Is it easy to be a migrant. Alice: from Russia in the US


In the first half of the twentieth century, the planet washed by waves of migration. In the first half of the twenty-first century, migration waves continue to chop the planet. People are looking for everything and are looking for a better lobe.

Pics.Ru has already talked about women who have moved to live from Russia and Ukraine to Bulgaria. This time we publish the story of the Russian woman who has chosen the United States.

I never dreamed of going

The funniest thing I was an opponent of emigration. I had the experience of a trip to the Film at the Union, according to the so-called disabled exchange (we lived in the families of foreigners, then they are with us). The feeling of alienity did not let all two weeks in someone else's country. It immediately became clear that I didn't want to live there forever and I could not. I have always been not against looking at the new places, but this is the same.

April 6, 1998 comes out the number of the magazine "Componmer" with a provocative inscription "Valim from here?". And there - a selection of stories about how our programmers left or went to work in the States. With addresses and jaws, what is called. It was interesting to read - not from the point of view of emigration, but from the point of view of what new experience in people happened.

And then as for the purpose: August, the collapse of the ruble, with the works of the seams, where they pay, pay at their dollar rate, that is, the salary seemed to be 2-4 times. And somewhere since November, familiar Fido begin to leave one after another. States, Ireland, New Zealand and Australia are the main directions.

I read their notes and reports, and realized that I was interested in reading about the US

That is, the country itself interests me. First, her husband is easier to find a job, secondly, there are no exams and points, as in Australia and Canada, thirdly, the country is huge, diverse, a lot that you want to see with your own eyes. Niagaru there, Grand Canyon, Both Ocean ... But how to move?

Different options were considered: one husband goes, lives there as much economically, earns money on the apartment daughter, and we arrive with children a couple of times on vacation, or we are going together, then you need to be ready for the fact that I, for example, I will not have rights To work at all. Such are the features of the work visa.

And - if children go - there are no more about savings, you need to rent an apartment in an area with a good school. I asked such questions in FIDID that the people, in my opinion, fell under the table. And where to live, and what is, and how much baby socks in the store (!).

When a real offer from Chicago appeared in 2000, I began to ask about the mafia. Fidoshniki-Chicaggers rzhali already in the voice. "Yeah, sit in the trenches and shoot it, bring Kalash and random cartridges!" - They answered me.

Avangard went husband

He had to immediately start working and earn us for tickets. And we stayed to free the apartment of the mother-in-law, get rid of furniture, cars and collect the most necessary. The most necessary was powered into the checkered Baula "The Dream of the Coverage".

Total came 10 Baulov. My husband left with one. The tenth was a new monitor that we did not find the strength to leave.

In the rest of the bags, things were driving, textbooks for three children for two years of the Russian school, children's encyclopedia, all of the Lego of our sons, which we with the eldest two days laid in the form of two cubes (for direct details) and in a bag with figures and other elements. I also took dishes, underwear, blankets, pillows. In general, the calculation was that in the first months we will buy a minimum.

At first, the husband settled in the Russian colleague

The situation with its arrangement resulted in a whole joke.

A colleague who has experience of foreign life for a year more, begins to give advice, like:

- You need a toothbrush ...

- Here she is.

- Skin ...

- Here she is!

- Caution ...

- Here she is.

- Plate-fork-knife.

- Here in the package.

- A blanket.

- Here is a blanket, a pillow, two sets of linen.

He dragged all this through the ocean! But there was no shopping on the spot.

Meanwhile, I urgently prepared in Russia to go after. I urgently received rights: we were told that without a car in the states it is very difficult to live, and the more in the family of drivers, the easier. And the husband was looking for a way to buy a car on credit, as the newcomer has no credit history and it is not easy to smash the seller to sell a decent car.

So the newspapers came across a masterpiece, for example, a red Mercedes 1968 for $ 500 ... from the series "When we arrived in America, we had so little money that I had to buy a red Mercedes."

Three months later, we flew and began to master the new world

There was a lot of funny and interesting, but for some reason never had an alienation as once in Europe. I still do not know whether it is or in Europe that I was with my family this time? It was summer, cypresses and pines smelled like in the south (Chicago is located on the latitude of Baku), and at first it was simply everything perceived as long vacation.

Before moving, we lived normally, such a freshly lumpy Russian middle class. Husband - a programmer for two or three works, three children, I am a teacher at school. Because of the children preferred to work on extellion, have a free morning. With the money was good before the collapse of 1998, but then I had to tight. Thank you, friends helped.

When I came to our newly renovated and decorated with all the new universes, and saw the saleswoman girls lay down on shelves of soda and brooms ... brooms and soda ... and nothing else, only at the box office a man with two drawers of the expensive (at a summer price!) Olive oil swears that in the rules of the store there are no restrictions on the amount of goods, and he will still buy these two boxes, you burn all the fire, even if you have three times to enter and go out, I have become physically bad.

I have already proved the "cheerful" end of the 80s - the beginning of the 90s, with two small children, with standing all night in five queues by recording, with the mining of a washing powder for children, because three packs in one hands, and you have to stand with Children and sleds and wait until they unload ... Then he experienced normally, on the youthful zador. And here at 34 suddenly felt herself a turtle tortilet. And no, just not again! Something like this.

Just bikes first days

Everything on the movies know what a typical American street looks like: houses, in front of them, the lawns, then the track, behind it still strip of lawn, sometimes more trees, and driving part, usually just two stripes. So, my children cost I do not know what kind of moral efforts to realize that the track, strip with trees and the passing part belong to the city, that is, this is a public place, and the lawn behind the path to home is private property. Without fences. Without gate. Without frightening inscriptions.

And there are local children there, they fall - they are at home. You go - on the lawn lie rollers, bicycles, dolls, books, balls. The younger first noded - Mom, the ball threw out on the street, let's pick up.

Of course, I was amazed. That the balls lie and no one touches. But I did not express amazement, but on the contrary, in every way emphasized: Well, you see, we went there - the ball lay, go back - lies, no one goes to someone else's lawn.

Further in the pool, my member Russian boys have already lived in the States for several years. Came home gloomy and demanded to immediately buy them smelting to the knees, like local. Otherwise, they were told, shame and shame.

And the younger distinguished again: he at some point he struck his finger, and at the pool there was a duty officer-observer from the management of the apartment complex. She stuck her plaster. Yeah, with some kind of boyfriend, which the younger then neatly brought to his bed. And he began to "scratch" 5 times for the day for the sake of these patches. It ended in sad: I was told that I have some very traumatic child, and let him no longer go to the pool without adults.

And there was still a story with the Gorgoles ... Children were dragged home the gypsum ridge the size of the middle crow. Obviously improvised and painted hands. Long swarried and beat themselves heels in the chest, which did not crawl, they did not go to other people's lawns, they found it in the bushes on the turn.

I went to check the bushes on the turn and realized what's the matter: there was a house on the corner plot, face on one street, sideways to another. And from this very side of the houses were densely embroidered bushes, birch flowers. Landscape design such, with a knocker under the forest. And in the bushes, there was a good ponatkano of any gnomes, angels, kids with books and other plaster pops. Of which my children, for some reason, decided to wash the black terrible Gargoye.

I went home, going to resolutely return the Monster in my bushes. But it turned out that my children played in the horror stories, parrot each other and assumed before the Gargoyle moved in the dark. As usual, they died, then turned on the light and cut the "mandeship" to the garbage, where and the poor female to smithereens. I then told them this story for several years, as the local old-year-old old woman could obey her, a bewiered that these Russian children are creating.

We were impaired, in my opinion, in most of the financial mistakes of the new arrivals

They took credit cards and loans with inconceivable conditions and interest, studied to repaint the budget in which the food now occupied a quarter from the strength, and housing rental was housing. For the first two years we moved three times, apartment, townhouse, house. And the house was cheaper than the first apartment and at its best place.

Children born faster me

The younger in the garden in Russia was one of two started. I thought there would be problems in school. Moreover, he is "without language." But in some way, in two weeks, he managed to push all the rules in two weeks: not to scratch, do not shout, no one to push and not even touch, not to take other people's things, not to throw things, including their own.

And the middle day of the English teacher gently talked for a farewell: "You can't do it there, it will not learn a language anyway, look for her Russian school!". Indeed, my girl was dyslexic, and in English for 4 years I learned only one word. Screech. Protein in their own.

So, this scoreer in two weeks of school has already been written to duty from the parking lot of bicycles, then into the choir, then somewhere else, then somewhere in January in the store modestly declared me that my accent is shy.

It was the children who went out that in local libraries, in addition to the books, they also give the video. On the same conditions, that is, free. And they started to carry cartoons and films with packs, took them "on three".

"Ours" were very helpful

We did not live in the Russian-speaking area. Just a few colleagues of her husband lived next to their families. But everyone meets by chance Russian-speaking was very happy, they advised a lot, were friendly. Here "our" - optional from Russia or Russian, all who of the former USSR is one diaspora.

It was 2001, the crisis just began and was covered by 2002 and our industry

The first loss of work in someone else's country is very hard. This is the collapse of plans, these are the thoughts that visas will exist and should be flying away. And without work - for what money? And schools in children, the beginning of the second school year, and everything else.

Therefore, work was looking for 12 hours a day, fiercely, the account of the letters sent hundreds per day. The experienced people comforted that they start responding after the first thousand.

Naturally, the first sentence was accepted immediately. Not the most successful, but better for the same.

Visas is a dependence on the employer, this is life on suitcases. Where there is work - there and go.

Americans also live like that, they are not embarrassing to move through the whole country for the good offer of work with the payment of moving. Well, on a working visa, at least something specialty to find, extend the visa, rent housing is already good.

So we were on the third year in California

It was one of two places in the states where I was afraid to go. The first is New York, we visited the passage there, and I didn't like it scary. And in California earthquakes!

I was very afraid of. Then it became accustomed. Shakes there always. everyday. You can find a site and make sure it was shaking, yesterday I also shook. But less than 3 points you do not feel at all. And 3-4 - this chair swung, on the go, as if half a second from under the feet, it was gone. You do not have time to get frightened - everything is already. Well, stop afraid.

TOTAL: For 15 years we moved 8 times, once across the floor country, children changed 11 schools (counting the transition from the initial to the middle and from the middle to the older), the husband changed 7 works, and I 5 (when it could already work).

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