Laws of physics and children. Illustrated Directory from


Archimedes Act

Laws of physics and children. Illustrated Directory from 36209_1
The children's body, immersed in the liquid, acts on a liquid with a splashing force, twice the intended strength of the body.

The first law of Newton - "It is self!"

Laws of physics and children. Illustrated Directory from 36209_2
In the children's reference system, from which they quickly run off, are at rest and we can say about them: "I did not touch anything, it myself!"

The second law of Newton - "Oh, gave way, gave himself!"

Laws of physics and children. Illustrated Directory from 36209_3
In the children's reference system, the acceleration that the point receives is directly depends on how distracted parents and only slightly connected with its mass.

The third law of Newton - "He first started!"

Laws of physics and children. Illustrated Directory from 36209_4
Some points interact with each other in Swine, in a straight line, by a curve, and also make each other the steps and bays equal to the module and opposite in the direction.

Total beginning of thermodynamics

Laws of physics and children. Illustrated Directory from 36209_5
Even a well-indoor refrigerator over time becomes slightly open and passes into a state of thermodynamic equilibrium, in which it remains how many years long until new products appear in it.

The first top of thermodynamics

Laws of physics and children. Illustrated Directory from 36209_6
In a very, very well closed refrigerator, the reserve remains constant.

The second beginning of the thermodynamics

Laws of physics and children. Illustrated Directory from 36209_7
How much the blanket is not tightened, the heat under the blanket will move to a person with colder legs.

Third principle of thermodynamics

Laws of physics and children. Illustrated Directory from 36209_8
The entropy of the children's room as approximation approaches Friday ceases to depend on any state parameters and tends to a certain bardac limit.

The principle of complementary (or "Dad said that you can")

Laws of physics and children. Illustrated Directory from 36209_9
According to this principle, for the most harmonious ripening of the child, it is necessary to apply two mutually exclusive sets of classical educational rules, which makes the brain to all participants in the process.

Principle of uncertainty

Laws of physics and children. Illustrated Directory from 36209_10
The more accurately you know where the child is and what it does, the less chance to have time to do something around the house. And vice versa.

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