It covered it: strange real stories of our love



As it should be, it will become inadvertently. When you are not waiting at all. Great feeling.

Sometimes, let's say, it happens when the heel break or go out to make a bucket in workouts and with a dirty head. Or when you buy diapers, or you do not fit into the turn, or you sprinkle a report ... it does not ask politely, there is no moment you have. It is watched at the door from his feet and brazenly arranged in the midst of your life. And how strange and unexpectedly fell in love with you?

Found on the garbage, cleared of cleanings

Once a girlfriend walked past the garbage. Hears: there someone moans and hurt. At first I thought: the bums love. And then thinks: what if one homeless thing ... and he is bad completely? I studied the flashlight, it looks, and there is thin, in jeans and dies. And the owner of the legs messengers and moan. It seems to be non-hazardous.

He helped get out of the tank, called the cops, he wrote to Gopnik (his smartphone and money was beaten and taken away. She took the victim home - to wash and spend the night after stress. And the next morning wakes up from the fact that in the house suddenly food smells. It comes to the kitchen, and the saved comrade there with a blue muzzle and cottones with a frying pan. Fried eggs, cooks coffee ... I myself did not breakfast: I did not climb. This is such a "thank you" issued and left somehow imperceptibly.

And then in a month he dies on someone on the street. She didn't recognize that guy: in the first meeting, he was all the swollen, from the garbage. And then it turned out to be a pretty such, quite clean and dear ... for six years there are. When he returns late, she worries.

Chrome, poor


A friend fell in love with a girl from strange stability. They drove in the same metro car, passed on one transition to another line - and on again along the way. And she was very chrome, and with all such a small, thin, blond and sad. And while he walked behind her, looking like she lame, and tried not to be angry and not to kick her, he began to explain to himself that it was impossible, she was not guilty ...

And suddenly began to invent a story about her, why she lame: as a child, her piano fell on her, she was teased at school, and she wanted to dance and rejoice at new boots ... In general, at the end I almost did almost sob. It came up to meet. And on the third date she came no longer chrome. It turns out that she just fell away from the rollers. But everything, it was too late, projected! His heart, in the sense.

Prince on a white horse will stop

A friend caught a horse for hallers when he suffered. In the park rushed with scolded eyes, is about to meet everything in its path. For happiness, the girl on horseback is engaged, and there is a lot more than useful. In general, the horse will stop at the race and everything else on the list.

Holds it, it means that this is an animal, looks at him, a boy's boy sits, trembled, also drove his eyes. Well, here she was not kept, as tormented: "So what are you, prince on a white horse!" He almost fell finally, this prince. Somewhere at that moment, as he later told him, he was supreme and fell in love with her ...

In general, I am hetero! ..

My friend Anya, all his life is such a hetero-hetero, suddenly spun a novel with a young lady. That was a p-dred-face! And when they gathered themselves, they rushed with the apartment. They rushed, tormented, and here the wiki girlfriend was formed - and let's disinterestedly help them with housing and moving ... and what? And all!

Now they now have a soul in the soul, hamsters started. In the sense, Anya and the girlfriend is this kind. Somewhere among the dragging bedside tables, their great feeling overtook. And the lady of Vika is especially not frustrated, her family life is actually not much interest.

She loved her flour

One my friend girl fell in love with another familiar girl on the beach, where they both found themselves during the working time Monday. I must say, it was an ordinary sanguated herbal beach near Moscow, so no romance of a place here did not play a fatal role. Just that girl, seeing that there were almost no one outside around, made an epilacation with some stripes there. Paste and jerked. And so cute boiled, and so touchingly duke ... that the heart melted for capital!

Love for Bukovka


My husband is on the question: "And how did you meet?" Honestly replies: "At first I fell in love ... in her texts in the blog." And he, if he believes, these texts read with the sinking heart for a whole year. Before writing their author a couple of approving words.

Then we again rewrote all sorts of smart and sublime matters. Before he invited the author, that is me, in a cafe. Then we for another six months walked in the cafes ... So far, finally, I did not force the events! I must say, a favorite also engaged in the text of their activities. Well, who else could fall in love with the beaks? Not even a avatar. I had Schopenhauer on her then for Hochma ...

How did I stand it?

We met in a fashionable club, everything is very decent, romantic, candy bouquets. And soon I begin to notice something wrong. Dude, let's say, falls asleep at the wheel. I came to me quickly: addict. But instead of "run-save" included the program "Love-save". And five years so left! I saw the entire classic of this black genre: and breaking, and lies, and the disappearance of several nights, and the removal of jewels. He took out the soul from me before I took my feet in my hands.

And now he writes in social networks to my friends, as he has everything cool and what baby. Here I do not believe, sorry. But I somehow do not want to check ...

And then it came to me

We were friends with him from high school. Right "in gums." I have depression because of love - he disappears me, the girl left him - I watch football with him in the kabaska. I have introduced him to him with my friend with my friend, they did not grow together - and I was visiting the rights of friendship to both ...

Once we have gathered a large company in Peter. And in the end, as always, someone suddenly born triple born, someone had a ass fell off ... and we went together with a friend. And I still had a patient, all in snot. He so touching me medicine and wrapped up with her spits! And I somehow looked at him with other eyes ...

The month went suffering. After all, here - Pan or disappeared! Finally, I came and say: the dude, and so I love - the tram will buy. In response: Well, we are almost all the time near, you do not drive horses! And I was such a patient and gentle: I stroked the shirts, I prepared the dinners for 10 people ... He was awesome, because no one else cared for him, besides mom.

And once he hands my ring and declares that there is no need for him to look for the best, because he already found! And then I'm scared: oh, and I need it? And such a boom: "Well, maybe in half a year, in the summer ..." And he is: "Eh, not, Mother! Dress, go to the registry office. " What remained me?

It caught right at the wedding


My future, we met for three years, then lived in a civil marriage for two more years ... He is such a phlegmatic, answers any irritant: "I need to think." So before the sentence, he dosured when my feelings are not left, but from hot steel warm.

It seemed to me that this is the normal process that so in all: African passions go into calm affection that relations need to build and maintain that happiness is actually such a quiet harbor ... And here at the wedding I look at our photographer (my husband found ) - And I understand that Karaul, disappeared. After several cases of communication (initially on the theme of photographs, of course) and mutual ziphenzing in social networks, I understand that the same disappeared completely and finally. Sounds as Fall, of course. If you look outside. And if from the inside ...

Covered after a stamp ... in a year!

Here you will laugh, and I fell in love with my own husband. He tried very long before I told him "yes." What is called, it was easier to agree to explain why you do not want. He did not touch my statements at all that I don't see a man in it, and he stated that he would seek me until he achieves.

In the end I gave up. I was always not lucky in my personal life, and then he is all such a positive, caring, attentive ... I decided that you could live safely without love. And then he fell into an accident. And for the time that she passed before I found out that he was alive and nothing fatal, I survived so much! No, it turned out not a minute. I just realized who he really was for me. Everything somehow snapped. Now, in the day in the separation I miss when he is near, I can't take the eye. But he seems to "glow of passions" quiet started ...

Selection: Julia Sheket and team PICS.RU

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