Ice cream with strange tastes: 10 recipes


On the network there are hit parades of the most delusted ice cream on the planet: like "from octopus", "with Via-Gray", "with gold leaves" ... cool, of course, that humanity has such a fantasy, but somehow I want to ask: Well, and what? Rich their faders.

We are not cold from these perversions, nor hot ... But from Piksovsky hit frit-aiskrim-parades you will definitely become less hot ... and more delicious! Our recipes are for the most bold sunbalances :)

1. Husty ice cream

Ingredients: Politra cream, three yolks, 100 g of sugar, a hammer mixture of different peppers (black, white, pink) - about half a spoon, depending on the degree of passion to the sharp. The process itself. Cream is brought to a boil in a saucepan with a thick bottom and immediately turn off. Yolks are thoroughly whipped with sugar, add them into a slightly fitchained cream - and carefully warming up on slow heat, not lying as it should be stirred. Now I'm squeeze the pepper mixture there, let it all stand and cooles to room temperature - and then we send a saucepan for several hours in the freezer. Every hour visiting our future ice cream and stir. And finally, add coolness and pepper in the evening!

2. ice cream with garlic

Ingredients: Large mature avocado, 250 ml of oily cream, 125 ml yogurt without additives, 3-4 sugar spoons (better brown), garlic clove, on a pair of green basil branches, Tarkhun and mint, couple of lemon juice spoons, black pepper, salt. The process itself. Green leaflets are crushed in a blender with a pair of cold water spoons, press the juice through the gauze. From avocado, take out the flesh, and the remaining halves water lemon juice. The flesh of Solim, Perchym and Puriruze in a blender with garlic. Jogurt is well mixed with sugar, and mix with an avocadic puree and a juice juice. There, add like a whipped cream. Now we put this mass in the freezer for 6-8 hours (interfere with it), then decompose on baskets or cups - and rejoice in life in all her spicy manifestations!

3. Ice cream with cucumbers

Ingredients: Shelves of fixed cucumbers, 250 g of soft cream cheese, squeezed lemon, pair of thyme branches, salt-pepper. The process itself. Cucumbers clean from skins and remove seeds, cut in finely and frost in the freezer hour and a half. Now Blendim Blender, add all the other ingredients and bring to a pleasant homogeneity. I spread the puree into the cups, decorated with greens, pepperm, still cool - and arrange a vitamin and stability party!

4. Tomato ice cream

Ingredients: 3 yolks, 150 g of fat cream, 100 g of sugar, 100 g of tomato paste, a pair of tablespoons of a berry sauce (for example, cruising) for "polishing". The process itself. We mix yolks, cream and sugar with salt in a big saucepan, put it all on a water bath and tom there, while the volume does not increase times two. Now we beat the mixture well, add tomato paste to it, stir - and let it be frozen in the freezer until it frees. And now you can play with the guests in the game "You can't guess what cold dish gave you my brown creativity!"

5. Rice ice cream

Ingredients: Bank of condensed milk, coconut milk bank, a large glass of milk ordinary, a glass of rice, mango, vanillin, salt. The process itself. Coconut milk is whipped with conventional, flavoring vaniline and boil in this mixture. When it is ready, add a couple of glasses of water and condensed milk, as well as a sliced ​​mango, slightly salt - and send it to remove in the freezer. Exit yourself, waiting for the original dessert? It's time to throw!

6. Pumpkin ice cream

Ingredients: Poliversale ticking, half-liter milk, 250 ml of cream, 6 yolks, 150 g of sugar, tablespoon of powdered sugar, vanillin. The process itself. Pumpkin cut into cubes, pour milk, add sugar and vanillin. Cook for 15 minutes, cool and pureir. We whip with yolks and we enter them into the puree thin, bring it to a boil and tormented in a slow-premium spot for 5 minutes, stirring - it does not thicken. Let be cooled, and we are still whipping cream with a powder. We carefully enter them into our pumpkin mass - and send apartons in the freezer for 5. During this time, it is periodically visiting to mix - and how the delicious colder should be disturbed!

7. Carrot ice cream

Ingredients: Kilalo Young carrots, a couple of oranges, lemon, half-liter cream, 8 tablespoons of sugar. The process itself. The juicer is squeezing the juice and from the carrot, and from citrus fruits, mix them, dissolve sugar in them. The cream is well whipped with a mixer, along the way with a thin ridge we pour juice and continue this process to uniformity of the whipped. Cover the film and put on a couple of hours in the freezer. Whip the mixer - and again there. We repeat this process three times, until our ice cream becomes perfect, and our passionate desire to absorb it - irresistible!

8. Ice Cream from Green Tea in Japanese

Ingredients: Green tea, 6 eggs, 100 g of powdered sugar, on a teaspoon of lemon juice and soy sauce, a glass of oily cream. The process itself. Tea leaves in powder - blender or pestle. Brewing a stronger tea. Separate egg yolks from proteins. Squirs whipped with half powder. Yolks - mix with soy sauce, tea and lemon juice. Then add the remaining powder and beat the mixture into a good foam. Before the same state, we beat the cream, we connect everything that we have, mixing carefully - and send several hours to the refrigerator. Connective, Kayf-san!

9. Lavender ice cream

Ingredients: 2 spoons of dry lavender, 3 glasses of oily cream, a glass of sugar, 4 yolks, a pair of teaspoons of flour. The process itself. In the cream, add a lavender and bring to a boil. Now let it be cool for about 15 minutes, and while we are throwing yolks with sugar while, and then add flour there. Now lavender creams are filtering, connect with the "test", whipping - and bring it all on a small heat before thickening (but not boiling at the same time). Again, I focus - and send in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. And then - in the link to the freezer. Frozen - serve, sieve hit our childhood about "our meetings with you blue flowers."

10. Fried ice cream

Ingredients: Kilogram "Baton" of purchased ice cream, 3 eggs, a pair of packs of sweet corn flakes, vegetable oil, you can still syrup and mint for decoration. The process itself. From ice cream, we form the balls with a special spoon (or simply cut on "bricks") - and keep in the freezer for a long time to frozen. Eggs are whipped into foam, flakes shredding the rolling pin. Each piece of frozen ice cream Macaus in the eggs, then in flakes - and so three times, after each time, sending to preampen. Heat the oil in a deep frying pan, immersed there ice cream in breading and fry. Now we water, decorate and absorb!

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