Sausage is sealed? Ha ha ha. With proper snarling, cat-maiden even canned, and there is some funny polyethylene. This cat is easily and reliably eliminating any obstacles. Say, cat wants you to stroke him. That's right now. But you can't stroke - you are busy hands, you, for example, knit. What would another cat made? He would jumped to your knees and lay down on your hand. But the cat-maidy ties in the root and thinks strategically - he just snacks the thread. This cat in general prefers to express its demands in an affordable person. If the tray, according to the cat, is not clean, it will do it nearby. Since you don't understand any other way.



Cat-scales are usually a dog. This cat can go for you on the heels even on the street. He can watch clock as you sit at the computer and fight over the table in Excele. He will fully will bring you a thrown wand. Friends are enthusiastic - it is necessary, what is he trained. That's just the point that it is, in fact, the cat is trains you. He carries you a wand and thinks: "Lord, he again lost his wand, for the third time, for what I am this cross?" And on the street you go to you so that you are not lost, you, as the experience showed, is not very smart.

Cat-scales tolerate cannot conflict - if the house begins Rugan, the cat will try to stop her, Zashipev on both sides. In general, it is pretty sad, but people are not yet perfect for cat-scales.



This is a cat champion. Your furniture and curtains, in fact, just banal sports shells, whatever you think about this. Cat scorpion is completely fearless and loves to risk, you can even without champagne. Dependence on adrenaline leads to torn ears and scratched their neighbors. The motto of the scorpion cat: "There are only nine lives - you need to try everything!", Often leads to the fact that the cat is trying not only on claws, but also to the tooth. Therefore, it makes sense to limit the access of a cat with all incredible, which is especially not easy if you live outside the city. But this should be done because the cat is a pity.

By the way, the fighting character and congenital jealousy of the Kittika Scorpio often lead to the fact that not only neighboring cats are lit with claws, but also your own husband. However, it does not matter - the husband is not sorry.



Cattle-shooter - pet rather complicated. Firstly, he is too freedoming to live in an urban apartment, so any carelessly open intern leads to a desperate jogging around the area. Secondly, this cat is always hungry and knows how to very convincingly and very ukriously look at huge sad eyes on the heartless owners who are sorry for ham. Households are forced to leave each other's notes: "Do not believe the cat - he ate!" Well, and thirdly, the Libido Catics-Sagittarius is strongly so much that it seems that he has just returned from the army. From the North Korean army, where serve twenty years. And if the hostess does not help solve this problem immediately - let it be coasted, it is also pretty.

Recorded behind the magic ball Alexander Smilaanskaya

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