Lifehak: 10 unusual ways to get rid of mosquitoes



This gada of a flying actually kill little. He wants to catch, bite and firm in his ear. But so far, mankind has not yet come to such a degree of progress, let's try to go through other ways.

The fumigator in a bottle and repellent in the aerosol is clear, our main comrades in a large room before bedtime or hike on the river. We will not tell about them in detail. Instead, we will talk about the methods of harmless and cheap replacement of all these diethyltolumids and other poisonous chemishes. Of course, there are still ultrasound dischargers, all of themselves are so harmless. But they scare, as practice shows, except fairies and other mythical creatures. And we offer what will work accurately.

Remember folk aromatherapy

Do you remember how in childhood the grandmother in the village in the evenings abundantly watered you with cloves cologne? So far, the associations such nostalgic wake up ... Yes, what we are. Today in any pharmacy there are essential oils. You go to the nearest and take something that you are pleased, and Commas "Fe": Eucalyptus, Cedar, Anis, Tea Tree, Basil. The same carnation. You drive into the aromalamp (and it would come in handy, it would seem, a useless dust collector, presented for the new year with colleagues!) Or just on the light bulb. And you walk the navy, nairomatherapy - and unsounded. You can drop the droplet on yourself, just do not overdo it.

Become vanilla

And these strange creatures do not like a delicious vanilla fragrance. Hence the recipe. Divide a little vanilla in the water, lubricate in several places - and incense yourself safe. You can add this fraud substance into a children's cream and lubricate your hands. It is clearly much less harmful than chemistry from tubes and cans. But the fruit perfumes are better not to splash: such aromas on the contrary attract supports.

Make them sour

A simple and effective way is not to give mosquito sweet life - use vinegar. Want an apple, you want simple - which in the kitchen on the shelf is worth it. It you just need to mix with clean water in the ratio of one to one - and wipe the skin. At first, of course, it is possible to drive in such a macar and home. But then Ambre, which hears human noses, quickly dishes. And mosquitoes still tastefully remains. A cottage, moistened with such a solution, is good and the bites are lubricant if they suddenly have already happened. And at the same time, the vinegar removes the smell of sweat.

Plan a geranium and tomatoes on the window

I do not like it, you see, these bloodshots smell of geranium leaves and tomato tops. And you have a kindergarten. Grace and Blagovevo. And also, in the case of tomatoes, saving on a ruinous vegetable department of the supermarket. If you are an office plankton in the fifth generation, and a box with tomatoes is too cool for you, start with a pot of basil, mint or lemon grass. She is lemon sorghum, she is a lemon crush, she is citronella, she is lemongrass.

Rush colors and give a bouquet

The most hated for the comarery flower is a pyrethrum (chamomile is such). They also, Gada, are not rejoicing for some reason, such awesome smells, like lilac, cherry, elderberry, velvets. If you do not grow up under the window, these wonderful natural repellents are growing, boldly keep them into the house, call on vases in the form of bouquets and hang on the walls in the form of dried ikebane. Bunched branches of elderberry or cherry in the room are also perfectly distilled off by volatile monsters.

Put with shishkami

Method for seeding by the fire on the babble or in the country. As the hedgehog told the hedgehog: "And the twigs of these ... juniper. So that the smoke was! " Bear was clearly a dacket experienced and bad did not advise. Indeed, if you throw coniferous twigs or cones to the fire, the smoke will turn out the right, anticomarine. So the bear with the hedgehog was not disturbed by any harmful insects. And one is only a horse in the fog.

Make a natural fumigator

If the desire for cleanliness and naturalness woke up in you not so long ago, you probably had a bundled bottle somewhere from under the purchase of a fumigator, which is included in the outlet. A light movement of the hand turn it into an eco-friendly! Namely, we fill in a bottle bubble bubble of the eucalyptus tincture in the pharmacy. And he will not only drive into the insects, but also to disinfect the air indoors, grinding all kinds of malicious microorganisms and revealing those present from the cold and insomnia.

Make trap

Super mega-eco-friendly method, at the same time simple handmade. You take a plastic "one-and-a gun" from mineral water, cut off its upper part, pour the syrup there (on a glass of warm water - a sugar spoon), when cool down - there is a gram of yeast. Cutting the top of the bottle inserts inside the "nose" down (if it's loosely fit - fastened with scotch), then we turn the paper with a sheet of paper and put in a dark angle. All winged invaders fly there and drown there.

Understand the right things

It is observed: a smaller degree of graziness is observed in those who use vitamin B1. It is abundant in pharmacies, as well as in beer yeast, coarse grinding flour, legumes and pork. It is said that garlic has the same (anti-vampire!) Effect - but as you understand, it will drive himself up and two-legged with no less success. And even with big, hehe.

Text author: Vladimir Yarkovich

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