Things that you forget to warn you when you gathered to become dad


Some things would have to warn about the day when you only planned the child. No, that day, when you generally thought about the fact that one day, maybe you will manage a child. Right at school or in kindergarten.

You just have to start walking with your child, and everything, every second begins to joke about the pretty nanny. Although you shave. And this infant, by the way, is native. Well, maybe you still don't cope very well ... but approving "Oh, young dad!" It would help you cope with the situation better.
You will dizzy often smile cute girls. But no sense to be dried. This is what they react to the baby. You are only an app. When you realize this, self-esteem falls as instantly, as it risen before.
It turns out that everything is waiting for your skill in the most unexpected things. Just because you are a man and dad. For example, that you will be perfectly select and put things to travel to the cottage. And no, do not hope for your game skills in Tetris. Nothing from the fact that you have to flush into the trunk, it doesn't look like a clear figure of smooth cubes, and, moreover, nothing is going to collapse and free the place for the next portion of bags and packages.
Previously, no one could hit you with impunity? Forget. Ahead for many years when you have to demolish strikes. Sublight strikes from the closest in the world. While this person does not learn to keep track of his hands and legs.
For the first time in many years you will notice how terrible public toilets are terrible. Approximately when your son will be four years old.
Once you decide to dress in Babu Yagu. Or telepusik. Or princess. And you will not even find anything strange about it.
You will suddenly passionize with shopping. Because there are so many cool toys and magic stores that you dreamed of childhood! Yes, yes, in this picture - a metallic group in the form of the characters of the southern park. Well, yes, on the sliders. Already feel like a baby lacking sliders?
Now it will talk about you: "Oh, daddy jokes!" With intonation that you will not like it very much. And the fact that the end of his favorite joke always utter a chorus with you with some strange intonation is generally stupid and unfair.
Any problem in the house is your problem. "Dad, in the Spider Toilet!" "Dad, someone breathes under the bed!" "Dad, I wash myself, washed, and the crane suddenly broke away, and in the bathroom water!" And yes, the first two situations are now considered real catastrophes, because the children are not afraid of water. They also had boats in it, have not yet realized that it would not be bad to inform you about the crane.
Cultural life? Sports matches? Drips wherever? From now on, 40% of the money and time will be spent on the purchase of soda, fast food, again soda, wet napkins, so that the face and hands of the sibling after the soda are not a flip of flies, some more sulfur, souvenir baseball caps, again soda and toilet. And you will go to the toilet in twenty minutes after the start of the match, performance or film. Go, go, have no doubt. You already know what happens when you decide to show hardness in this matter.
You will learn to build strange faces and make strange sounds. So terrible strange that we are shy about to show.
You will be difficult to communicate with childless friends. There is nothing to explain. If you are not dad, you will not understand. If you are already dad, you immediately understood.
You will disrupt your back more than once. Carrying out a child, throwing up a child while holding the child while he tries to fall into some kind of pit. And it is exactly that you have to transfer a stroller with a child, bags with a margin of food for a child and moving a closet to extract the baby stuck. And when they will jump and scream "Caution, carefully!" "They are about the child, and not about your back." And you, which is characteristic, will not find anything strange and unfair in this.
You will learn to masterfully simulate interest when your child wants to tell you about the world order, the opposite boy from the parallel group, its success in computer games for the smallest or wise words of teacher Vasilisa Gennadyevna.
I believed that toll the children stupid and ugly? Forget. Very soon you will enter the taste, and the indignant cry "Dad-Aa!" From children's, kitchen or hallway will be the sweet music for the ears.
Already represented how to introduce kids to your favorite case? Forget for ten years. Hide everything is expensive to you, everything you are passionate about. Models of ships, tanks, airplanes or what you have there. Top of the castle on the storage room. Three castles. Go there only at night and with a loaf. Your interest is really infected. Only kids will manifest itself ... extremely destructive. Believe me, if your wonderful models will remain in sight, you will very soon learn to cry, not shy by the audience.
Of course, you will be the best and thoughtful dad. But from time to time because of you, precisely because of you, the child will receive bruises. It just happens. Do not count yourself too much. But do not relax.
You will turn into your own father. "Can I sit quietly five minutes?" What does I look like a wallet on the legs? Did you wash your hands? Five minutes passed half an hour ago, I turn off the light, sleep! " And yes, you will never be so understanding each other with the Father, as now.

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