Seasonal exacerbation: signs of autumn in your Frandlent



What is autumn? This is back to school, cold, rain, fog, nostalgia, sadness, time remark and so on and so on. Pics.Ru collected signs on which, even not looking out the window, you can immediately understand - on the courtyard the same "dull time." And someone loves it all truly!

Photo shoot with leaves

Yellow bouquets of leaves, wreaths on the head from the leaves, lie on the leaves in different poses, throwing up the leaves, look out of the leaves - how much can you?!


"Again, 9 months of slush and shit under your feet, how much you can endure ...". Guys, ale, we are in Russia, here every year so what are you surprised again? "Summer about * Bano again, how so." Dudes, what you are about * Bali Summer are your problems, but we have two good news: the first one - next year you will have another chance, the second - if you have enough money, then summer can be organized at any time and Cause missed.

Preparation for the New Year

Particularly upright begin to prepare for the new year in March, but in the fall, the preparation takes truly universal scales. Someone is looking for cheap tickets to warm edges to overweight there and meet New Year with palm and coconut milk inside and out. The rest of the losers choose costumes to the corporate party, looking for a rent of a cottage or are trying to come up with something new of the traditional set "Christmas-Mandarin-Champagne", wall to all social networks.


Brutal people, worthy of universal contempt and all sorts of censures leave for vacation and brazenly postponed photos from the beach or night view of New York, while we are standing in front of a difficult choice: wear a coat or a jacket? And to take an umbrella or not? And while we are fighting with a dream here and - what is already there - they are terribly envied, they rest. Well, nothing nothing, someday they will have to return to the harsh reality: rain, fog and +5.



In the fall, all the hunt of heat and mimimi, therefore, the number of photographs of cats per unit Fritthletes jumps in geometric progression. And we are glad! Catics are always good, there are no many of them.

"Warm" Luke

Mandatory on the windowsill, in woolen socks or golf, sweater and with a cup of something hot, which you certainly need to hug by two hands. Or under a blanket with a book, in glasses, and the light is so muted and soft. Or on the street (again these leaves!) In a coat and a long multicolored scarf. In short, all of themselves are so thoughtful and melancholic. It is terrible to imagine how much time and strength is spent on these pictures. Get better sex something - at least exactly get warm.

Sickle and jam

If these are not infinite recipes, it is better to spin the podrovna pickup salted jar of salt cucumbers ("He will definitely ask for a hundred portions supplements! Recipe for 5 minutes: you will need cucumbers, salt and screwdriver!"), These are endless photos with signatures like " Here is what kind of harvest we have "- read" I'm smart "! OK-OK, we already felt ourselves with skinless insignificances, stop.

The first of September, the day of the teacher and other school charms

In the fall, you first think: ahh, when all these people managed to give birth and grow children?!?! And where was I!?! ??? And then everyone is very beginning to remember how it was all, favorite teachers and writing a varied sentimental emptore on the theme "School Years Wonderful." We have an antidote: Go to classmates and spend 15 minutes there. Or, for example, wonderful hatred post. Nostalgia will remove as a hand - verified.

Deep-minded posts

Each second considers himself at least a new immucal of Kant, and each first is confident that if he does not overpower any regular pseudo-intruded, but incredibly deep-minded crap from the category of capital truths, then the world will collapse, and Facebook with him. We'll be spoken by the autumn depression about the imperfection of the world.

Mass psychosis


People meet, people fall in love, marry, bred, scandals, throw the piano in the window, drive out of the houses of wives, children and husbands, quarrel with their parents, dismiss from work, they hurt, go in stuff, come out of the binge, do not follow and obcomply In consciousness, and finally not going to spring (and there everything is new). Class, we stored popcorn! More hell!


Baked, uroen, in the cake, in jam, in the tincture and crown of the hands of man's hands - Her Majesty Charlotka. After the autumn hysteria on apples, they don't want to have any business with them at least until December. Or exclusively in the form of Calvados - hello, remark!

Coffee, Cocoa, Tea

Trillions of the varieties of hot, as if in the fall, everything sharply throw drinks and begin to eat exclusively with chocolate. No need to pretend! Grog, Mulled wine and Punche nobody canceled, besides, why should I leave in the filing, how not to fall? Whiskey, rum and red - the most that neither there is a hot autumn drink, like without them!

Ekaterina Kuzmina

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