9 ways to protect from our ancestors who do not want to repeat at all


The contraception of mankind was not interested in the "prudent" twentieth century, but at about the moment when it realized that the children would be nice to feed, and not to look like "extra" dying.

True, the methods were almost as wild as the oldest of the methods of controlling the birth rate - infanticide. About which we, perhaps, not tell.

Greeks and Romans: Slims, which was so good that disappeared


Sylphy - something like a giant fennel, only this fennel was much more popular as a contraceptive mixture than, for example, chopped into a salad - at least for the ancient Greeks and the Romans, which relied on it in preventing the conception and interruption of pregnancy. In fact, Sylphy liked it so much for their effectiveness in the fertility control, that they have a rare plant before disappearance.

But what about historical contraceptives, which were also not perfect - or sometimes gave the result rather contrary to their properties? Let's tell about them. Just please do not try to use them!

Lemons: Do not eat after, and squeeze to


No one should surprise anyone that the famous heaven of the eighteenth century, Jacomo Casanova, was thinking about preventing pregnancy. It is probably that it belongs to the discovery of contraceptive properties of lemons.

The juice of these fruits contains citric acid, now known as the "killer" sperm. According to the studies of our days, lemon juice can immobilize spermatozoa less than a minute, which makes it an effective local spermicidal agent. True, it is not 100% effective - part of the "headastrics" may have time to achieve an egg.

Lemon peel can also be used as a barrier contraceptive. Unzie juice from the halves of lemon, swelling the flesh and insert a cup of peel into the vagina - you will get an ancient dairy cap.

Condoms from animal guts


And again, let's notice the contribution of Giacomo Casanov in the development of contraceptive means. This time in the form of condoms from the intestine of animals. Of course, condoms from the internals of animals and fish, as well as linen fabrics, were known long before him, already in ancient Egypt (A, maybe earlier), but before the eighteenth century and the Kazanovs were used more to prevent the transfer of venereal diseases and in ceremonial purposes, not to prevent pregnancy.

More modern rubber condoms appeared on the market only in the middle of the nineteenth century, after in 1839, Charles Chudjir invented the method of volcanization of rubber.

Sihei and be healthy


The ancient Greeks presented the Europeans the concept of democracy, the Olympic Games and the start of architecture, on which all the modern and ancient European architecture grew up. And they also bequeathed a very strange way to prevent pregnancy: sneezing.

Greek doctor Sorran Ephesian doubted the possible contraceptive effect of various amulets, but it was assumed that an excellent way to protect sperm before it fertilizes the egg. It recommended both sneezing and squats, bouncing and hanging pinks on their ass as pregnancy protection measures. But, as we know now, Chihai is not sneeze, it does not save it from bed.



The oil and extract from the mint leaves were used in history as a repellent and a detergent from fleas, fragrance (in perfumery and aromatherapy) and food seasoning. Bolotny mint tea was also used as a contraceptive. More precisely, he could not prevent pregnancy, so it was used post-finish to cause an abortion.

Did it work? The substance called the emblem contained in the plant is now known as toxin, it can almost instantly cause poisoning up to coma due to the failure of the liver and cardiovascular system, and damages many other internal organs. Of course, he can cause a miscarriage. True, in the process you can die.

Boligols: pain all


Boligols have historically used for a variety of purposes. In the eighteenth century, they were treated with cancer and various kinds of tumors, facilitated symptoms of syphilis, prescribed with bacterial infections like tuberculosis. The ancient Greeks used him for the execution of criminals.

In the thirteenth century, the Portuguese doctor Pedro Zhulian - which then became the Pope of the Roman John XXI - wrote the book "Treasure of the poor", which was a collection of medication prescriptions for the poor, who needed medical care, but there was no money to visit the doctor. Among the recipes there were fertility control tools, including a male contraceptive: a mark or a plaster from Boligol, pasted on the scrotum before the sexual act. It was assumed that this tool would help eggs and libido decrease.

Crocodile shit


Once, a long time ago, it was believed that animal faeces - and especially crocodile - there are some special properties. Especially believed in the crocodile shit of a woman of ancient Egypt and India. It was assumed that it prevents conception, and women made vaginal pills, mixing it with honey and, possibly, crystalline soda.

It turns out that feces - a high level of acidity, which makes it, though weak, but with a spermicidal agent. In addition, the pill of shit just overlapped the path of sperm.

Scrotum caress


This is more magical than a medical device. In the Middle Ages, it was believed that a woman could prevent pregnancy, tied a special amulet to the hip, made of scrotum of caress and / or rubble from the right side of the Black Cat, as well as a small number of ear sulfur.

According to convictions, it was possible to prevent the conception and tied the scrotum of caress on the neck - if for some reason she has no ear sulfur mule or a cat suitable suit.



The ancient Egyptians were probably the first people who applied to barrier contraceptives. This circumstance was recorded in EBERS papyrus, dated somewhere 1550 BC. According to him, women used vaginal candles made from acacia, raster dates and honey to prevent conception.

The technology was simple. Woolen or cotton fibers were drinking a mixture of acacia leaves, dates and honey and laid as an ordinary tampon. In fact, the remedy was used to be akin to the royal cap and was quite efficient. Tampon physically prevented the penetration of sperm into the uterus, and Höd allowed him to hold on the spot. But the main contraceptive qualities had acacia.

Recent studies of acacia revealed that its fermented juice contains milk acid, which suppresses the mobility of sperm, which makes it an excellent spermicidal agent.

Coca Cola


The isolation in order to prevent pregnancy was more popular among the ancient Romans and Grekuna, and it still finds recognition. In the fiftieth-sixties of the twentieth century, the "Coca-Cola" was very popular. The technology is simple: a glass bottle is taken, shakes, the plug breaks down and the jet of sodes is sent to the vagina.

Surprisingly, in 2008, urban legends on the effectiveness of "Coca-Cola" as a contraceptive means were partially confirmed: it can really kill spermatozoa, especially dietary. The whole thing in sugar, which is contained in Kola. However, in fact, sugar kills the spermatozoa too slow so that it is practical. And this is not counting possible health problems from entering the vagina of the carbonated drink.

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