Vacation will not help. How to understand what time to leave



Sivka danced steep slides, Square wants on vacation. But the desire to break into the will, in the pampas, does not always mean that you are time to rest. Perhaps you have time to run away from this company while Czek. Drive 2-3 signs - start writing down the statement on your own request.

This ship is sinking

Over the past six months, your office has sold one and a half screws, pay salary on great public holidays, recently cut the cleaner and ficus. While you depict the hero who does not give up, the boss thinks who else to withdraw for brackets. Perhaps you are.

There are some enemies


At the interview, you were thrown by a team-party, and it turned out that the office on the most fire exit is naked with packers and trolls. You look very sympathetically watching American cinema of the genre "Popular schoolproof whirlwinds braggy clever". Maybe you have already learned Vitievato to bite off from attacks, avoid scandals and stop podlans. But what kind of career growth can we say if you have every day - fighting without rules?

You do not want to be a boss

Say honestly, did you pretend at least once that your pope was sitting in the entourage? Specific chair of your particular boss? If the thought of moving ever in his office does not cause any feelings or provokes a light nausea, this is definitely not your job.

She shames you


Well, not that direct disgraces - after all, a little less than that video, where you with a tear performing in karaoke "Let's drink for love." However, you clearly realize: there is nothing to be proud of here. All your friends make from 10 to 18 something is terribly engaged and significant, and in their companies you feel like Kryukuuk school drama at the meeting of the Oscars Committee. Therefore, you see from questions about work, otherwise you will have to admit that your duties are sad and stupid so much as Macaka-Rus would have coped. It doesn't matter if it is. It is important that you think so.

You know exactly what you will do on November 18


The same as March 24, July 7 and September 12. Because you are stuck in the groundwhugh day and still make the same daily. You do not know anything new, do not get acquainted with anyone and fulfill your duties without coming into consciousness. Do not dilute your golden brains for such nonsense.

They eat children there

Or cut down Amazonian forests, and you are fighting for the right of trees on life and happiness. Or sell grannies a magical remedy for just some hundred thousand rubles. Or do something no less bad. Internal conflict will never let you sleep well.

You are squeezed


Target normally. It is not normal when you want to lock in the bunker after work and spend the next hundred years there in hibernation. It is not normal when you are a little mutton from yesterday morning, but because you need to return to the office in two days. And the forces are not enough for anything - neither on the bath with bubbles, or hug on your own.

You returned a month ago from vacation

Even the computer takes time to boot, and you are suppressed. However, most in a week are already fully poured into a jet. Still tan not inclusted, and you already feel like that did not rest in your life? For sure, it's time to pour.

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