Goodbye, sadness: the best anti-stress products


Sad sorrow with a cake "Napoleon" and a barrel of red ineffective. And sandwich with lard. And even, oddly enough, double cheeseburger. But the food that can raise the mood and strengthen you in the fight against the cruel world, really exists. If clouds are thickened, feed the refrigerator here with these products.



That soon the season will begin, buy their kilograms. The apricots contain riboflavin - it improves memory, concentration and efficiency. What is needed if the summer session or endless grandilage vannel you in stress.



Egg is a vitamin-nutrient bomb. Well, no bomb - grenade. In one egg, the squirrel is enough to charge your batteries for a long time, and in it is full of choline, which is vital to nervous cells - without him they just break off. Holine works like an antidepressant, and makes you smarter.

Buckwheat and oatmeal


They have a lot of group vitamins that support nerves in a tone, and the mood is higher than the Waterlinia. In addition, they have a tryptophan - amino acid, from which the body cuts serotonin. No serotonin - no mood, hunting lying on the sofa and sorry yourself. Triptophan is a natural antidepressant, and he also settles sleep and takes fear of this hostile world.



Cranberry has a heavy life - the north around, the swamp, hopelessness and tlen. To survive, the cranberry accumulates vitamins and all sorts of beneficial substances - and after all stands! It has a lot of vitamin C, which in such shock doses can reduce the level of cortisol stress hormone. And this is an antioxidant. Handful of cranberries daily - and you will be eternally young as a vampire.

Chicken bouillon


"Jewish Penicillin" and the faithful remedy for all life conflicts. Not in vain in the old novels of the twig making in lace peignoirs. Packaging chicken broth. Chicter contains biotin, which is necessary for the nervous system - and a lot, very much.

Brazilian nut


This is a source of selenium, and selenium soothes and relaxes. Let at least the invasion of aliens and a zombie apocalypse around - you are on the fig.

Tea from Romashki.


It smells tasty, there is no caffeine, which on the background of stress turns any in a saber-to-face protein, but there is a piece called apigenin - a substance with a slight sleeping bag and a rather powerful soothing effect.



It is not a nut at all, but an anti-stress pill. The combination of vitamin B2 and magnesium increases the mood, stimulating the generation of serotonin, and zinc helps to fight with the effects of stress - fatigue, dispellation, fusity and insomnia. Real Superman Food.

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