Baby Boxes: Salvation or Ruined Fate


Baby Boxes: Salvation or Ruined Fate 36183_1

Save children or teach mothers responsibility? Usually feminists - supporters of bebi-boxes - appeal to the first argument, and their opponents - to the second. But the feminist Julia Roshchina from Magadan against Bebi-boxes, although there is no responsibility of learn about the responsibility. She told in social networks why.

I will not carefully discharge myth, causing a tear of the dignity "Even one saved life - bebi-boxes to be. I will only say one thing. These children were not going to kill. Psychologists and psychiatrists know this. The percentage of infanticide mothers in the population was always. If a woman is looking for a way to keep a child's life by throwing him to people (baby boxing, a crowded place, a place where people will pass in the near future) she already didn't get into this percentage. Parent behavior there is there. She is not going to kill. She needs a person and socio-psychological assistance, and not a box with a light bulb. In the end, I will tell you a little about the fact that there is a baby boxing for a child.

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As far as I understood from the comments, the baby boxes are seen by many as a way for a woman to preserve anonymity. Allowed the child's life goes into the background. And more so, one way or another, most commentators say that still a woman makes the decision to kill or save life. For what reasons it turns out to be in front of this choice, we are all, I think I know perfectly well. But, justice for the sake of, the threat of the fact that a conditionally mentally healthy woman, the badly socialized, will make infanticide, exaggerated. Correct me if I am mistaken, but perturbes many exactly that regardless of the desire-unwillingness to have children, if suddenly these very children appear, the woman is responsible in any case.

I will not say for other countries. For Russia I will say. According to the current legislation, the mother of the podkin will still look for. So it should be. Even if the doctors issue an act of princess, the police work does not cancel. Mother in any case outside the law. In the event that it is found, exactly the same mechanisms that work with any left child will be launched. The court, deprivation of parental rights, alimony. In order not to find, you need to take several tricks.

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Do not sleep that you are pregnant. Become invisible, hide-pulling the belly, damaging and yourself, and the child. To give birth without witnesses, at home, if you are lucky - survive and not get further problems (that is, there is no harm to harm, actually cut off a woman from medical care). Done a child where there is a box, without witnesses (by the way, did anyone think about what happens if the places of bebi-boxes become well-known? How many assholes will be gathering, waiting for "fallen" women, how many aggressive psychopaths will gather there? Gives Anyone guarantee that there will not happen there with this very woman? Or Camera, Police and immediately minus anonymity?).

The only legitimate, really legitimate way, while safe for the life and health of a woman, is to leaving the child in the medical institution where he was born. Here, of course, all the same is the same - alimony, LRP (well, if, of course, the child will not take adopters immediately, if he is adopted, an alimony burden is removed from the mother why it does not pin down on his father - a separate song). By the way, many migrants from the former Union republics, where they will score them for the "arrogant" child, they come to give birth without a passport, pretend that they do not understand Russian, and go after childbirth. So the Russian women, usually marginal, do. Nobody bounces with them usually put a child in S Sly docking, and send to the child's house.

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Khrenovo, that this method is the only one. And the second is a soulless box with a light bulb. Although there is another adopted in civilized countries. His name: Anonymous childbirth. Birth in normal conditions, medical assistance during pregnancy and after delivery. And no responsibility. And with the right to receive information about the child. And with the right to leave some information about yourself and your health, if the child decides, becoming adults, learn about his origin.

By the way, in Russia, where funds work on this profile work, a psychologist and social teacher arrives at each planned refusal to the hospital. Most often it turns out that the woman wants to raise, but does not have the resources to this, therefore refuses the child. If she agrees, she is assisted, she does not give anywhere and is not going to kill. In cases where the woman is configured categorically, no one cares for her child, does not impose. But she still has the opportunity to wage all over again. Do it or not - her choice.

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Suppose it is possible to work out legislation so that the remaining in the baby-boxing is not responsible. You can so disguise these boxes so that no asshole knew, but every woman knew exactly where they were. Suppose. Anonymity, so her retired. And zero feedback. Anonymity. That's only in this case anonymity and zero responsibility will hit again for women. Anyone can take and lower the child there, whom a woman wants to raise. And no one will understand. There is no such law - to understand where the child comes from, anonymity. I mean that this anonymity should be given exclusively to women. And this is possible, in my opinion, only with anonymous childbirth. Where only the woman in labor and the obstetric team, which is not aware of her real name.

Well, a couple of words about what will happen to a child who throw and no one knows, whose he is. First, immediately in the family he will not fall. If nothing is known about his health (and it is not known about him, yes, anonymously, who gave birth when, which diseases had - xs), at first his month will hold out in the hospital. Where he will earn deprivation and disorders of development. Then another five months he will not have the status for adoption / adoption. Because the search for "missing Mother" is six months. Six months there will be an assistee, and in the personal case of the child will appear the status giving the child the right to the family.

During these six months, in most cases, changes in the psyche of the child are irreversible. Who does not know, google, that there is deprivation and hospitalism, reactive disorder of affection. Well, or I can tell, I live with such a fault in one roof and in the field of view, a few more dozen of such children and already adult people have. For the future - the child has no chance to learn about themselves one of the most important components of it. This can be told about this in the community of adults adopted, Marina Torubitskaya can be read.

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No, I'm not trying to convince everyone, I know that it is impossible. But if the agenda had disappeared for baby boxes, it seems to me that it would be more efficient and big forces to beat in the direction of the protection of women and children.

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