How to divorce: Psychological Tips


How to divorce: Psychological Tips 36179_1

Most people, submitting a statement to the registry office, do not even think about what they once will have to come here again, only in order to sign a divorce statement. If a couple knew that they would be able to disperse, they would hardly decide to legitimize the relationship. All divorce occurs in different ways, and also in different spouses come to him. Someone swears in the fluff and dust, and someone calmly accepts this decision.

Of course, every couple is free to diverge as he wants. But if the spouses have children, it is still important not to become blood enemies, because further communication will not be avoided. And the children will be hard to watch the parents be enjoyed and hate each other. Therefore, it is necessary to maximize to keep the normal relationship. We are not talking about friendship, because really bred spouses who have loved each other some time ago and even slept in one bed, it is almost impossible to be friends. But civilized relationships should remain, and this is quite possible to achieve, if you make some efforts.

Do not burn bridges

As a rule, the divorce in any case is preceded by a series of misunderstandings and sometimes scandals, as people try to figure out the relationship, and in a relaxed atmosphere and without emotions do not always do it. But you need to stop yourself on time. If the decision on the divorce is already accepted and there is no way back, then what is the point to destroy the relationship completely? It is worth trying to calm down and discuss everything calmly.

Tell a child about the upcoming divorce of parents

In addition, it is also calm about all this to tell your child, because until the latter hide such a serious news from him at least dishonest. The kid must have time to realize what changes occurred in his family. At first it will be categorically against the divorce, will insist that mom with dad should only be together. But when the awareness and understanding of the fact that, being together, the parents spoil each other, he will take this decision. Although it will be extremely difficult for him. In general, children are always doubly harder, as parents and family are their world. And when divorced, this world collapses in front of the eyes and you need to learn to live in a new way.

Solve all the questions

All questions that may be interested in spouses should be discussed. This also applies to the section of the property, and all that is associated with children. Do not rely on the fact that questions will be solved by themselves, it can only aggravate the situation.

Do not succumb to emotions

If emotions cannot calm down, then you need to take a pause in communication with each other, and just some time start talking further. Mutual respect must be preserved, more and not needed. The divorce must still be as civilized as possible. Do not pour each other in a trail of the curse and feed mutual hatred. It will not change anything. You need to be more wise.

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