How to recognize a bad psychologist before he goes into the brain


If a person is called a "psychologist", then this does not mean that this is a psychologist. This means that the person graduated from the university in the specialty "Psychology", which, as obviously, everyone who graduated from the university, does not say anything yet. Maybe a specialist, and maybe the granddaughter of the rector. Or the university volleyball team star.


How to distinguish an intelligent psychologist from the root owner? We offer seven signs for which the non-professional can be distinguished. Even one of them is a reason to alert. See two or more? Run.

Big hopes

Promises to return her husband, harmony and virginity? Promises that employers will resort, shaking salary, like the Gazprom's Chef? Promises peace, happiness, obedient children, never breaking manicure and a thousand successful first dates?

He is lying!

Psychologist - not a trader happiness in installments. The case of a psychologist is to teach fishing and instilled fishing rods, and do not give you a saucepan of my oars. And think - if this psychologist has a trouble-free method for mining money, bliss and good luck - what is she sitting in such a wonderful day in the office with other people, and not in the Canar.


Hints (and in severe cases - calls last names) that people from the most valuable circles visit her office. Want to join? Feel like a lugarian client?


No, well, if you want stockings, like Vanderbildy, it is impossible to ban. But questions arise. And your last name - she will also call everyone? And who said that the requests of the rich and famous are similar to yours? Maybe they go here.

If you deal with a normal psychologist, then it is generally other customers, you can find out only in two ways - coming to the therapeutic group or hearing about it from them. Even faced in the corridor - not a very good sign, meaning that she does not know how to count time.

White coat


She has "bad" customers, and she tells about them with anger. One aunt did not fulfill its program from one hundred steps and stretched up to 70 kilograms! One Uncle refused additional meetings and fired him from work. And one girl did not rewrote a letter of happiness seven times and received seventeen twokers at school!

And if you fulfill all her tasks, but you will not be happy - you just tried badly

And stupid. Yes Yes.

On all hands master


We have seen with our own eyes on the site of the psychological lady, the graduates of the MGPU: "Areas of work with clients - 1. Development of speech in children under three years; 2. Adaptation to kindergarten and school; 3. Problems of adolescence; 4. Psychological assistance in marital relations; 5. Retirement, adaptation to new conditions. "

And I also embroider with a cross

Imagine, you stand in front of the doctor's office, and Ivanova I.I., Dentist, Proctologist, ENT, Neurosurgeon written on the cabinet. Inside let's go? Yes, somehow is afraid. Another question, whether she has all the tools in one box. And whether it does not confuse them sometimes. A professional psychologist always has a clearly defined area of ​​the problems with which it works. And with other problems you will not take you, but will advise a colleague that is doing this.

All science academicians

On the wall above her head hanging: a diploma of the university, certificate with the word "Gestalt", certificate with the word "astrootherapy", certificate with the word "UNGICAN", as well as neurolinguistic programming, as well as facilitation, rehabilitation mediation, neuropsychology and tanatotherapy.

Small letters on each: course 36 hours

In addition, probably, astrootherapy. There are no details of the details. In general, if you are not a specialist and it is difficult for you to figure out what is better - on Freud, according to Adler or the girl Lenorman, they simply definition that at least two or three certificates are a continuation of the same, and it follows that a person has learned long. Year there, two. Better - five.

The world is full of fodys.


The basic education of a psychologist at least a third consists of the skill "Do not generalize!". And another third - from the skill to believe that the behavior of people has causes.

So then people, and then - these !!!

Do not be labeled to read social meshes of the alleged gear of human souls. Sometimes comes, really, the time of delicious stories. There are people with an abortion "psychologist" who offer to hang women who have made an abortion, sterilize chocks, drive cotton in Siberia, and sincerely surprise when reading doubts their professionalism.

But, thank the Internet, now it is not necessary to make experiments on himself, you can see in advance. For example, there is a very instructive selection of Catherine Sygitov - the statement of psychologists about # YanebolessAncup. Someone has already spooled and requires everyone to erase.

A good psychologist is not expressed at all about large groups of people. In no way. There are sociologists for this. And a good psychologist speaks at least someone with a solid condemnation two or three times for professional life. After that, there is a long tongue with soap on supervision, just in case.

You must!

Actually, no matter what. Throw smoking, pay more time to children, 25 minutes a day to do yoga, be a good girl, draw an intelligence card or free from kitchen slavery.

Lord, now I still have to

With a good psychologist, you will decide what exactly you are going to do, why and how. How is an important question, and usually not completely simple. And to make additional responsibilities without understanding how to cope with them - you can at home and completely free.

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