Despot, workaholic or mattress: As the father's personality affects the fate of the child


Despot, workaholic or mattress: As the father's personality affects the fate of the child 36188_1
It has long been proven that the roots of all psychological problems go into childhood. But at the same time, few people think that the life scenario of an adult woman is largely determined by how her father was ...


In this case, it is not necessary for the fathers who regularly raise the hand on their households. This category includes authoritarian fathers of the family who do not take any objections and even the slightest attempts do not take to find a common language with their daughter. He firmly confident that the child is still small and definitely does not reach his level, which means you should not waste time on attempts to normal communicate with him.

With such a father, it is useless to try to talk to the souls, it is impossible to hear a good word or a council from him, and the upbringing method is not for him. With any convenient opportunity, it is enough "whip". It is also impossible to please him, he will definitely find a flaw and she will hold it to him - "Five got? Think ... go better in the room of your own order in front. ".

A girl from such a family grows without love to himself, she doesn't even know what it is generally possible - she forgot to tell her about it. She is afraid to look like an egoist in the eyes of others, so his interests, desires and needs always moves to the last place. In partners, such women often choose men who are called domestic tyrants - such tend to suppress the woman to psychologically and apply physical violence towards it.

If the father missed emotions

If the father was a meager for the manifestation of emotions, he could not give his children a caress and care. He never says pleasant warm words, does not hug and does not stroke on his head, does not die the cants of children. But at the same time, he does not show negative emotions - he does not hit and does not scold, just even considering this, such a relationship does not affect the education of the girl positively.

An adult woman, brought up by such a father, is hardly focused on both sexual and emotional sphere. She either completely shouts himself and becomes frigid and insensitive, or goes outwards and sleeps with the first ones.


This man does not know how to make decisions, he is absolutely passive. If his head or colleague presses his work, he will endure and will not resist, he will not defend his opinion, and in general, he will be silent about him. Even mother-in-law for such a man represents a moral threat. Such behavior on the part of a man is due to low self-esteem and low self-conceit, from here and not surprising that he is humiliated everything around, even a wife.

The daughters of such dads grow confident in the fact that men should be exactly such - weakly accuracy and brown. The satellite of life they choose just in such criteria so that he will be subordinate to her, cared, and if necessary, she might be chopped up and read it.


In this category, fathers in general with any bad habits, whether it is a drug addict, a playman, etc. These men become the cause of family collapse and let the life of their households under Sunshi. Mother in such a family is always on the verge of a nervous breakdown, and children consider themselves abandoned and unnecessary. But the worst thing is that women who believe that the normal relationship should look like that of such families. Therefore, in the satellites of life, they choose men with dependencies, which either constantly dry in the filings, or drag all good from the house in order to once again play.

Incorrigible workaholic

Oddly enough, but the workaholic father for a little girl is even worse than a meager on emotions. From the past years she feels that it is for dad, at best, in second place after work. Having matured, she will think that unworthy of love, care and attention, and this will seriously affect her relationship with men. The daughter of such a father will endure any bullying over himself, if only only a man did not throw it.

"I wanted a boy so much"

The psychology of men is such that if a child does not appear on the light that they dreamed about, it leads them to disappointment. And they can enter in this case one of three options: just accept everything as it is, and then everything will be done by itself, or to raise a boy as a girl (if a girl wanted) and, on the contrary, a girl like a boy. Do you need to talk about how terrible it will affect the child.

When the girl is initially trying to wear in a boyish style, shortly cut, take with me to the garage and fishing - very soon she will have a failure in sexual and gender self-identification. Instead of behaving with guys like a woman, she will be like "his kid", which will be a huge interference in personal life.

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