10 important points that will help keep marriage


    10 important points that will help keep marriage 36192_1
    At the stage of love and a candy-bought period, people lose their heads - everything seems beautiful, the chosen one is perfect and there is no problem at all. But it should be remembered that after the solemn marriage ceremony comes life, which is often accompanied by disappointments. If you want warm relationships to laugh as long as possible, you should remember about 10 things that need to be learned before the registry office.

    1. Passion leaves. Yes, at the beginning of relations and family life, it seems unreal, nevertheless in an intimate plan to pull to the partner every year it will be less and less. However, this is not a reason for the divorce, because refreshing relationships and add peppercorn can always. 2. The passion has a property to flare up again and again. The main thing is that there is love, trust and mutual understanding between partners. Frank conversations will help to identify the problem in a timely manner, take into account the needs of each other and return to the state of the first intimacy. 3. Remember the past days and how well it was. More often, remember that you started before, which attracted each other, what moments we were tired and delivered pleasure. Return it to your present and heat your feelings. 4. Do not stop being romantics. So that love does not fade, make each other romantic deeds. No need to wait for the sharp need for this - because the fire is always easier to maintain burning than to breed it again. 5. Initially, be prepared for frankness and honesty. As practice shows, the cause of most problems lies in shortness and silence. First, the partner does not like some quality, but it is ignored, then it begins to annoy everything stronger, but the situation is silent. In this case, irritation does not pass without a trace, manifested in quarrels and cooling of feelings. And the source of irritation in the time the concept does not have what is happening. No need to tighten to a critical point, it is better to immediately tell as it is, about what you don't like, but be prepared to change together with the partner by his comments. No one should guess what you want - talk about your desires tactfully, but straight. 6. Do not show aggression. A very important rule for harmony in the family is not to insult each other, not to humiliate and be able to enter the position of your loved one. Listen to each other, talk on an equal footing and even at the moments of clarifying relationships, try to keep emotions under control and do not increase the tone. 7. Fill love every day. Do not skimp on the daily manifestation of love, provide each other nice signs of attention. Efficiency from this is much more than once a year to hold a sharing vacation. 8. Regularly choose somewhere from the house. If the family has children, nice and useful to spend time along with them. However, so that the relationship is not mired in domestic problems and proceedings, sometimes you need to leave them overnight at grandmothers to devote time to yourself with a loved one - such dates are very well affected by the quality of relationships. 9. There are never unnecessary compliments. Always look for a reason to make a compliment to your halfIt's never exemplary to make a partner, how do you appreciate him and how glad you are with you. The compliments statement has a positive effect on both - the host parties it raises self-esteem, and the speaker this is once again reminded that he loves and appreciates his partner. 10. Do not be afraid of risk. As mentioned above, confidence in relations, one of the valuable criteria. After all, only trusting can be fully disclosed to the partner in bed and other aspects of life. Do not hesitate to show activity in sex, try new poses, places, even if the constraint will be attended - over time it will pass, and the effect will remain. Despite the fact that all the above listed rules look very light and simple, observe them, unfortunately, not everyone can. But those who succeed, live a long and very happy life together!

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