What women hide, not wanting to confess in their complexes


What women hide, not wanting to confess in their complexes 36178_1

No matter how I wanted to believe in it - there are no ideal women in the world who live absolutely happily and have no complexes. Even the most confident woman in the head sits so much doubt as the cockroaches in the hostel.

Everyone has problems only, the difference is how a woman copes with these parasites. For example, complexes from the category "too small / big breasts", "nose with a humpback", "ears stick out" you can kill dichlorophos, or rather, just pretend that these problems are not, everything is in order. Well, that, that the nose of the curve - but the ass elastic and legs are long!

A true earthly woman simply cannot be all right - she has a necessarily or arrow curves, or manicure uneven, or hopped ears skillfully hidden under long strands. If you see a too perfect woman in front of you, in which there is not the slightest flawed - this is a reason to suspect something wrong - it is possible that the woman stands in front of you, which in the past was a man, and maybe this is at all a mannequin ...

You can repeatedly hear such an opinion that a real woman should have perfectly, even a handbag in which the perfect order is simply obliged. Well ... The bag of a normal modern woman is not just a beautiful accessory - this is the most important tool of urban amazon. Here you and the mirror, and powder, and handkerchiefs, and 50 discount cards, half of which have long been closed, and scissors, and a screwdriver, and a talisman, and a child's toys, and a mini-aid kit and a lot of something else. And if you think that all this is not really accumulating in the lady's handbag - it means you have not come across a real woman. And the most interesting thing is that only a real woman can not looking and take a wallet from his handbag in a matter of seconds.

The true woman is always in doubt: "increase the ass or lips?", "Buy a brown handbag or black? Or maybe both? "," Wear a pink blouse in gray polka dots today or gray in pink peas? "

The uninitiated people write that the real woman is still thinking about others, including men. But the real earthly woman is always worried about all-all-all - the cutlets were too dry, the wardrobe came out of fashion, the child will not read anything, the wrist appeared on his forehead, the husband became somehow too caring, etc. And please tell me how to all be happy? Well, if you are standing mega-calm Madame, be sure it's exactly a robot.

It also offers the opinion that a real woman is a solid person. Yeah of course. No, it is one in terms of the body, but if someone thinks that one person is in the face of a particular lady in front of him - he is deeply mistaken. Inside, there is also a fool, and passionate panther, and a concerning mother with a housewife, and a steady egoist, and a gentle kitty, and a bitch, and a bitch. And now also imagine that they often communicate with each other, and at elevated colors, or even fight. All this is expressed in the inner monologue of each woman - the inner approximate girl reads the betrayer for yesterday's behavior on the corporate party, and that is protected, leading to the argument perfectly spent time. And then it is connected to the dialogue with a dozen of internal personalities. Therefore, know if you think about the question "What are you thinking about now?" The woman answers "nothing ..." - this is accurate to trouble - internal madamemoks accurately agreed on something ...

The true woman is always aware of what she wants - yes, no matter how it is! Remember that in the head of a real earthly woman simultaneously live at least with dozens of different personalities? So, each of them wishes his own, and each of them leads your weight argument. Well, how can I decide in something one?

It is suggested that the real woman does not see obstacles, she simply widespread that her own age does not care, and she is all so seductive that she does not feel loneliness - but it's anything and anyone, just not a woman.

A true woman is always afraid to stay alone, she tries to hide her age, does not know how to present himself and every day for her real running with obstacles, in the head constant disputes and doubts and regular negotiations with their cockroaches. There are no ideal women, but it is in such "flaws" and the same insistence lies, which makes a woman from a woman. Such a fate of a beautiful sex - to live in constant doubts, make mistakes, fight a bunch of complexes and other troubles day.

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