10 Lyfhakov professional office loafer


They say something in the career to reach, you need to plow like a flock of buffaloes. And I have no kicking baby - the chef is like here, and the colleagues do not sleep. We believe that the work should bring a man joy. In this connection, we offer 10 simple, but effective ways to deceive the all-seeing Oko Sauron and score bolt to work, becoming the first candidate for the increase.


Find a couple of suede instructions on software and anywhere (hear? Nowhere!) Do not go without them. Take them with you in the dining room, in accounting and even at the meeting. Do look that learn the instructions, and you yourself inspire how much it will fit. If the chief is interested in what you are busy, feel free to say that save his money, which would otherwise go to your training.


Arrange on the table "Creative mess." First, it is convenient to take away from the folders and papers in the mountains, secondly, it will create the illusion of your employment. And if you get the bosses, you can always portray a zealous earthmock and look for the "necessary" document until the chef plot and does not leave.

Full of enthusiasm

Install the answering machine and let the callers voicing their aspirations of their aspirable robot. Answer only to those messages that you really can not ignore. But do it during lunch or after the end of the working day, so as not to catch the addressee in place. "How didn't you call? Called! What dinner? Enthusiasts are crushed without food and sleep. "


Try to look always a little "on the platoon". As if you are terribly worried or upset by some worker. For example, the absence of a cartridge in the printer or falling oil prices. The bosses like, when the brilliance in the eyes in the eyes, and in the soul thrill.


Do not try to pour home before the chef. Sit and enjoy the rest. You can enjoy watching movies, get sophisticated with a girlfriend, eat sandwich. And at the same time to create an image of a bona fide employee. There is an opinion that the bosses do not like "recycling". It's a lie. Your hardworking is a balm of the leadership.


Surveys meaningfully and soak when someone will offer anything innovative. Do look that you have an idea much more interesting, but you are not yet ready to voice it. Do not respond to direct questions, "confuse" and vigorously melted that you have "insufficiently proven data to make such bold statements." Let everyone think that here is, and you will open Bin Nudeton.


Periodically, assession of negotiations outside the office, exhibitions, conferences and other events that will give you a minimum of half a day of freedom. A bundle of business cards and three catalogs will kill the chief in the fact that you went through pavilions all day, and not sticking out in the billiard room.


Five minutes of your non-working time - and you are in the ladies. Any newsletter from your address made on weekends is your trump card. This may be a reference to an article in a profile magazine (not required) or a letter with a question "When Meeting"? - never mind. Chef happy. Your chances are growing.


With a dozen terms from a little learned area, with a dozen of cool quotes, and here you are already indisputable authority in the eyes of colleagues. The main thing is not to say "I don't know." "Of course I know, but I would like to clarify," here is your standard answer.


You are so. Well, if, of course, do not make a mistake and do not send this text boss and colleagues!

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