3 errors in relationships that prevent you from love


3 errors in relationships that prevent you from love 36180_1

Have you grew up on stories about Cinderella, Snow White and Sleeping Beauty? Cut your life in search of a fabulous relationship, believing that they are somewhere, yes exist, and upset that they do not find them? Do not blame yourself - this template was vaccinated for many years, and we believed in it.

If you still believe in fairy tales, look around: how many people among your acquaintances live together for a long time and happily? Probably not so much, because fairy tales have little in common with real life, and an attempt to embody one of them is doomed to failure.

Adherence to fabulous ideals can destroy your relationship. And in the same way you can miss those people with whom you could build a full-fledged relationship, only because they do not meet your ideas about the ideal. You will not be grateful to the person who is with you is near, as he is not like a fabulous prince.

Three fabulous myths that prevent you from loving truly are collected in this.

1. Searches for Prince

Go on a white horse next to Mr. or Lady Perfection - is it really what you want? Before answering "Yes," ask yourself what could help you achieve what you really want. What do you want in a relationship? What do you want in life?

Ask yourself what they are for you are the ideal relationship? Not for someone else, namely for you. Maybe you value a passion for adventure in a partner, or you just want him to share homemade cottages with you? Observe what exactly you need in a relationship, not paying attention to the opinions of other people, and then you will find what you are looking for.

2. Searches for the second half

Many are looking for a relative soul, their spiritual twin, their own second half. The search for the second half encompasses the idea that the goal of the relationship is to find the perfect partner. But what's the matter: if you are looking for a kindred soul, a soul mate, a man who understands you from a half, and do not find it, you will begin to judge yourself and think that something is wrong with you.

What if instead of the search ideal, will you start asking yourself questions? You may ask, for example: "If I were the man, what would my life be?" Or: "If I were with this man, what would my life be like in 5, 10 or 20 years?"

If you ask yourself these questions, you will begin to understand what your life will be next to your ideal. Now you can compare it with what you really want in life, and if the pictures do not match, it is unlikely that it will be the best choice for you.

3. Mission rescuer

Perhaps you are not looking for a prince on a white horse - you know that it does not exist. But did you try to take on the role of a "lifeguard"? Didn't the thought come to you "this person has difficulty, it seems, can I help"? People often make this mistake when they think that they can help a person become better - that is, to become the one who should be, in their opinion.

If you contact your partner in this way, it is sooner or later drawn up - after all, I do not like to constantly listen to morals or comparisons with someone. You must be ready to be near exactly the person with whom you are in a relationship, without trying to remake it in your own taste.

The commitment to fabulous templates does not allow you to see the opportunities that are right in front of you. Faith in a non-existent ideal prevents you from finding what you really want. Release the idea of ​​a fabulous relationship, do not wait until the fairy tale comes to visit you and start creating what you need.

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