What is this to be the second wife, or is it worth creating a family with a broken man


    What is this to be the second wife, or is it worth creating a family with a broken man 36186_1
    If a man is divorced, this does not mean that he is a bad person. Perhaps just something was not trimmed in a relationship with his wife and it led to the divorce. In addition, such a man is easier to "Okolzat", because marriage for him is no longer scary.

    The divorced man already has a family life experience. Such a man do not have to constantly talk about his duties. Because he himself will know what to do for the family. It will be easier to agree with him at that time when household disputes arise. After all, he had already had to survive such situations.

    There may be a minus that the divorced man has a child. Although it sounds rude, but in fact it is. It will be especially difficult for the moments when a man will lead the child to your joint house. You will already have to find a common language with a child. And the man will watch this.

    If you can't get friends with the child, then the man will disappointed in his choice. Everything will be dependent here not only from you, but also from the child. After all, the child may seem to seem that it was you who destroyed his happy life. And so the father does not live with his mother. In addition, the child may have a bad character, because of which you will never get to establish contact with him. These are great exceptions when the child calmly takes the new Father's wife.

    Another disadvantage may be the fact that the former wife, using the child, will constantly manipulate your man.

    She will constantly call the former husband and say that a child has a problem, and he should help. In this situation, your man, as a real father, will run to help his baby. Thus, the former wife will interfere with you, build your happiness. In many ways, this is due to the fact that she has somewhere far in the soul lives hope to return her husband to the family. After all, she is afraid to stay alone with the child.

    A divorced man is not a sentence, but now you know what problems may arise when building a family. Therefore, if such a man met you in your life, then think first, you need to start building family happiness with him.

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