Epic census from your ribbons


Epic posts and multiply faster than rabbits, and dengue dengue. They are immortally catchers and Maclaude, combined, and on delusion and dangers are comparable to Fly Tsetse. For a minute, we turn away from the tape - and there already dozen fries have become infected. Moreover, all decent people, education, erudition, all that. But it does not, all, again, again, again, I will have

Anti-flaisshed spells

Epic census from your ribbons 36206_1

I want to moan: "Mo-hy-th, we have E-Pi de Mia." But now and you have inexorably knocking in your head: "In response to a new Facebook policy"! Wildly reminds any ritual conspiracy of Mother Lofoforms: how did you not jump in the mouse field, yes, in Zybuchi swamps, the artichokes did not bother, so about my, the slave of God, the personal data of Zuckerbergs did not plunge ...

Sandy shepherds

Epic census from your ribbons 36206_2

"In connection with the dissolution of the department, 20 educated, scientists, intelligent shepherds are subject to failure! Let's give for nothing! " Monstrous painting, hair end, niagara repost. In fact, the killed shepherds will soon celebrate the decade of their lives. The geography of the death of animals is really impressive: from Novosibirsk and Chelyabinsk to Krasnodar and Lviv. At the same time, "phones" and "surnames" "responsible" for the whole of this nightmare Greenpisovs remain the same. The owners of the phones are already born and rushed, and the great mystery "on what this nonsense was created and how people who were not banned in Google remained unemployed.

Darm apartments

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You just click on the button - and you will immediately have a chance to win an apartment in the capital. And millions of adult smart people put this infection under the motto "And what, I am easy, well, what if?" As a result, the Sharac-Office "with the apartment" is gaining more user activity than all the useful resources of the country together, and a light movement of the hand turns into the next advertising shorts. On the cases of receiving any petroleum darma housing, science knows nothing.

Distribution of elephants

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Variation of free cheese scales more compromised - the virus named "ordered an iPhone, after a mistake came two, and since I despise all the material and eat one praran, I will give the second for free, at random, choosing from the repograph." Of course, no one ever seen the aparton and off-comparable apartments.

New adventures of these relations and

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True love is when you are always ... A real woman is that anything never ... And who does not correspond to the main signs, hence the toy and can kill himself about the wall on which the revelation is added. And who did not hide, we are not to blame: there is now a real man will catch up, and with him, you need to understand, a real baby, a real great-grandfather and something else real. Well, to her God, no expensive?

Wise thoughts

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The company here is 5 errors that "ever", 7 rules that "always", who are always "the laws of successful life from the supher Jackpot and other Pintoshevich. For some reason, such manuals do not stand in their walls on their own walls. They probably want to hide magic miracle recipes from the people. But the army of housewives and merchandisers will share them with pleasure.

Outdated grandfathers

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An old man, which in the cold sells his last collection of intellectual poetry, or a lost girl rushes over thousands of virtual saviors. Only it often it turns out that the events described occurred a few years ago. Why, if we are not a really familiar case, just do not go to the search engine? He is free!

How to configure Facebook and clean the banana

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Useful recommendations on what keys to press in the case of Zy, as well as how to behave when meeting with the fruit of something, fasting under the mantra "I will put yourself on the wall so as not to forget." As practice shows, all this is forgotten in 99.9% of cases, and when meeting with a bug or fruit, no one rushes to scroll through their records for a year down.

About the dangers and benefits of all

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Science news every day discover the deadly danger and the saving panacea of ​​the same things. And the ribbon obediently multiplies these sensational discoveries. We must drink eight glasses of water, and save. We urgently exclude from the diet of the milk products, they die from them, the maximum repost. "Tell me, did you try to urine a young piglet?" (c) O. Henry.

Plans of the Kremlin and Putin's Ways

Epic census from your ribbons 36206_10

At the same time, Putin directly this second gives the team to start the third world, and it will start exactly the day after tomorrow. So said the expert, and they are not mistaken. If it does not start, too, it is not enough: there is another expert, he will inform about the war after a half months. On another thing, Putin really thinks right this second, which country is running in a female dress. Thus said the third expert who has access to a straight line in Putin's head. Sometimes the same expert can broadcast directly opposite wings for a variety. And on the drum, the repost is guaranteed.

Magic garbage

Epic census from your ribbons 36206_11

Infa one hundred percent: just post a picture with a bunch of dough - it will immediately obey comes running, overcoming all obstacles in the form of your laziness, lack of skills and economic situation. That's just not able to oppose. While it is still for some reason on the way (the weather is noterable, not otherwise) posts of affirmation, runes and money trees. And work - she will wait!

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