How to build a relationship with a married man, if you decide to do it


How to build a relationship with a married man, if you decide to do it 36175_1
The stories of the love triangles of the old as the world, however, despite the similarity of situations, it is impossible to look at them alone and the same eyes, distributing the same tips. Let's try to consider the most common cases and how it is necessary to behave correctly.

The situation is the first. Classical

It happens that a woman loses his head from a man, falls in love with his ears and does not see (or does not want to see) that all his promises about divorce with his wife nothing more than deception. These cases are so frequent, but for sure one of the readers was the viewer of such scenes or even once in the role of the participant.

A man convinces a woman in the fact that he is bad in the family that their wife does not associate anything already, but lives with her under one roof and not divorce only because of the children. He is in search of great love and really wants to break with his wife, but at the same time there is a bunch of factors that are hampered by this: it is about to give birth, small children who are hard to transfer the family break, the wife is sick and it is impossible to worry and Many what else. But as soon as everything is resolved, he is definitely divorced and marries his big love. And the woman really believes his words.

Often, ladies come across such tricks, who have long lived without relationships, who are tired of dragging all the problems on themselves and so want to stand behind the back of a strong and reliable man. Such women tend to dissolve in a man completely, so they do not solve the relationship with him. Moreover, they do everything to do not leave them.

This situation is standard and, as a rule, relationship with such a man lasts for years, and he does not go away from his wife.

What a psychologist advises

Not every woman in such a situation will find the strength to break the relationship. Usually, this requires a lot of time to pass the period of Euphoria, love and came to awareness that the dream of living together will be a dream. In this case, psychologists give a very simple advice - to remain realists and not dissolve into a man. This will allow you to look at it critically, weighing his words, comparing them with reality and understand you in advance, with whom communication is happening.

If you want to get out of the relationship, but it does not work out with the forces and decide, you can apply the practice of negativism. Instead of deifying a partner, remember and regularly repeat yourself all its negative qualities, all that is annoyed in it, the worst moments experienced with him. With this approach, the degree of adoration will very quickly decrease.

The situation is second. All by agreement

In such respects, women are often provided, who look at life more realistically and in advance understand, for what purpose they need a man and why they need him. In this case, both understand why they are going together, so you can call it relations by agreement. Just both enjoy a joint pastime, no more. Here women are in a more winning position, because she may have more than one partner.

The lady may even experience warm feelings for his lover, but at the same time it retains its integrity. She will not mind to take him out of his family, she will not build air locks on the theme of weddings and family happiness, that he will throw his wife and go to her. She just does not need it.

What a psychologist advises

In such situations, something is unlikely to be changed, because they arrange both. Such women are often marked, in it they feel uncomfortable, and the position of the mistress for them is the most successful - they receive pleasant dividends from their status (different gifts, passionate sex, hiking in restaurants and bouquets of flowers), and the marriage does not give this The same quantity.

According to psychologists, a woman in this case is in a more profitable position, because it does not build illusions and, as a result, does not suffer from depressions and desighing that a man does not leave the family. They do not relate to such a relationship seriously, just enjoy the process.

Situation of the third. Femme fatale

Women belonging to the third group is absolutely indifferent to a man in a legitimate marriage or not. They are so seductive communicate with men that they are simply unable to resist the charms and here they are already indifferent, they have a wife or not. For the sake of such people, men are easily bred with the same wives and are ready to marry with a new object of adoration. Finding into the trap of the fatal woman, a man is doomed to suffering, because he leaves his former family in which he lived for many years and where, perhaps there are children.

What a psychologist advises

Turning to this scenario, it must be remembered that the risk of divorce in men is multiple increases. But by making an offer to a similar woman, to divorce her simply so and quickly will not succeed. It is she who will decide when the relationship has come to an end.

Given all the above, psychologists recommend women - if you fell in love with a married man and there is no strength to pacify the passion, then choose one of the scenarios and act according to plan. In any case, never allow a man to manipulate you, look at your chosen one critical and as early as possible, remove pink glasses.

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