10 facts about "spices": the most affordable death for adolescents


The current schoolchildren are much easier to enter the corkscrew than once their parents. The most effective and cheapest rubbish is smoking mixtures or "spices", they are "mixes".

Drugs can be bought on the Internet or by calling one of the numbers that write directly on the walls of the houses. The facts below are helpful to know each parent. 1. Spats are any grass soaked by chemical JWH-018, synthetic marijuana. Spice - so called the first narcotic smoking mixture, which was greatly distributed. This name has become the name of the nominal. 2. To prohibit spices is very difficult, because The prohibition applies to a specific active ingredient. Manufacturers change the formula slightly by adding dibenzoperan, naphthalindol, oleamide and other impurities, and get a similar product, but not forbidden. Therefore, they are sold, not much fearing problems with the law. 3. A man who constantly uses spices becomes very nervous. Only another spice portion can remove the nervous voltage. Cyril, 27 years old: "I hooked on spices when I studied at the university. The first week everything was perfect, smoked several times a day. Then I became psychorated, and everything around the gloomy. Pressed specifically. Two months passed in constant depression from tightening to tightening. It was lucky that the summer was over, and it was necessary to leave for study. The week was shifted, now I put the foot when I hear about the mixes. " 4. The JWH-018 substance is not determined by the usual dough on marijuana. Even if there are mandatory drug tests in schools, schoolchildren will be able to smoke spices, not fear of exposure. 5. The effect of smoking mixes is uncontrolled euphoria. Action is many times stronger than from marijuana or hashish. Synthetic additives significantly enhance the effect of the main substance and can lead to overdose and lethal.
6. Drug mortality in Russia over the past year amounted to about 10,000 people. There is an increase in this indicator by 10% annually over three years. 7. Spices are very easy to buy on the Internet. The search engine gives dozens of online stores selling smoking mixtures. Payment is usually made on an impersonal Internet wallet, and the goods comes to the parcel. I paid and wait when the postman brings a receipt. Pay attention to the inspections on the asphalt or on the walls of houses. Large phone number and signature "Mix", "Spice" or "Salt" - as a rule, it is exactly what advertising looks like. Salt is the same synthetic drug, only in the form of a powder. Sergey, 22 years: "For a year, two of my friends died from this rubbish. Not even from the survey, but from the effect. One dropped from the balcony of the seventh floor, and the other was driving the car's wheel. Just the spice effect cannot be controlled. I saw people eat land under this rubbish. " 8. The liver, light, cardiovascular and sex system suffers from spices. In the course of animal experiments, it was established that when taking synthetic marijuana, cancer cells are inevitably arise.

How to determine what person uses spices?

  1. Reddened or muddy eyes. Often this effect is removed by eye drops.
  2. Lethargy and drowsiness. If a person is under the action of the drug - then the opposite is a permanent need for movement, fussiness.
  3. Increased chatty.
  4. The smell of burned herbs from clothes.

What if your close person uses spices?

Try to frankly talk about the problem. If everything went very far and a person can no longer speak honestly, deeply closed in himself, then call the drug clinic. Now there are a lot of them, they are easy to search on the Internet. They will tell you how to act in this situation and, if necessary, will go home to you.

Do not pull. Time is a decisive factor.

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