Types of nasty chiefs and 7 tips, how to curb them


It happens that you work, and everything suits. And colleagues are excellent, and work like it, and the boss is not at all. But this is not a reason to dismiss? We allocated the main types of nasty bosses and came up with how to speak with them.

First you need to take one rule. Difficult chief you do not re-educate. Rather, you will quit, we will be sneaking than it will change. Therefore, our task is to learn how to react to his antics, so that it does not interfere with living and work, and maybe move through the career ladder.


Closed, noticeable bos. He is too closed and serious. At work, he speaks only about work and is not relaxing for a minute. He has a strict separation of personal life and labor time. Even in the smoking room, you will not speak normally. Not a man, but a function.

What to do?

Do not give up, do steps towards meeting, but do not go to obsession. Try tying a dialogue. Ask him about the last experience of work or about studying. Speaking about the old affairs, he will reveal without noticing, and the atmosphere in the team will become easier.

Chief with pets

Those who in his favorite get everything. The best working conditions, relief on labor discipline, increase. They are praised and promote. If you were not lucky enough to get into the number of pets, then nothing good awaits you. What to do? Get the attention of his pets. Share with those who are in the honorable chef. He will see that his "minions" quoted you and will also begin to respect. But do not overdo it with getting into the retinue. Such a situation has cons. Many will find out that your progress is the result of the favor of the head, and not its own professionalism.

Infinite source of ideas

Such a boss comes to work with a new idea, and maybe several. The chef is waiting for his subordinates will also fount the thoughts on a variety of topics. He needs people eruded and versatile developed. What to do? You really better pump yourself to the level of approximate to the boss, otherwise it will not work normally. Read profile magazines and portals, look out adjacent areas to keep abreast of the question when he once again wants to transfer you to the task of the task. Be aware of everything.


It does not leave the situation for a minute without control. Requires permanent reports, calls, project status. Such bosses are found in companies operating in tough competition. There really, it is worth breaking the boards a little bit, and competitors will bypass you on the turn. Such a boss has developed a phobia, then it stands for a moment to leave the question without control, and everything collapses. What to do? It is necessary to contact as much as possible with the boss. To report him twice as often than it requires. Keep it up to date with so much that he wanted to read all reports. Over time, he will have the opinion that you can rely on you. You will look in his eyes professional and competent other employees. In addition, constant reporting will help streamline your actions, which will also have a positive effect on your competence.

Boltun and loafer

Such a boss also has many ideas, like the "inexhaustible source", but he rarely brings them to implementation. He is a theorist, the presentation of the idea for him is much more important than the ultimate success. He quickly cools and switches to another thought. In the end, you do not know what you do, and do not grow professionally. What to do? Become those who embody his ideas. Let him fountain, and you are planning to end the case. So grow in his eyes and, more importantly, in the eyes of his chief. Over time, you can become in his place.


With such a chief is hard. He is afraid to take responsibility, afraid to do something until he gets good of the maximum number of instances. Usually this is an inexperienced boss who does not know how to delegate powers, and is not sure of its competence. What to do? You can become one who will help him feel confidence. Become a gray cardinal in the team. Pusk it to the right choice. If you offer him options for approval, the choice is to a minimum.

Kidnapper ideas

Such a boss constantly attributes to itself the merit of the team and accumulates the importance of its subordinates. Even if you are the most valuable employee, you can't interfere with him to steal your ideas, because he reports to his bosses without you. What to do? Try to abstract. Do all that you are required and stopped to torment yourself. Better posting in social networks detailed posts about projects with an explanation of your role in the process. The boss and competitors will know where the legs are growing from.

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