9 convincing reasons to get out of the discussion on the Internet. In gifs and examples


At the dawn of social networks, the honor and pride of any disputes were not to go out of the discussion to the last. It does not matter whether macaroni is burning, do children cry whether the time ends on the access card (Dial-Up, do you remember?), - You should have left the last word in the dispute, otherwise you rushed to you incomprehensible, but offensive: "Drain is counted! "

We have rushed a little since then and we know the mass of the reasons to easily and pleasure to break the protracted dialogue on the network.

Any real case

9 convincing reasons to get out of the discussion on the Internet. In gifs and examples 36247_1
Seriously, completely any. And the more minor, the more reasons to mention it, leaving.

With all due respect, I will need both my hands to scratch my left heel, so it is forced to leave you.

Close of medale

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The interlocutor from the arguments (or in general by passing this stage) moved to his merit shogis. Yes, she has two cruises, three diplomas about higher education, four children (all - genius) and on the Internet, it is not Hukhry-Mukhra, but since 2008. Are you afraid that if you do, she will decide that you have nothing to fly? Comfort: she, in any case, will decide. The most offensive thing you can do with it will finally portray sincere repentance and admiration. She is not ready for him, so it will be more painfully thinking about it: are you kidding or not? And you rest.

Sorry, please, I took away so much of your time. If I knew that you were such a business man, I would not divert you to distract. Here you have a photo of a cat. Sorry!


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The interlocutor props and he exploded. I rushed over all the bumps, remembering your relatives, gentlemen of God and the Masonic conspiracy - and everything in his complex intimate relationships. If you love to fell, you can put myself an asterisk: one more, as they say, bombamed. And if you know the compassion, then just silently leave, do not bring to trouble. Just do not try to share with the poor you suddenly cutting sympathy. Here it is necessary to leave silently. You and so on his background you look like a light mind and adequacy.

Inequality of effort

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You already brought the quote, and the sources called, and the context spoke, and the interlocutor, the case, collapsed, and it caught up. And Javit to me, the Milka, more expert opinions, forecast for 30 years ahead and your definition of the word "eukaryota" in their own words. And so that it was even a first-grader. Occasionally, it is very, very rare, in such situations the opponent speaks at some point: "Thank you, I'll think about it," and even less often: "Thank you, now I see that you are right." If you have already done this work for which you would be extracted in another place, stop and cross the ball to the opponent. We guarantee, it snaps sharply.

Well, now it's time for me to work, I will return tomorrow. I will be very glad to read your feedback on the first link, thoughts about my translation and if you find errors in the third text - I will definitely tell me!

Data imbalance

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It happens like this: the conversation somehow slightly slipped onto the personal topic of your property relations with the cousin of Fainain Andreevna (living at Taganrog, Lenin Street, recently rewritten the testament), and about the interlocutor it is known only that his name is EXT12345, he (she? ) Owns Russian language and has parts of the body, allowing printing texts. Hmmm Here with ancient network times little has changed. Anonymous, like a virtual, worse than the homophob. You have the right to dramatically cut off the frank dialogue and do not shy this or the droplets.

Meeting with telepatom

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Telepath in the dispute says for you. It is easy to identify in the type "You think", "such as you are always", "you are sure that" and so on. It is important to stop as soon as possible. Before you begin to justify and explain that you don't think so, I'm not sure and not always. For some kind of mysterious reason, telepathy always looks convincing refutation.

Do you like to play Gadayku? A rhetorical question. Try to guess the number of my credit card, and I will go, instrurable on the world backstage.

Too close and too loud

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Your opponent is your close friend. Colleague, relative, which is good in general my mother or, for example, a husband. The point is not that the garbage cannot be taken out of the house. Can. The fact is that by vigorously in the public, you put a crowd to the crowd of strangers who observe you with curiosity, will remember everything, they will turn out, and even the corpse of your relationship with chopsticks. Wow, how interesting twitching! If you still hope to save something, translate the conversation in a personal, urgently.

Alien Guest

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Visitor from the last century, the envoy of the parallel universe pony and unicorns ... You obviously argue, but damn, what!? The most terrible in disputes with aliens is that an attempt to clarify the subject of the dispute leads only to the escalation of aggression. Here the drip of humility is useful. What if you really did not reach the desired level of enlightenment to understand it? So do personal growth. He contributes, for example, the responsible fulfillment of his work duties and thoughtfully cleaning on the desktop. Guest will response, and will go to his.

You seem to be called from the 50s, asked them to return them to their chauvinism.

You are just tired

9 convincing reasons to get out of the discussion on the Internet. In gifs and examples 36247_9
It also happens. In the end, disputes in time begin to repeat, and you were not going to change your opinion. So let the enemy learn someone who has not yet been tired of proving his right point. Perhaps you can't imagine what pleasure, what freedom is: read the ugly, nasty, illogical comment and ... calmly removing it from the mail, to do other things.


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