Lifehak: how to survive on the train while traveling


Traveling on the domestic train in itself is quite extreme entertainment. If it is long-distance is especially. If the carrier wagon is even more especially.

Just the cinema can be removed, and in all genres at the same time! But everything will end with Happy Endom, if you remember and follow all the seven main useful rules from PICS.

"Gentlemansky set"

If you find out that I forgot something necessary, arriving at the place, it's still nothing - you can buy. The train will not work. Unless at the station, but with risk to fall behind. Therefore, recheck: if you are all that, without anything, to spend the day and more - sad. Namely:

  • changing clothes and slippers;
  • hygiene products;
  • toilet paper;
  • Beroshi (as they like to snore the neighbors on the coupe!);
  • a knife, and better multitool;
  • Comb brush paste;
  • Plastic dishes (conveniently in the path containers - you can cut on the lid, to temporarily fold wrappers and purification);
  • water in several small bottles;
  • And most importantly - medicines. Your individual plus more "gastric" means, even if they are rarely impressed on solid land.
All road things are more convenient to hold in a separate bag or a backpack so as not to dive for them to be thrown into the suitcase.

Yes, if she still forgot the last two points - demand from the conductor politely, but adamantly. For "medicines from the train aid kit in the required quantities, as well as boiled or chilled water are issued to passengers for free."

"I have the right!"

By the way about the conductors. In case an earnest instance falls, we advise you to print the railway rules on the printer and have them with you. What for? That's, let's say you carry a little dog. Or great. And legally hold the first in carrying, and the second on the third shelf. And he suddenly begins to go and comes up with the squeezing type "you need to buy a coupe!". Mzda actually wants. And you are the rules under the nose: go and not sin.

And the rules useful happen. For example, are you knowing that if the pad happened and two tickets were knocked out on your place, the head of the train is obliged by your consent "to provide a place in another car (including a higher category without recovery of surcharge)"?

If the conductor did not wake you up and you drove the station, a certificate of the right to return to the destination station is free. And if behind the train - the station head is obliged to survey the head of the next station, where the train stops no less than 10 minutes so that you have a thing and ticket to you. You have the right to get there by the first passing train.

"All my wear with you"

Money, documents, cards and mobile keeping not under the pillow, but in a native handbag. Which will be correct to accompany you and to the toilet, and to the station - the legs to smoke. Because any souvenirs for aunt easier to restore or compensate for the passport or insurance. Well, for every fireman, remember that all route travels police in the train. He, of course, is not a fact that you will spoil just so much that you can safely lose vigilance. But sometimes the benefits happen from them.

"Iside, infection!"

The train we use the domestic, and therefore the unsanitary on the most crocodiles. No, it, of course, washed, but without inspiration, little and not everywhere. A variety of microbes, fungi and other dirtiness - a lot and constantly. Therefore, napkins and antiseptics are our all. Napkins We will need several species.
  • First, wet antibacterial - wipe the surfaces around yourself.
  • Secondly, for intimate hygiene - because there is no shower on the train.
  • Thirdly, dry - which should be taken for the toilet handle and put a toilet bowl.

Because this surfaces are found on these surfaces, which is not to be treated. The barefoot does not even need to go in externally abnormal. Train slippers are better to have disposable.

"There is, pray, love"

Boiled eggs, smoked sausage, chicken, splashing salted tomatoes - the classic of moving our childhood ... causing nostalgia, mixed with horror in the ratio of 1: 1.

And what, actually, to feed yourself in a long trip if the pies from the opposite grandmies are even more terrible? Dried fruits, nuts, cleaned seeds, lollipops - help cope with "swing". Cheese, crackers, solid fruits and vegetables, Muesli bars - obviously not turned fucked.

A good and convenient director for Guest House - baby food in small jars. So that the products that may suffocate do not do this - pack them not in polyethylene, but in the parchment.

"The most secure place"

I don't want to know anything about the incidents, but then it's better when you are crawling, but they did not happen than the opposite. Therefore, here's information, and let it be purely theoretical knowledge. The safest Places - those that in the course of the movement: if he slows down, passengers presses against the wall, and those opposite, can reset from the shelves.As for the carriage, it is intuitive that in collision Or from the rails from the rails the least will suffer those that in the middle.

In case of fire The most trumps, that is, evacoable places - closer to the conductor's coupe. Open the window or knock the glass you need with a closed door of the coupe, so that the air flow does not swelle the flame stronger. Well, of course, to pull the stop-crane during an emergency is not worth not at the moment when the composition is passing uncomfortable for evacuation place like a tunnel or bridge.

"Oh, I have it!"

And what to do if it became bad, and the contents of the first torture does not help? Do not brand, immediately report the conductor. He is obliged to take action. What are they consisting? At the nearest station, you will be sent to the hands of "Emergency", and that will take you to a local hospital. After all, you already learned that the passport with the policy of the OMS - should I keep with you? So doctors just obliged you to save you, they gave an oath. After you feel, you have to send for free further to the following goals. To do this, you must have a ticket, a passport and a certificate from the hospital, in which you previously saved.

"Monkeys in the train"

A separate topic is a journey with a minor citizen. A lot of all is added to the item "Do not forget":

  • birth certificate;
  • small packaging of juices and yogurts;
  • Quick porridge;
  • Pazzles, coloring, stickers, lotto and other entertainment;
  • Tablet with cartoons;
  • more wet napkins;
  • Pot with lid and packages (which you will pre-lay there, and then just remove and throw it away) ...

Placeing the baby to relax, roll up a blanket or a sheet with a roller and lay under the edge of the mattress to form a border man. A more serious self-made safety facility can be built from the sheet.

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