Three important truths about men who should know every woman


Three important truths about men who should know every woman 36174_1

Trying to establish a personal life, women are often enough not for those guidelines - attempts to hold a man next to them, who is unworthy, or drive someone who can give the most cherished female happiness. Awareness of errors, unfortunately, comes very late, and sometimes not coming at all. In order not to spoil your own life, it is better to master 3 truths about men in advance.

It is impossible to force yourself to love

Having loved the man without reciprocity, it is very difficult to accept the fact that it is impossible to conquer his mutual feeling. Therefore, a lot of strength and time isted wasted on what they will not succeed.

And if the elect still succeeds to conquer, then a woman exhausted from the struggle will experience powerful disappointment, because Return, at least expected, will not go. Forcibly conquered man will not show love and care as he would do it in relation to his beloved lady.

The strong floor is designed in such a way that, first of all, they draw their attention to the appearance of a woman. And if she does not meet his personal belongings of beauty, he will not be able to fall in love. If a woman who is not in the taste of men will begin to let his secret things, then the maximum that she can count on affection on his side. He can love her as a person, but not as an excellent lady.

Therefore, it is worth understanding the important truth - a man can be tied, make him love yourself as a person (like a sister / as a better friend), but make him feel feelings like a lady of the heart - it is impossible. This is physiology, nature - to deal with this is unreasonable. Even if you are delighted with 36 sizes, you will not get into them, if you have 39 - the same thing in relationships.

Everyone expresses his love as it can and knows how

Another big mistake of women - to evaluate the power of love men, based on their own ideas about the standards of love. Each fair sex has its own vision of how to love, how to show their feelings. If the partner's behavior style does not coincide with how the lady thinks - the verdict is born in her head - "He does not like."

Do not expect from a man of that love to which he is not capable - every person has his own understanding of love at all. Love can be compared with the talent - someone manages to draw beautifully, someone composes stunning poems, another - a gifted writer. Also with feelings - someone love absorbs whole and the person turns into Romeo, and someone retains the head "cold." The manifestation of love also depends on the emotionality of a person and many other factors.

Therefore, before assessing the level of love of men in relation to yourself, it is worth knowing its character and temperament. If the chosen is unemployed, then you should not wait for it to sing a serenade under the window, sink rose petals and give the stars from the sky. But it does not mean that he does not like. If you like a man, and he is near you, then just accept yourself with his behavior and continue to love.

First love yourself

If you do not feel love to yourself, no one will love you so much as I would like. Each woman should show respect for himself, and only then she can be for a man meaningful. The strong floor adores the "stars", and if the lady is not aware of how beautiful it is, how beautiful is externally and internally, then she simply will not be able to demonstrate themselves with a man, which means he does not recognize her completely.

Unloved Woman - Lost. This is not a sophisticated beautiful person, and the victim who cannot communicate with others on equal. Initially, she puts a man to the pedestal, which is already a big mistake. And men often use this, and far from the woman.

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