What to do if a man does not want a child


What to do if a man does not want a child 36202_1

The family becomes full only when a child appears in it. However, not all men want children. Some are afraid of responsibility, others are generally negative about children. The reasons may be set.

Stories when a man does not want a child, there are very often found. He finds thousands of excuses in order not to make a child. Not always the lack of this desire talks about dislike for a woman.

At such moments it is not necessary to arrange hysterics and scream. He will only understand that he does not want to have a child. Problems and wishes to the partner must be discussed, and not to be silent about them. It is important to calmly find out why he does not want to have a child. And it is necessary to deal with the initial reason. It is necessary to approach this question. Do not be a egoist, which imposes its opinion to the partner. It is important to look at the situation with his eyes. It is necessary to convince a man that his fears do not have the soil. Children constantly screaming a man sees that small children always run, shout, everyone crashes. If he loves silence, then for him even the idea of ​​such an unbearable. You need to show the partner with the situation from the other side. You should ask girlfriends who have calm and educated children, come to visit. Children can promise sweets if they behave quietly and calmly. With this reception, the husband will understand that the behavior of children directly depends on the upbringing. The husband believes that the wife will love the child more than his this fear is quite common among men. He is not unfounded. When a child is born, the woman is completely immersed in care. Then the nights start without sleep and fatigue accumulates. Of course, the woman is not at all her husband. Many believe that the attention of his wife's attention with the birth of a child will only head for him. A man does not want to be on 2 plan. The wife must convince him that nothing will change with the advent of the child. She must understand that it is impossible to share her care unevenly. He is not ready, a man believes that it is still early to start children. He did not have time to make a journey and many other things. All life will be worried about the child, there will be no time for himself. Will spend a lot of money. A man can assume that it will have to part with the same way of life and habits. It's a delusion. It is necessary to find examples of familiar couples when the child swallowed the family. For example, a photo with mom, dad and baby on bicycles. Or pictures from travel. It is necessary to convey to a partner that the former life will not leave anywhere. Yes, you will have to sacrifice something. Do not think that it will stop visiting nature and travel. Children since childhood can be accustomed to an active lifestyle, movement and roads. You need to accumulate money. A man believes that before the birth of a child you need to accumulate a certain amount. After all, there will be a lot of money. However, there is no guarantee that in a few years the financial situation will improve. Money can be saved forever. You can tell the partner that there are shops with huge discounts. Clothes and toys Relatives and close friends often give each other. This will be great help. A man should know that the wife is trying to help himA woman should not pass the money, she should look for goods at a discount. He thinks that will be a bad dad, this fear usually comes from childhood. His parents probably did not understand him. He did not have an understanding in relationships with his parents. Therefore, he may think that in all families so. A man thinks he will not be an authority for a child. The reason may wage in uncertainty, fear of responsibility. Then you need to help raise yourself self-esteem. A woman should allow a man to solve her problems. When it happens, you need to tell him that he will become a good father. Only positive techniques can change the opinion of her husband that children are a source of chaos. A man must feel his importance and see take care of himself. He will have motivation to make a happy family. Then the appearance of a child will be very soon.

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