We need it! Gadgets-supervisers


We are all under the High Technology Cap. That's good. Let them remind us themselves that it would be necessary to eat smaller, move more, keep the back smoothly and not worry, do not overcome all. PICS.RU collected gadgets for you, which replace memory, personal trainer and willpower.

Stressing Tinke.

Little box, which boosts without stopping right into the phone. Press your finger to her and get complete information about your condition - pulse, blood saturation with oxygen, respiratory rhythm. Based on this data, the device will show the level of survivability, like a character in a computer game. But the most interesting part of the story is the ZEN parameter, that is, the level of peace of mind. The system determines that you reached the handle, and prompts the correct rhythm of breathing, in parallel fixing the growth of the level of pofigism.

Vigo - driver friend

It looks like a bluetooth neck in the ear. Actually, this is a wireless headset, but with an extended functionality. Vigo tracks the frequency of the blink and wakes up you when you start to cut down at an inappropriate moment - for example, driving. The gadget makes up your personal biorhythm cycle and suggests, at what time of day you are especially bodra and effective.

Bug-antipotyyyka nut

Studently downloaded, but not for you, but for your property. We have long wanted something like that - the gadget, which will tell you where you shoved the keys, where, damn it, the green bag and how it was possible to lose a wallet without leaving the apartment. The idea is quite spyware - a small flat beacon, which is attached to the thing, and transfers its coordinates to the phone. Bilateral connection - if you found the beacon, and the phone lost, click on the beacon button and the pipe will respond.

Fork for Hapaffork

Useful things for those who are not a fool in mild thoughtfulness to know the pitch of the herring under the fur coat. This plug weigheds every piece sent to his mouth and gives a "enough crack" when the weight of food passes reasonable norms or if you eat too fast. It is synchronized with a smartphone and repulses useful advice on healthy diet.

Sleep smart socks Sensoria Fitness Socks

Fitness bracelets are already at all, but socks are fresh. They read the load on different parts of the foot, measure the temperature, speed, pulse, the distance traveled and everything else, which is usually measured by bracelets, plus adjusts the running technique right in real time.

Pocket Ashram Lumafit.

This is a fitness tracker and workout planner in the form of a Bluetooth headset with all the pies, but there is an additive - the function of meditation. Through the application on Smatfon Lumafit will prompt the correct respiratory rhythm and will help preserve concentration. Om-Mani Padme Hum.

Posture Corrector Lumo Lift

Advanced, which turns the humpbacks of the Notre Dame Cathedral in the ballerin. The tiny magnetic clip (they are different colors) is attached to clothes and vibrates when you start to slouch. And this is a full-fledged fitness tracker.

Pararoy Sensor Lapka PEM

Around the enemies, electromagnetic waves, radiation, chemistry and washing of the brain. Only this gadget will save you. A small cube with different nozzles measures the temperature and humidity, the level of radiation and the intensity of magnetic radiation, there is even a nozzle with a dipstick to test vegetables to nitrates. It is impossible not to mark the coolest wooden-plastic design, the thing is similar to some kind of puzzle game.

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